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Planetary Reign Print & Play Available!

3 replies [Last post]
Joined: 01/17/2015

After a hiatus, a print and play package has been made available for download by the game designer. An instruction sheet can be found in the Files section of the game's page on Boardgamegeek here:

Alternatively, a direct link to downloading (using a secure Mediafire account) the complete zip package including an Instruction sheet can be found here:

I encourage you to have a go at making and playing Planetary Reign and I look forward to your comments and feedback. Have fun and thanks for your support.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Thanks for the link, your

Thanks for the link, your game looks interesting even if worker placement is not my thing.

Joined: 01/17/2015
larienna wrote:Thanks for the

larienna wrote:
Thanks for the link, your game looks interesting even if worker placement is not my thing.

You are welcome and and yes it does have the ring of a worker placement game. However in my opinion, its also quite different in that your workers perform multiple roles:

- they are used to select your actions and they don't have to compete against opponents to perform a particular action as in typical worker placement games
- they are used as population which means you have to trade off either having a larger population on the main board against the number of actions you can perform in a turn

Cheers and thanks for your comment.

Joined: 01/17/2015
Print N Play Structure Module Artwork Update

ixian wrote:
After a hiatus, a print and play package has been made available for download by the game designer. An instruction sheet can be found in the Files section of the game's page on Boardgamegeek here:

Alternatively, a direct link to downloading (using a secure Mediafire account) the complete zip package including an Instruction sheet can be found here:

I encourage you to have a go at making and playing Planetary Reign and I look forward to your comments and feedback. Have fun and thanks for your support.

UPDATE: My apologies to everyone but I just noticed a couple of minor artwork errors in the Print N Play artwork. I'm not sure how it happened but somehow some of my old working files ended up being linked to my print n play layouts.

The two errors were:

1. The Green 'Intelligence Structure Module' artwork is incorrect
2. The Green, Red, Orange and Purple 'Factory Structure Modules' artwork is incorrect

Also confirming that the existing rules concerning Structures in the rulebook and on the players aids is all still correct.

I have created a small file with the corrected Structure Module artwork.

I will also be updating the Print n Play package very soon.

Again, I am very sorry about the inconvenience.

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