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Protospiel Chicago 2016

Protospiel Chicago - Sponsored by The Game Crafter

If you are a game designer looking to get professional level feedback from other designers there is no better place to get that feedback. With around 50 other designers in attendance you’ll have the opportunity to play test your designs many times throughout the weekend. And the friendships you’ll make will last a lifetime.

If you’re a gamer who likes to try out new things, then Protospiel is also likely the best experience you’ll have. You’ll get to see dozens of new designs in a single weekend. Plus you’ll get to shape them before they hit the shelves of stores or the pages of Kickstarter.

The Game Crafter will be sponsoring this event with plenty of prototyping components for attendees.

Signup now for Protospiel Chicago!

The Protospiel Chicago website is powered by Tabletop.Events!

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