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Interesting Gladiator game on kickstarter.

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Willem Verheij
Willem Verheij's picture
Joined: 06/08/2016

I've been following this board game for some years now, looking forward to seeing it produced with eager anticipation, and now its finally on kickstarter.

Reviews seem good and I like how they really aimed for accuracy with the gladiators, as far as its possible in a game of course.
The artwork and miniatures also look pretty amazing.

Only a shame that the game is for now kickstarter exclusive, but I do plan to support and get the game that way. Been hearing plenty of good things about it from those who where part of the public testing.

I still don't have a roman themed game yet with miniatures, and it plays very different from the games I have so far so it will fit well into my collection.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Arena Rex is also good too...

It was a long time ago - but Arena Rex looked also interesting. At least the models looked more impressive than in Gladiatoris.

Check out the minis at:

That game has AWESOME miniatures too... But I think they are larger in size. Not 100% certain. But it's another impressive (and older) KS campaign.

I imagine you might be able to buy those miniatures elsewhere... Not sure.

Take a look... anyways, you may like it too! :)

Update: They have a website =

Just have look at this one - before you buy! You might like this one better - IDK! Cheers...

Willem Verheij
Willem Verheij's picture
Joined: 06/08/2016
Thanks for telling me about

Thanks for telling me about this game, but is it also any fun to play?

I really like detailed miniatures, but they should come with a good game that I'd want to play over and over again too.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Don't know?

Willem Verheij wrote:
Thanks for telling me about this game, but is it also any fun to play?

I really like detailed miniatures, but they should come with a good game that I'd want to play over and over again too.

Well you can watch the "playthru" videos on their website and on the KS page... I can't say what is FUN ... What you may like, I may dislike. I only suggested you take a look because Arena Rex has AMAZING Miniatures. And you can buy those you like and according to your own budget.

Figures come with their own CARDS too... So the game is linked between the miniatures and the cards. But you would have to evaluate which game you like better.

Personally I think the Arena Rex minis are nicer than those in Gladiatoris. I have not examined the gameplay - because I was just comparing those miniatures. Maybe Gladiatoris has better gameplay - IDK...

Just figured you might want to compare Gladiator games...


Willem Verheij
Willem Verheij's picture
Joined: 06/08/2016
The mini's do look nicer, but

The mini's do look nicer, but this seems more to be like miniature wargaming and that can get rather expensive.

I think I do prefer Gladiatoris since there seems to be more gameplay around it, its a board game and not a miniature wargame. The miniatures are still of high quality however, which explains the price and why they are not going for a retail release yet. For now its kickstarter only so grab it now you can if you'd want this game.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
It's okay

Just figured I point you to Arena Rex (if you like Miniatures/Wargames).

Me PERSONALLY, I like "Card Games". That's why I bought a couple copies of "Epic"... It's also the type of games that I design (to date no game with a board...)

So I'm NOT into minis or wargaming, etc.

ElKobold's picture
Joined: 04/10/2015
Willem Verheij wrote:grab it

Willem Verheij wrote:
grab it now you can if you'd want this game.

Regardless of what sort of game it is, it won't fund.

One can't get away with goal that high, unless you're CMON or something.

Willem Verheij
Willem Verheij's picture
Joined: 06/08/2016
I'm still in doubt if they

I'm still in doubt if they will reach the goal yes. That's why I figured to help spread awareness of this game since I'd like to see it get produced.

Main problem seems to be that they focused not enough on the market outside of spain. They playtested and tweaked it a lot in the last six years or such, but always inside spain and with no english playthroughs. They do plan to put an english playthrough video up now though.

I mean, if they went to a boardgame event in the UK or the Netherlands, where english would be enough to get by, they could have grabbed some more awareness of their game. They had a good looking prototype for many years already after all.

ElKobold's picture
Joined: 04/10/2015
Also, compare what they offer
questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
That's STIFF competition

ElKobold wrote:
Also, compare what they offer with this:

Wow @Arty thanks for sharing that link... That's an INSANE KS!!! And nearly $1M worth of miniatures sold... Pretty kewl.

With all these competing games - it's no wonder everyone, and his second cousin twice removed, is battling for the same dollars!

I'm not in to miniatures - per se - I do have an interest in them ... but in the far future (not the present). I'm going to see if I can ADAPT a "minis" game to my "Card Game" (Tradewars - Homeworld)... At some point the parties involved in the game - will come together and see what we can make of it...

But it's going to be founded on a SOLID "Core" Product and "minis" will be a FUTURISTIC "expansion" if the game sells well...

However for the time being, we are focused on delivering a great "Core" product...

Willem Verheij
Willem Verheij's picture
Joined: 06/08/2016
ElKobold wrote:Also, compare

ElKobold wrote:
Also, compare what they offer with this:

Wow that's a pretty amazing kickstarter considering all the content you get with it.

Certainly tempted to back it even though I already have a game with greek mythology miniatures.. I'm trying to go for different themes to have variety.
The one I have is Cyclades + hades expansion.

Just watched the playthrough and it does look like a fun game with a nice amount of strategy.. some luck with dice involved, but there seems to be a right amount of options possible to turn misses into hits.

I'll think about it for now though.. I'll give it 10 days before I decide.

I'm still working on the first draft of a book I am writing and need to finish the last few chapters, but need some motivation/deadline/incentive to keep working on it, I dont work well without any pressure at all.

So if I get to finish my first draft of the last chapters in 10 days, I'll get to back a game. If it looks like Gladiatoris will make it by then, I'll back that one since the gameplay seems more unique, and otherwise I will back Mythic battles since it looks very amazing too and I don't have a game like either of them yet in my collection.

Thanks for the link!

Willem Verheij
Willem Verheij's picture
Joined: 06/08/2016
Well gladiatoris is sadly not

Well gladiatoris is sadly not going anywhere, hopefully they will relaunch the campaign later on after proper preperation.

I pledged to Mythic Battles: Phanteon now as it's going into its last day.
It's just crazy how much content you get for the main pledge, and they have plenty of expansions on offer as well.

Such a fun game too, where every miniature truly brings something new to the table, a new tactic to use with other units. And due to the drafting mechanic and skirmish option, everything will be brought to the table.

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