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BGDL 17 -Sen-FoongLim: How to Organize a Game Design Space

Sen-Foong Lim, designer of Belfort and Junk Art, discusses the many things a good game design space needs and ways to organize it all.

Listen to the episode here:


Something is wrong with the Podcast

Hi @Gabe, for some reason this Podcast is not playing... Technical difficulties.

May want to have a 2nd look to make certain people can listen to the Podcast!

Just an FYI...

Is it not working on the site

Is it not working on the site or in iTunes?

Website malfunction!

I know it's not working on the site... I don't know about iTunes...

Nevermind ...

It's fixed ... it was something to do with my Firewall blocking the connection to the website. It's corrected now and I can hear the Podcast. Sorry ... technical troubles on MY end!

Other Thoughts

Great podcast! I wanted to add so everyone knows Amazon sells blank playing cards. They are easy to write on and easy to shuffle. A must have.
I also managed Office Depot/Office Max for years. I worked hand in hand daily with the print department. They are great for print samples and print n plays. If anyone has questions about it let me know. I printed and designed countless of similar things.

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