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Oh, we're in it now - Day 9 of Amateur Golf Tour (Yes, a different name)


These following weeks, I face the most exciting and most dreadful part of my journey: Playtesting with strangers.

I started posting on FB about potential playtesters in my area, and the reults are alittle over my expectations. I actually expected a few likes, but no one actually being interested. But Just minutes after posting, I got a slew of responses from people interested and excited to play my game. It's very exhilarating to see, but also terrifying.

I've never done a playtest with people I don't know. Although it's been said that the best results come from blind playtests, I don't know how to approach it.

Playtests start next week, as I still need to set my schedule (and my rulebook) straight. Praying for the best!


Happy to see you got

Happy to see you got playtesters. I don't know the first thing on where to ask or where to go. Now that I think about it meetup game clubs might be good.

Anyway, saw you on TGC and wish you the best.

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blog | by Dr. Radut