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Multideck 1.4 is available - Create custom cards for prototypes

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Rick-Holzgrafe's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008

Multideck is a Macintosh app for creating custom card decks for prototypes. Version 1.4 is now available in the Mac App Store.

This release introduces the Styles, Series, and Rotors features. These new capabilities will make it easier to maintain a standard "look" for your cards, let you specify your decks more concisely, and update them quickly and easily and with less risk of errors.

For an introduction to Multideck and its basic features, please visit our Multideck How-To Videos web page. Thanks!

Joined: 12/19/2017
Hi Rick. Just downloaded the

Hi Rick. Just downloaded the program this morning. I'm looking forward to learning it and creating the deck for my prototype.

Rick-Holzgrafe's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008

Excellent! The built-in Help pages are very complete, and illustrated. The Help menu also has a link to some how-to videos on our Web site, to help you get started. And you can use the Contact Us form on the Web site if, after all that, you still have questions.


Joined: 12/19/2017
Great thanks. I'm going

Great thanks. I'm going through the help menu to learn the program and it's been very helpful. From what I've read so far, it's going to make creating and updating cards much faster and cheaper than what I've been doing up until now (drawing them on actual blank cards I've been ordering online) LOL. I'm creating a spreadsheet in Numbers. Hopefully this weekend I'll have time to create a template and see if I did everything correctly. I'll be sure to use the contact form should I have any questions.

Joined: 12/19/2017
Have enjoyed using Multi Deck

Hello again Rick. Just wanted to pop in and say how much I have enjoyed using Multideck so far. It was quite easy and intuitive to learn. There are still quite a few features I have to dig into but for what I needed right now it worked perfectly. I finally printed the 200+ cards for my prototype over the weekend and they look way better than the ones I drew myself for the first iteration. Thanks for the great program.

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