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Quest Adventure Cards(tm) v1.5 - Reboot now ON SALE! Save 26% off!

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Please consider purchasing your copy of this good game and help support my designs and future projects including more EXPANSIONS for this product/game:

Visit The Game Crafter at:

The sales goes from September 2 to 9, 2024... Save 26% off the regular price of Quest AC v1.5 (which is normally $29.95 USD)! During this sale the price point is $22.15 USD so don't wait, get your copy of this game TODAY!!!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Did I mention that the game was ILLUSTRATED by "Geof Isherwood" a former Marvel and D.C. Comic artist/illustrator??? We spent a couple of month making all the art for the ORIGINAL game and we've included as much was possible in this reboot but some piece have yet to be included...

Which is WHY(!) I was talking about the future and possible expansion packs to this game. There would be two (2) 18 Card Expansions featuring some new Take-That cards and some recycled art and some NEW art too! Would be amazing to work with Geof again and see some more ore this wonderful game.

Anyhow ... at 26% off the original price I already bought some copies for @The Professor to have a look since he said he "absolutely wants to see and play this game" (Talking about the ORIGINAL Quest AC) ... But the Reboot promises to be that much better TBH!


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Recently purchased some copies for Reviewers!

Because the sales price is also for Designers BUYING copies of the game for say some Reviewers or a Developer (which would be @The Professor) ... I've bought a few copies of the game (a total of 4 copies so far...) which is great because it also SAVES me money by lowering the price point during the sale!

Joe (@The Professor) has been spearheading the Reboot of "Quest AC" saying "We need this game!" Haha.

So that's what got me thinking about the Reboot and how to improve the game, make it more favorable for players, and just remove some of the BAD decisions of the original First Edition of Quest AC.

We'll see what Joe thinks about this simple, but FUN game...


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