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Why a SpaceGame (part 2)

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X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

So. I have been working on a new dice mechanic.
And I want to return to work on my SpaceGame.
where a player has several fleets. A home planet. And can design their own ships by combining cards.

Some basics

A player can build up a ship design by combining several cards together.

A ship can have:
- a hull
- a shield
- a set of weapons (you need a special card in order to install another set of weapons)
- other upgrades

The total weight is simply adding up all the costs.

The H/D ratio is 2 to 1.
With a shield, the ship is very bulky.
So, a basic ship has a hull and 1 weapon.

A weapon has a basic accuracy of 50%.
But can have another accuracy, depending on the weapons that are chosen.

Since there are no real obstacles for both movement and attacks. The movement speed and attack range can have the same value again.

With a H/D ratio of 2 to 1. This means that each movement speed and attack range of 1, will add 50% to the weight.
The hulls with weight 1, will have their movement speed at 2, 4, 6 etc. For a weight cost of 2, 3, 4 etc.
The same is true for a weapons system.

As for a shield or other upgrades.
The cost of a shield depends on the movement speed of the hull. There will be a basic cost. And an additional cost for every X movement.
If the shield weight is only 1. Then the extra cost is 0.5 per movement speed. Rounded upwards.

A hull of 2 with a movement of 3 would weight 5.
Then adding a shield of 1 would be 2.5 to add. Rounded upwards, this is 3. So the total cost would be 8 now.
This is the most difficult math a player needs to be able to do. Perhaps I can add a little table to the shield. I do not plan to exceed a movement of 9. Nor for the attack range.

Weight and Value system

For the projectiles and hulls/shields. I want to go with a value set of:
Weight - Value
1 - 1
2 - 3
(3 - 6)
4 - 9
(6 - 18)
8 - 27

If you have 1 weapon, costing 8 and dealing 27 damage.
Then 8 fodder ships, costing 8x1, they have 8 hulls. You need 16 turns to kill them all.
The other way around... you need to hit with at least 54 projectiles of 1 damage each, in order to destroy a hull of 27.

Either way, I considered countering the triangular effect with a threshold mismatch.

And to top that of, I do allow for the defending player to sort the fleet in targetting priority, prior to a battle. Then, the attacking player can sort the projectiles if it can benefit from that.

So, from a mix, if all ships with hulls of 9 are used as front line. Then the attacking player may use up all projectiles with 9 damage.

As for cost calculations...the player needs to add up all the costs.

For the number of projectiles. We can have a maximum of 120.
The box contains a set of dice of 4 different colours.
3 dice; weights 1, Red with black
3 dice; weights 3, Yellow with silver
3 dice; weights 9, Blue with copper
3 dice; weights 27, Black with gold

The player counts the number of projectiles of a certain type.
Then selects the dice it needs. Thus for example, the number of projectiles needed are 80.
3x1, 3x3, 3x9 and 2x27 are selected.
The player rolls for accuracy. Then for the H/D of 50% as well. If the result exceeds 80, one of the dice of value 27 is removed. Any other result also counts.

There will be a little table in the manual that will tell the player, which dice can be used.
001-001: 1x1
002-002: 2x1
003-003: 3x1
004-006: 3x1, 1x3
007-009: 3x1, 2x3
010-012: 3x1, 3x3
013-021: 3x1, 3x3, 1x9
022-030: 3x1, 3x3, 2x9
031-039: 3x1, 3x3, 3x9
040-066: 3x1, 3x3, 3x9, 1x27
067-093: 3x1, 3x3, 3x9, 2x27
094-120: 3x1, 3x3, 3x9, 3x27

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Current issue?

The map

I would love to have a hexagon map that represents a 3-D space map.

Then, when calculating the distance. I know there is a 2-D variant where they count 1 for adjacent squares and 1.5 for diagonal.

The same could be done on a hexagon map???

But what if your XYZ coördinates all 3 change?

1 directions; 1
2 directions; sqrt(2)=1.41 or 1.5
3 directions; sqrt(3)=1.73 or 1.75

I could also say, 4, 6 and 7. But rather not.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
After consideration

I have made 2 decisions for the 3-D map.

1. I keep a normal 2-D map. But add a counter to indicate the Z-axis. A special edition could have acrylic stackable stands for the fun of it. Or something that doesn't tumble over.

2. 3-D is complex. So the so called Manhattan movement is best. For those players that are smart. The distance can be calculated. "easily". The change in X,Y,Z. Reduce all 3 with the minimum. 1 or 2 coördinate changes remain. The reduction counts for 200%. Then Reduce the last 2 coördinates with their minimum. This reduction counts for 150%, rounded down. Then the last remaining coördinate difference counts only 100%.

An example:
A fleet moves from 5,3,7 to 8,2,6.

Manhattan is 8-5=3, 3-2=1, 7-6=1. A total of 5.

The other option. Which also uses 3,1,1. We remove 1 on all 3 coördinates.
2,0,0. And we have 2x1=2.
Only 1 coördinate remains. Which adds 2 more. Thus 4

Another example:
A fleet attacks from 9,4,2 to 1,5,9.

Manhattan style gives us 9-1=8, 5-4=1, 9-2=7

8,1,7. We remove 1 on all 3 coördinates.
7,0,6. And we have 2x1=2
2 coördinates remain this time.
We remove 6 on both remaining coördinates.
1,0,0. We add 1.5x6=9
The last one is just 1.
So 2+9+1=12.


Of course I could just discard it all and keep space flat. But then you get something like Star Trek Armadda.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Ship portions

Let's begin with the hulls.
First I wanted to know the limits of the game.
Conclusion is that there are 0.5 as "costs" in the game.
Question is that, "should I allow this?" Seeing it is only a half.
The problem lies within the shields that are added. They are going to get a small table or "formula" on how much they cost on ships with a certain movement speed.

Smallest and cheapest hull would be 1 armor, 1 speed, cost 1.5

With a speed setting of a maximum of 9. Maybe "X" which is 10.
Let's go with 10.
Biggest and most expensive hull would be 81 armor (tier 5), X speed, cost 96.
Alas, not adding these for obvious reasons.

The shields are the same. Where each shield will have the following:
Cost equals hulls (( movement speed / 2 ) + 1 ) times #
Where # is given.

Perhaps I can do it differently.
And there might be shields, only active if the ship doesn't move. Thus making them cheap.

They will have 3 turns during a battle.
The normal weapons will shoot the same, each turn.
Other weapons will either be a burst and then they are done.
Or a slow weapon, thus wait till the last turn.

The weights are roughly 3-2-1 or 9-6-4. I have not settled on this yet.
3-2-1 is easy to design. But 9-6-4 is balanced.
It is really that 4, not being a 3. Then again, using a weapon that needs to wait 2 turns before it fires is a gamble in direct combat.
As for long distance, if there is no return fire. You have a sure way to deal a lot more damage.

Normal weapon fires with "4-4-4" damage, the weight (not cost), is "24", the damage total is 12. Putting this same weight in the last turn only. "0-0-24" The damage total is now "24".

Depending on the designs. It is a fact that the normal vs the long distance. With "4" also being the armor. A normal weapon will have destroyed 1 other ship in the first 2 turns.
With 36 vs 36 (just numbers as examples). We have 36 vs 0 in the third turn. And they still can fire though.
You need to have the upper hand. Or a RPS mismatch.

Would a burst do better? The burst fires with "8-0-0". They too can destroy 1 ship each. Although, they will not fire anymore, in the second and third turn.

If there is a RPS mismatch by 1 tier, then you will see the power of the normal and long range climb.
If you need trice the fire power for destroying a target ship.

Then 36 burst will only destroy 12-0-0.
The normal can do 6-6-6.
And the long range does 0-0-36.
Given, if there are 36 ships present.

With the squads in place.
Burst vs long range would end up in 12 versus 24 after 1 round (3 turns).
Burst vs normal would end up in 22 versus 24.
normal vs long range would end up in 12 versus 18.

Seeing as how a player can throw in any ship in front. It will be possible to have fodder and tank walls as well. Then the whole strategy will change drastically.

With a RPS tier 1 mismatch. It sure is different.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
My worst skill...

Giving names.

The hull will practically be carrying the main name of a ship. However, weapons are optional.
This means that a name like destroyer is illogical.

When looking at other games with modular units. There are "themes".
Recebtly, I have been playing Warzobe 2100. Where you find 5 themes for 14 bodies.

So with this idea, I should be able to do something similar, right?

But the shields, weapons and other stuff could follow the same principle.

Of course you got laser, cannon, rocket etc.
But the naming could be thematic.

Yet, it has to be in line with the other themes.

Example, I could go with bird names. Then a weapon could be "claw rockets", "beak cannon". Stuff like that. Dinosaur names are an option too.

Other themes could be like elements, phases of matter, types of radiation, types of trees, etc.

But what would be best?

I think, anything that is related to lizards. What do you think?

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Designing a ship, and other stuff

Type of cards:

- Hulls aka bodies aka spaceships. Brings in;
Movement speed
Always required as basis

- Modifier for the hull, shield, brings in;
Cost depending on the hulls movement speed
Possible to have a speed limit from 0 to the hulls movement speed
Shield (like a seco d threshold of armor)

- Modifier for the hull, engine, brings in;
Cost depending on the hulls armor
Possible to combine with a shield, engine gets priority due to speed modifier
Extra movement speed

- Weapon system. Brings in;
Number of projectiles per combat turn
Damage per projectile
Accuracy per projectile (there is always a secondairy roll of 50%, unless noted otherwise, which costs a penalty)
Attack range (possible to have 2 different ones)

Weapon modifiers become a bit more tricky:
- Changing accuracy is difficult, it could be that a weapon system has different accuracies.
- Changing attack range has the same principle.
- Changing tier or damage is easy.
- Changing the number of projectiles is silly, since you can add more of the same system.

Maybe the modifier cards should be personalized to the hulls and weapons. So that less math for the player is involved.But I want to have all players to make use of the same deck.


A new rule.
A weapon has 3 turns. But, can be paused.
If you have a burst weapon of a certain tier. You can have it wait a turn or 2 before it fires.
In the meantime, other weapons could clear out shields or something.

Example, a normal weapon is tier 1.
The burst is tier 3.
The enemy has tier 3 hulls with tier 1 shields.
In order to destroy as much ships as possible, the shields are being removed first in the 3 turns. Then the burst is applied.
There are risks, but the rewards are better.


A special weapon has EMP.
It can only remove shields.
Works the same in any other regard.
Due to not having the ability to destroy a target.
The weight will only be 50%.
A hull is 100%
A hull with shield is 200%
A weapon system is 100%
2 weapon systems is 200%
A weapon system with an EMP is 150%
Maybe anydice can give me an estimate of how much EMP is really worth.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Designing a ship, and other stuff

Type of cards:

- Hulls aka bodies aka spaceships. Brings in;
Movement speed
Always required as basis

- Modifier for the hull, shield, brings in;
Cost depending on the hulls movement speed
Possible to have a speed limit from 0 to the hulls movement speed
Shield (like a seco d threshold of armor)

- Modifier for the hull, engine, brings in;
Cost depending on the hulls armor
Possible to combine with a shield, engine gets priority due to speed modifier
Extra movement speed

- Weapon system. Brings in;
Number of projectiles per combat turn
Damage per projectile
Accuracy per projectile (there is always a secondairy roll of 50%, unless noted otherwise, which costs a penalty)
Attack range (possible to have 2 different ones)

Weapon modifiers become a bit more tricky:
- Changing accuracy is difficult, it could be that a weapon system has different accuracies.
- Changing attack range has the same principle.
- Changing tier or damage is easy.
- Changing the number of projectiles is silly, since you can add more of the same system.

Maybe the modifier cards should be personalized to the hulls and weapons. So that less math for the player is involved.But I want to have all players to make use of the same deck.


A new rule.
A weapon has 3 turns. But, can be paused.
If you have a burst weapon of a certain tier. You can have it wait a turn or 2 before it fires.
In the meantime, other weapons could clear out shields or something.

Example, a normal weapon is tier 1.
The burst is tier 3.
The enemy has tier 3 hulls with tier 1 shields.
In order to destroy as much ships as possible, the shields are being removed first in the 3 turns. Then the burst is applied.
There are risks, but the rewards are better.


A special weapon has EMP.
It can only remove shields.
Works the same in any other regard.
Due to not having the ability to destroy a target.
The weight will only be 50%.
A hull is 100%
A hull with shield is 200%
A weapon system is 100%
2 weapon systems is 200%
A weapon system with an EMP is 150%
Maybe anydice can give me an estimate of how much EMP is really worth.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Thematic names so far

Most are fast and agile.

Cost 3
Armor 1
Speed 4

Cost 4
Armor 1
Speed 6

Cost 5
Armor 1
Speed 8

Cost 6
Armor 3
Speed 4

Cost 7
Armor 3
Speed 5

Cost 8
Armor 3
Speed 6

Cost 10
Armor 9
Speed 3

Cost 12
Armor 9
Speed 4

Cost 15
Armor 18
Speed 3


This list made me realize that the Speed shouldn't only be a fleet limit. But it should also be intertwened into the combat mechanic.

For a public version of my wargame. I dind't had this. For my hobby game, the force movement was a factor, thus you had purification of a force.

But for the space game. During the combat, I could allow the full movement speed "on the spot". I need to think of a way that it isn't too overpowered. And the penalty system pops up in my head.
But...only in combination with a negative effect.

My first idea is to have the spaceships make use of their movement speed as an agility factor while fighting. They can take less damage. But, their weapons will receive the exact same penalty. Each class of designed ships can make use of this on their own. The decision has to be made before hand. Since the opponent will also make decisions like these. Another decision would be if some ships hold fire.

A possible strategy could occur now, that I have not seen before within 1 round. If an opponent has a burst weapon, while the player has a slow weapon. This player is not firing weapons in the first turn. But could decide to be agile. Thus taking less fire. The down side is, that this same class of ships need to lure the fire in the first place.

As for what the penalty could be?
Perhaps the same system as I used in my hobby game.
A penalty score is a 5/6th roll to hit.
Penalty 2: 4/6
Penalty 4: 3/6
Penalty 6: 2/6
Penalty X or 10: 1/6

The fastest and smallest fodder can have X speed, thus a penalty of 1/6th.
The cost for that ship would be 6. It just so happens that if this ship has no ability to move. The value would normally equal 1.
In other words, the 2 extremes cancel each other out here.
If translated to durability, I get this list:
Cost 1.0, Speed&Penalty 0, durability 1.0
Cost 1.5, Speed&Penalty 1, durability 1.2
Cost 2.0, Speed&Penalty 2, durability 1.5
Cost 3.0, Speed&Penalty 4, durability 2.0
Cost 4.0, Speed&Penalty 6, durability 3.0
Cost 6.0, Speed&Penalty X, durability 6.0

Meaning that the durability does not exceed the cost.
Of course there is a damage output penalty as well.
The efficiency of a ship if it has an equal weapon attached that is supposed to fire.
1, 1, 1, 1.... 1 and...yes, 1

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Size of the shared deck, goal?

Not sure what is decent.

If players can design up to 9 different ships.... Maybe only 6 then?
There should be a holder for the cards that go into the design.
These holders are in a row.
The first column (row 0), will simply be a number for the fleet on the board.

Then, in each square, there should be several boxes. In which we can put counters.
1 for the number of ships.
1 for damage dealt in that turn. So that we can keep using dice. And the damage is allocated after each turn.
1 for special commands for that ship in that fleet. Like that agility strategy.
1 for.... Idk, I would like to have a 2x2 square. But maybe 1 big +2 smaller ones would also be good.

Right next to the, actually left of the row 0. Row -1, which tracks the turns a fleet has played in that round.
It is 3 turns per fleet. So everything gets their turns. I am not sure though if I should allow a fleet to finish their remaining turns in a later stage.
If a fleet moves physically, that would cost a turn as well.
And moving and firing at the same time would cost 2 turns and a penalty.

Either way, the number of cards should be:
Players x Allowed ships x (Hull + Shield + Engine + Weapon)
4 x 6 x (4 + 2 + 1 + 3) = 240

I could design up to 96 unique hulls, 48 unique shields???, 24 engines, 72 unique weapons.

I better design like 24 unique hulls.
As for shields, a set of 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, 54 and 81 = 9
With 1 set being only active if the fleet doesn't move.
1 set being always active, no matter what velocity.
Then some extra shields that get a limit. But not sure what would be best.

As for weapons, more copies of the cheaper ones. And this same should also be applied to the hulls and shields.

Engines are unique cards.
EMP weapons are unique cards.
The most common weapons could get upgrade cards.

Somewhere at the beginning, I said that you need a special card in order to add a second weapon card. I forgot why, so I discard this rule. No special card needed to get a second weapon.

I figured, I need to start designing the cards a bit. For playtesting.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

Getting a design into the fleet.

When a design is completed. The player needs to research the design first. A ship cost is often around 10 at the early stages. But tanky variants are also possible.

So, the first ship costs 5 times its cost.
Second ship 10 times.
Third 15 times. etc.

2 paths are possible here.

1. The player gets expensive ships first into production. The research is tough, but relatively cheaper now. If a ship cost 30 and you have to gather 150 resources. So be it.
Then you have only a few ships in the fleet.

Later on, a cheap ship costing 10. Would require 30 times for the 6th slot. Thus the research is 300 here.

2. The player starts to get the cheap ship first. 10 for a ship? 50 for research. When you compare with the first option. And you assume the generic resources at that point are 300 in total. The first option has only 5 ships of 30. But the second option has 25 ships of 10.

Of course, if the ship of 30 is finally allowed in the 6th slow. You need 900 resources in order to get this ship into production.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
List of bugs

Perhaps I could use that list of names above. For the middle tiers.

And use bug names for the lower tiers.

I should think of at least 9 bugs. That can fly...and usually get eaten by our feathered friends? Idk, I should look up later what they eat.

Oh, here I see my skills in the language failing.
I have no access atm to a good translator either.

After the bugs. Animals that eat birds.
But....they will mostly be slow. So, cats???

In Warzone 2100 you have 3 bugs and 3 cats as well.
But the middleground are snakes for some reason.

I could humor myself and set up some more lists of animals. And not look at flying capabilities.
Spaceships float in space. I could go for fish. I could go for sea animals.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Why NOT a spacegame (rant or analysis, whatever your mood is)

No interest at all
See title.
But why?
What are the reasons?

Too bland?
In space, you got emptyness.
And if you create a 2D map. Well, certain parts would still be missing.

Missing terrain attributes?
1. Gas clouds
Although, I would have implemented gas clouds. As an idea from Star Trek Armadda.
Some clouds and objects would act as mountains. Thus blocking the ships AND projectiles.
Some clouds and objects would act as forests. Partly blocking the ships AND projectiles.
Some clouds and objects would act as water. Blocking the ships, but not the projectiles.

2. The third dimension
As for high ground versus low ground effects.
In certain wargames, shooting from low to high ground would have the projectiles being "blocked". While movement would be less to no way, at a disadvantage.
Gravity around planets and other objects could have been a thing. As influence on position of your fleet compared to an enemy fleet.

3. The third dimension, part 2
Wormholes could have been a thing.
Going from one side to another.
But having the map fold in on itself could also have been a thing.
Stil, these 2 can be done with a "normal" wargame as well. Where magic and stuff.... could serve as well.

4. The third dimension, part 3
Like really a third dimension. In a 2-D wargame with tanks and air and subterrain. But also low and high ground. You really emphazise on 3-D already.
But in a space game, this could come forth as a third dimension all together in which your fleet moves around etc. But, the mapping is more difficult to be interesting. And people tend to think in 2.5-D
3-D is very difficult for most people.
Let alone 3.5-D or more.

Lack of weapon attributes?
Artillery avoiding terrain attributes...
IDK, but correct me if I am wrong. Projectiles could have a propulsion on their own. Thus avoiding certain terrain effects. Like those gasclouds and objects I previously mentioned.

Fear of the unknown?
I don't know, but whilest I wanted to share new and the obvious idea's. It seems there is zero interest from all sides.
As for the whole thing that got this started. The new way of dice rolling. It helped me so much, that I might as well go into seclusion again. And just play with my basic infantry and tanks.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
A limit on card portions

Today I learned something else.
And it regards the combining of cards into a design.

First things first. The more cards into one design. The more complicated it gets.

But also, if you start from a theory of everything. And cut this into portions. You will see that you need more and more statistics, IFfff you want to keep a certain balance.

I will try to explain this in terms of simple statistic names. And you can think of any game.


The all in one card:
- Cost
- Health
- Speed
- Damage
- Range

5 statistics


We split up in a body and weapon sections. Where 0 to multiple weapons can be added to a body.

- Cost
- Health
- Speed

- Cost
- Damage
- Range

Basis 3 statistics.
+3 statistics per extra weapon card.
A normal design has 6 statistics in total now.


We add a weapon upgrade card? Now we get more statistics.

Weapon upgrade; extra attack range:
- Range modifier

- Cost modifier based on per 1 range

+4 statistics per extra weapon card.
Of which 1 is only applied when the weapon upgrade is applied.
A normal design still has 6 effective statistics in total now.
With that range modifier 8.


The same can be done with a speed modifier.

Body upgrade; extra movement speed:
- Speed modifier

- Cost modifier based on per 1 speed

Now a body card has 4 statistics as well.
A maximum of 10 can be applied. add more weapons.


A weapon in my games can also have:
- Damage type
- Multiplier
- Damage attributes
- Accuracy

An upgrade card could add:
- Extra multipliers
For which the weapon card needs:
- An individual cost per projectile.
- A cost modifier for that attack range upgrade as well...

An upgrade card could add:
- Better accuracy
Which works roughly the same as extra multipliers
- An individual cost per extra accuracy.
- A cost modifier for that attack range upgrade as well...
- Yip, we now need a cost modifier for that extra multiplier card...

Body cards could also have:
- Propulsion type
- Attributes
hold on.

Why not split the propulsion type from the body?
Another cost modifier. is chaotic now.

I guess you get the idea of why you need to limit yourself in this.



1- Having body and weapon specific upgrade cards?
2- Not too many cards per design?
3- Limiting your card types. eg. Only 4 types: Body, Weapon, Body movement, Weapon attack range.
4- Better understanding of the inner workings of a balance. eg. Modifiers give AND take stats.

1. Will work best, but consume lots of cards etc. You get a MtG type of game. While balanced, you really need to build a deck with a goal in mind.
2. If you allow less cards per design. You automatically have less cards in total. But, you need to combine more into 1 card at a time. The most optimal here is.... 1 design per card. Bye idea of combining cards!
3. With only 4 types allowed. You don't have much other room to do other things. But it is kinda limited. In a sense, 2 to 4 cards for an unit with a body and weapon. Perhaps some more cards for more weapons etc.
4. More movement? Less health! Well, it doesn't work like that, but you get the idea? I tested a bit with this. But perhaps it only works in combination of option 1. But it could be such that you can only apply 1 modifying card per type of card. So, the body could be a tank with 100 health and 3 movement. The modifying card takes 1 movement and adds 20 health. But this can not be done twice. 100 health and 3 speed is worth 120. 120 health and 2 speed is worth 120. 140 health and 1 speed is worth 112.
Not to mention, you can't keep adding these cards.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I'm not saying I read everything and understood 100% but...

I will state that at some point in time, I had considered "Body" + "Weapon" + "Option". OR more like "Weapon" + "Body" + "Accessory".

Accessory was either another "Weapon" or some other kind of useful equipment.

While the IDEA sounds super COOL "in theory"... In PRACTICE it is not very interesting TBH. Why? Because it adds a sh!tload of complexity and most of the time, you won't have the "Weapon" you want with the "Accessory" you want. It'll be the forever "balancing" act of getting the sh!tiest "Weapon" (or something passable) with whatever good enough "Accessory".

And when I talk about "balancing" I'm talking about the GREATEST and ULTIMATE "Weapon" best against your opponent doesn't happen. Especially if you have a DECK of cards and you are drawing one (1) Card per turn from this Deck.


So I gave up on this IDEA concluding that "in theory" it sounds GREAT. BUT in PRACTICE it really sucks bad. I would not invest more time into this idea as I KNOW it is bad... I've toyed with it for about 6-Months to conclude that it is CRAPPY. It doesn't work out to being cool in most situations because you'll use whatever you CAN and that sucks... Hehehe.

Sorry to break into your thoughts. I just wanted to voice my opinion on the IDEA which I KNOW sucks. Like I said I gave it a TRY myself too. Because when it was initially mentioned, I like you thought it would be of interest.

Sometimes it takes actually creating a prototype and figuring out if the "concept" works or not. Regretfully this "Body" + "Weapon" configuration did not work in the myriad of tests that I made.


I instead decided to go with Multiple UNITS and varying COMBOS for them. So you have a TEAM or PARTY and depending on the configuration, certain UNITS can operate together. I've playtested this and for ME, it works. I recently had a break-thru while doing some analysis with dice. To be brief, I turned the Dice rolling into a Push-Your-Luck (PYL) mechanic. The PYL just means that if you MAY roll a dice up to "x" times, each time you roll the next roll can be lower than the previous roll. Meaning if you score a "5" on 1D6 on your 2nd Roll and you have 3 Rolls... Might as well quit and USE "5" as the value.

Because the odds are NOT in your favor that you will roll the "6" on your LAST roll... Same goes with similar rolls and values. PYL is present in the design and is a counter-balance to overpowering. YES, you can get lucky... And roll a "6" right-away and stop there... But the odds of that a 1 in 6 (or 16.67%).

I like this... Because RANDOMNESS means that even if you have the BEST TEAM, you are NOT GUARANTEED to WIN. The opposite of a MtG Deck: "If you use this Deck Strategy, 95% of the time you will win." And all of that is determined by the DECK, not HOW you PLAY.

So PYL and RANDOMNESS has a "balancing" effect and means that less CERTAINTY than always playing the SAME cards and usually winning.

Cheers @X3M!

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
It worked well in Tradeworlds

Where you had a ship, crew and weapons.

But it was really just the statistics, ship, crew and weapons.
Each card was like, just 1 statistic.

Perhaps I should map my idea. And stop once I hit a roadblock.


As for randomness.
Yes, it is also a way to balance games.
There is a lot of math involved here. And can be applied in several ways.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
It worked in TradeWorlds because...

You could pick the pile you wanted to BUY from... It doesn't work very well with a DECK like in MtG or Yu-Gi-Oh! style of play where you have a Deck and you draw cards from that deck.

There was a self-balancing ACT which meant if you have less "crew" cards, you could simply FOCUS on buying CREW cards and add them to your Deck.

Like I said, in TradeWorlds it works because you have PILES to choose to buy cards from not only a "static" deck. If you felt like you needed any one specific type of card, you could stock up on that type of card and then the next time you cycle through your deck, you could get those missing cards and play whatever you want to play.


That's another point: Cycling through your Deck. The Deck in TradeWorlds is meant to be cycled through many times during a game. It's not the end of the game once you reach the end of the deck. Many games, the game end with this. And you have roles like the Mechanic which allow you to optimize your Deck and remove weaker cards as the game progresses.

TradeWorlds works because of all those factors. It is a bit unique in its design in that the Deck-building aspect makes the game WORK. Other games do not fit this mold very well as the card in TradeWorlds are always RECYCLABLE. It's not if you defeat a Starship "X" with a Body + Weapon that it goes to the Discard Pile and is never seen again. In TradeWorlds, the cards will come back again and again. That Deck-exhausting is what make the Deck work because the cards are not PERMANENTLY removed ... UNLESS you use the Mechanic to thin your deck, the cards will continue to cycle back into your hand.


Like I said, I tried ANOTHER variant of this. And it just did NOT work. I did not know that your source of inspiration was TradeWorlds. I imagined something else and when I tried it, it did not work.

My variant inspiration was "Pokémon".

If I could have a Body + Weapon in a Pokémon style ... That sounded VERY NEAT. But after making prototypes and testing that theory, I learnt that it did NOT work (at least not for what I was trying to do...)

That's not saying that I was designing a Pokémon game. No, all I was trying to do was separate Body + Weapon and see where that could lead.

It lead me no where ... Because the two (2) don't match. It was very unbalanced and the discarding of cards made it hard to manage both two (2) or three (3) cards each and then have something viable for UNIT such that it could attack an opponent.


Again YMMV but for me it did NOT work. I've since moved on to a different type of gameplay that works for me.

Cheers @X3M.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
The idea is old

Don't forget that I was already working on it, when you were still designing Tradewars.

I did had something working as well.

Here the deck consists of only body and weapon cards.
And 1 body could have multiple weapon cards.
Walls, could become defences as well.

There were variants in how we did it.

With a hand. Thus we shuffled the deck and could get up to 7 cards. Make a design, then pick a new card.

With a research fee or not.

Sometimes we had the army predesigned.

And one time we separated the decks into bodies and weapons. But then we had them put back together after shuffling. 1 by 1. Sometimes itterating.

We always had a mix that way of bodies AND weapons.
But this one time, we even had the player pick cards, until a body had all weapons. Then if a 2nd body was picked, the chain ended there. And if a body got picked right after another body, that first body would be a wall or mobile wall kind of thing on the map for the rest.

The thing that went well was that each design got a symbol card attached. Often the picture mimicked what the unit usually would look like.


Just bodies and weapons went well. But it felt a bit too bland.
Seeing as how some loved Warzone2100. We thought of having some more levels.

But just a level of propulsion didn't work well. And would be a copy.

Another way would be, and you can have an oppinion on it too, would be having a body and/or weapon modifier. But the thing is. The modifier would be able to modifier only 1 statistic. Any other statistic would crossbreed with the cost calculations.


If a body had a cost of 200, movement speed of 2, armor 16, health 80 and then some attributes.

The modifiers could only be on the movement speed or health.
Modifiers for the armor were forbidden. And the attributes, since a lot could go under that one, well, perhaps only a propulsion modifier would work.

But... only the movement speed and health made sense.

Adding one more time an armor set to health would have the cost get a +40.
As for the movement speed getting +1. The cost would also get +40.
Combining the 2 would get +88 instead.

And this would have to be displayed on the body card as well.

The weapons had the same, but some more statistics are used. And thus more modifiers.

While multiple modifiers were possible in design. You really could use only 1 per body and weapon card. Thus a basic design could have 4 cards in total. The only good part that remains is that you can use the SAME modifier, and stack these. Like having 5 atttack range upgrades, all cost the same anyway.

While these modifiers could be used on any design.

If I wanted modifiers to modify multiple parameters. I quickly get to the fact that the modifying cards is limited to only 1 body or 1 weapon card.

And just using 1 modifier too, seemed rather bland. Still less bland though than just using a body and weapon only.

Perhaps it can still be done. For the spacegame. As for the earth game. I don't know.


How would a deck look like? And these names are not the space game. I should stick with the Dune variants for now.

8 Body cards:
-Light Tank
-Medium Tank
-Heavy Tank
-Concrete Wall

8 Weapon cards:
-Grenade Launcher
-Machine gun
-Rocket Launcher
-Missile Launcher
-Light Cannon
-Heavy Cannon

4 times
3 Body modifier cards:
-Augmented Suit/Nitro Engine (organic/mechanic speed upgrade)
-Hoover (movement attribute change, does not make the unit faster in speed, but can move better through dunes)
-Thicker Armor (health upgrade)

3 times
4 Weapon modifier cards:
-Autoloader (Multiplier upgrade)
-Augmented Scope (Higher accuracy, can lead to the weapon getting more projectiles; 6 becomes 3+4 etc)
-(Attack range upgrade)
-Explosive ammunition(Weapon attribute change, for example, turning it into a splash weapon, but it cannot work on something like a flamethrower)

This way, a total of 40 cards. Maybe some weapon cards could be doubled. Or some more weapons added. Also, body cards could be added more. So, the RPS can be filled in a bit more.


Speaking of RPS. We had no trouble with it. Since a player could remove a design. And redesign the army. All the player needed to do was pay the change at the HQ for the already build units. Only their weapons would change. Etc. And of course the research cost.

PS. The new mobile game is going to have A LOT of different bodies to choose from. I don't know the weapons yet. But there will be a lot... And modifiers are....[secrets]. The whole unit ....[secrets]. Especially the.....[secrets]

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Comming back to the first post of this topic

A ship, shiled, weapon system and then upgrades.

A ship is really just a 1 time hit.
It has cost, armor and speed.

The shield really makes this a 2 hits deal. The cost of the shield is already linked to the movement speed of the ship itself.
It has armor and extra cost depending on the ships speed. Which players had to calculate...

Weapon system is luckily separated from the 2 body parts.
It has 3 damage value's, accuracies and multipliers for the 3 turns. And then an attack range. I had the option to have different attack ranges as well.

As for upgrade cards. It really would depend on what I wanted to add. And without realizing back then. I already had these upgrades divided in body or weapon only. And you could add only 1 upgrade.

Somewhere along the road. I had design slots. Meaning that the player could actually get more tech by opening design slots.

A design could cost 1 to 6 slots. And a total of 18 slots would mean a player could have 1 to 18 ships. But.... If it was 18 ships, they all would be powerless.

Ship, shield, weapon system, body upgrade, weapon upgrade, second weapon system, second weapon upgrade.
And that is 7. With allowing 3 weapons system on 1 ship. The total would be 9. So no harm done there.

A player could design 1 of 9 and 3 of 3 or something like that. Perhaps, allowing 2 shields would be funny. Thus a tripple body. It would not be a problem. Since the shield order would always be fixed, and other players can plan ahead with their fire. It is actually not smart to do if you cannot exchange your frontline with the rest in the fleet.



The extra cost should be displayed on them to be honest.

In a sense, the shield could be considered as an upgrade on itself.

- Shield
Extra armor for a threshold.
The extra cost depends on the ship speed.
A table with the movement speeds of 0 to X could tell the player the extra costs. A formula as well. Which would be:
# + (# x Speed/2)

- Engine
Extra speed. The extra cost depends on the ship and 2 shields.
A table could tell the player how much extra cost there will be. For example, a ship has 9 armor, a shield of 3 and a shield of 27. Then the cost is based on a basic cost of 4, 2 and 8. The player doesn't see this. But instead, depending on the engines power. A list... Seeing as how some armor sets are added in later. I find this annoying. And rather use a formula.
Then again, the player would have to calculate it 3 times at most, with the formula. I rather have them only add up.
The total costs...well, for the entire design will be put on a little whiteboard I guess. After the calculation, so it doesn't have to be calculated over and over.
If the engine is +3 speed, then the table would look like this:
Armor - Cost
1 - 1.5
3 - 3.0
9 - 6.0
27 - 12.0
81 - 24.0
And the other armor value's added later on. Which includes the 27 and 81. Could be Not displayed at all?
2, 6, 18 and 54 would come in between. 27 and 81 could logically be explained. Not sure though.

Anyway, the example said 3, 9 and 27 armor. The cost would be 3+6+12 with this upgrade card. Thus +21 in total.

note: upgrade cards for the body always include the effects on both ship and shields.

- Tracker (for attack range)
The same deal as with the engine upgrade. But this time I have a problem.
Where to put the extra costs? I mean, the cost of the weapon could be used. And simply tell the player to use.... No, it cannot be used. Since the attack range depends on damage value's AND accuracy AND multiplier. The cost of the weapon includes the basic attack range. And thus this should be used as well.

I cannot expect the player to calculate this. So the only option I have is to put the cost of the upgrade value on the weapon system card.

Called, upgrade cost.

I need to be very carefull with this, since only 1 upgrade should be applied to begin with. I need to ponder on this. Because I already experienced that certain upgrades have different costs as well.

If a weapon has an attack range of 2 and a multiplier of 2. (And costs 4, has an accuracy of 3)
+ 2 attack range would add 50% costs to the total weapon cost.
But +2 multiplier would add 100% costs to the total weapon cost. I cannot tell the player, through the upgrade card, what costs should be added.

Is this an option?
Range upgrade cost: 1
Multiplier upgrade cost: 2
Accuracy cost, upgrade +3: 4

Only one upgrade would be applied.
It could happen that the range or multiplier upgrades have thirds or whatever decimal. In that case too, the upgrade card would add enough until 0.5 costs are added.
As you can see, the accuracy cost would be an upgrade of +3 per upgrade card. If the upgrade card on accuracy is a level 2. That would mean +6. In a sense, the cost would be +8 and the weapon system would now not have 2, but 4 projectiles, of which 2 have 100% accuracy and 2 have 50% accuracy.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

Looks like bigger designs are possible.

1st Shield
2nd Shield
Body upgrade
Body upgrade stacking
1st Weapon system
1st Weapon upgrade
2nd Weapon system
2nd Weapon upgrade
3rd Weapon system
3rd Weapon upgrade
Weapon upgrade stacking

1 ship design with a lot of weapons and syack8ng upgrades is now an option.


As for upgrade cards.
Several levels are an option.
And the thing is, if they upgrade one statistic. These stack too.

A cheap light fighter with simple cannons. Could receive so many attack range upgrades, that it would become a sniper.

With that idea. I wonder if it is possible to make a salvo alteration upgrade.

One that doesn't change the costs.
Only the stats of a salvo.

But then I need to make sure a weapon system only has the multipliers shuffled around.

321 is the weight used in the game.
So, if a weapon does 0-0-3 as damage.
And a sniper upgrade takes place, it turns into a 1-0-0.

I could manage to have these upgrades on top of any other upgrade. Except the multiplier upgrade.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
More concrete statistics on cards and a first set

Costs of 0.5 might occur. Perhaps I should force rounding upwards if other fractions occur as well.
There are also stations that have 0 speed.
Stackable means that the same type can stack on each other. But not on other stackable cards. A shield generator is an exception.

Ships (Body; max 1)
- Name
- Ship Cost
- Modifier Costs (needs a Modifier Factor)
- Armor
- Speed

Shield Generators (Body upgrade; max 2 B#)
- Name
- Xtra Cost * Ship Speed + Xtra Cost * 2
(Players see "3 per Ship Speed + 6")
- Modifier Costs (needs a Modifier Factor)
- Shield

Power Cores (Body upgrade; stackable B1)
- Name
- Modifier Factor
- Xtra Speed

Weapon System (Weapon; max 3)
- Name
- Weapon System Cost
- Damage per Projectile
- Modifier Costs (needs a Modifier Factor) per turn #/#/#
- Projectile Multiplier per turn #/#/#
- Accuracy (not mentioned means 6, # for all or per turn #/#/#)
- Attack Range
- AR Modifier Costs (needs a AR Modifier Factor)

The following 2 upgrades make use of the same modifier costs. But only one type can be applied.

Automations (Weapon upgrade; stackable W1)
- Name
- Modifier Factor
- Xtra Projectile Multiplier

Target Trajectory Calculators (Weapon upgrade; stackable W2)
- Name
- Modifier Factor
- Xtra Accuracy (when it exceeds 6, an extra projectile will be added, starting at 1)

Projectile Trajectory Calculators (Weapon upgrade; stackable W3)
- Name
- AR Modifier Factor
- Xtra Speed

Overcharger (Weapon upgrade; stackable W#)
- Name
- Can be used with any other weapon upgrade
- Cost is the immediate sacrifice of the ship
- Xtra Projectile Multiplier Factor = 3 (multiplies all projectiles times 3)
- A weapon system with an overcharger cannot be used anymore as a normal weapon.
[x] If the Factor = 6, then the player will be asked to multiply all costs for that specific weapon system, to be doubled.

Weapon System Reorganiser (Weapon upgrade; stackable W#)
- Name
- Can be used with any other weapon upgrade
- Use this card first, all properties migrate
- Consider this card as a new weapon system card copying the weapon system
- Modifier costs are used of the original weapon system and affect both weapon system and system reorganiser
[x]Depending on what these cards allow. I should limit to one change at a time. I have the following options:
- Exchange 3 projectiles from turn 2 to 2 projectiles in turn 1.
- Exchange 3 projectiles from turn 3 to 1 projectile in turn 1.
- Exchange 2 projectiles from turn 3 to 1 projectile in turn 2.
- Exchange 2 projectiles from turn 1 to 3 projectiles in turn 2.
- Exchange 1 projectile from turn 1 to 3 projectiles in turn 3.
- Exchange 1 projectile from turn 2 to 2 projectiles in turn 3.


With this, I can think of many...

...many combinations.

I gave little codes to the types.

Body B# B1 Weapon W1 W2 W3 W#

A # can be combined with any number.
The thing is, there is only B1.

I would love to get some idea's for B2.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
I would love to get some idea's for B2.

Go!!!! gogogogogogo!!!

Seriously. Anything goes. I will see what the best could be. Then I can add it as B2.

And perhaps, by any accident. Another B# might occur as well, which I wouldn't mind.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
A thought...

Reflector shield.
Could send the damage back, 1 time during combat.
Not sure if I have these as an upgrade to shields themselves. Or as a shield type on itself.

Either way, this would both be a B# type...

Any idea is welcome.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I had a RULE

You could only have ONE (1) Body and TWO (2) Slots for anything you like. So if you had a "Shield Generator" it could be Slot #2 and a "Machine Gun" could be Slot #1 and of course your Body is whatever UNIT you chose.

Slot #1 + Body + Slot #2.

That's what it looked like. You could have an Energy Weapon like "Medium Laser" (Slot #1) + Mad Cat + 6 SRMs (Slot #2).

Something like that. I think you've gone a bit overboard and are overthinking things a bit too much, I still kept the design SIMPLE and still it did NOT prove to be exciting nor viable. So you can imagine whatever you like and make it as complicated as you like. But this simple version was not good enough for my design and so I quit exploring this avenue.

Good luck with your design!

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Not sure about this one

I often go overboard. Then cut.

Thing is. Going overboard in the weapons department showed me how limited my idea's in the ship department are.

I could force to a limited ammount of cards per design for certain. I already have a total limit. That can only grow by researching it too. Which either gives the player a fleet of a super ship. Or more variety to the combat.

please note: most described cards above can be added. But are not nessesary. In fact, only a ship is more than enough. And with 1 weapon system. It is costing 2 card slots and good to go for mass production.

I feel sorry that it didn't work out for you in TradeWorlds.


If I want to get another ship upgrade.

It shouldn't be a weapon upgrade.

I think I had a lucky shot with the reflector shield. Since it would count double its value. Or, at least double the shield value, that it is applied on.

It is a body property for certain.


So, what other options do I have?

Cargo? Ammunition?
Allowing only 1 weapon system. Unless a special card comes along?

Googling as we speak.

Well, counter measures are an option.
They would act as a shield as well. But.... smaller projectiles would actually nullify these counter measures too. Besides, it would cost a weapon system slot tbh. So, I keep this one on a side line for now as well.

Repair beam is yet another "weapon system"
This isn't an upgrade either. But it acts like a shield for another ship. It is an option. But.... I honestly don't see the point in having a fleet configuration of 4 "defences" with 2 "offences". This can be achieved with just shields and rarely weapons as well. But cheaper.

I wonder if I should add this. What are we going to transport in the first place?
But whatever we decide. Cargo is certainly a body upgrade.
But it belongs in the Shield department. Thus B#.

Fuel tanks....
Hold up, I found something intersting here.
We could have this as upgrade that would increase the complete spaceship performance. An upgrade that would cover both body and weapons. Or perhaps only the body. A player would be able to have one extra action turn. One that would only be allowed to ships having this upgrade. The action would certainly be limited to moving around only. Perhaps it would add so much more strategy.
Where 2 players fight. And one player has this weapon that fires in a third turn. The other player can always move out of the way. The fuel tank used for movement would not only pause the turn and limit this to 3. But allow a third grade weapon to fire in the 4th turn.
Those ships that have a first and second grade weapon only, can move in and fight immediately. But the fuel tank upgrade could allow all weapons to fire this way. Another option is moving out of the way of enemy fire. Then the artillery types can still fire, despite wasting a turn on moving around.


As for building ships with cards.

Thinking about having "start up cards", being a separate pile. The player can pick these first. Shuffle these. Let's say, 20. Pick 7. And add the remaining 13 into the rest. Shuffle it, and good to go.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
No worries...

X3M wrote:
I feel sorry that it didn't work out for you in TradeWorlds.

Don't worry... I am pursuing other designs and one of them is "Duel Botz". That was the design that I had thought up of "Slot #1 + Body + Slot #2". A simple way to vary the equipment used by a Mech. The idea seemed REALLY COOL! I must admit that I was stoked by this idea. But when I tried to prototype it... It was not "exciting" ... It felt a bit "boring".

I got the idea from de-coupling Pokémon cards in that each Pokémon has some kind of primary attack and many have secondary attacks. Ergo the "2 Slots" idea. Plus if you picture it on cards you would have "Slot #1" + "Body" + "Slot #2" as three (3) separate cards.

It all seemed COOL TBH! But it didn't work... Using three (3) Cards to define one (1) unit didn't have the same kind of feel I was working towards.

I ultimately settled for COMBOs and FIXED Weapons/Attacks. That was better and more in-tune with what I was looking for. So you could have cards that would have an attack like "For Each ?, Deal +? Damage" so you would want to STACK up to a maximum of three (3) units and deal like "3 Damage" which is a lot since some units only have like 5 Health Points. Two (2) turns and you would defeat this unit (having only 5 HP and dealing 3 DMG per turn).

This proved that the Pokémon concept of having alternate methods of attack was what I ultimately settled on. Coupled with the fact that you can STACK up to three (3) of the SAME Card or Class means that COMBOs are possible and you can do much more damage early on when your STACK is full. As intended and now this all works good.

X3M wrote:
I often go overboard. Then cut.

I don't like to do too much analysis because then I get lost in figuring out what to KEEP and what to DROP. I maybe do this type of analysis in my own head but when it comes to documenting the rules... I normally TRY to have the SIMPLEST version that could be VIABLE.

But yeah I understand what you mean now... Makes perfect sense.

I just don't do it... I try to get the minimal viable product (MVP) as quickly as possible and go with that. Rarely will I ADD to the design because it is the MVP and so if it WORKS... Well then by my own standards that should be enough...

Now I better understand your angle... Might as well dump as much as possible knowing that 75% of it won't be viable and then cut until you have that last 25% which is optimal. See we do things similarly... I just don't bother to document all my variations... I usually do an EDIT in my mind and then come up with something as SIMPLE as possible and then figure out where to go from there.

So we accomplish the same goals just different process.

Anyhow... I like how you thought about having so many weapons. Haha.


X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
By documenting

Indeed. Often we have similar idea's or ways of working things out.
Personally, I need to document it. Because I often forget. And I do like to look back to what I thought about and as of why. This is mainly for balancing combat purposes.

An example is, some time ago I forgot the weight factor of sacrifical units. It got me to rethink things. And I settled for a factor of 3 on the damage output.

My hobby game considered a portion of the body to be turned into extra damage output. For the spacegame, it would be 50%.
Seeing as how we work with thresholds. This latter is scrapped. Since it would go alongside "stim packs" version as well.

But, I guess I could get a weapon system that buys on the spot. And the cargo could come in handy here.


I noticed I had a gap at the body side.
B1 and B# makes no sense.
W1, W2, W3 and W# does make sense.
Just making sure that once I add more cards for designing. I can add more feeling of completeness for the players.

So, I am looking at something that is like a B2.
B2 is supposed to be a choice with B1. B1 is extra speed and should not be able to combine with whatever B2 is going to be.
B# are the shields.
B1 stacks with B#.
B2 should be able to stack with B# as well.

Let's review my idea options so far:
- B# Reflector Shield (it is a B#, but it's in)
- B? Counter Measures (I need to brain on this one to see how it would combine with the other body cards, it is a form of a shield AND weapon. I should see how the mechanics work in the first place)
- Repair Beam (scrapped, reparation should be aftermath, there is none!)
- B# Cargo (needs more game mechanics, needs more brainpower from me, but it can already serve a fleet for certain weapons)
- B? Fuel Tanks (1 extra movement turn, stacks exponentially with a speed upgrade? The extra cost would be the total body plus body upgrade costs, divided by 3?)

So, 2 options are in. But not what I seek.
1 option got scrapped.
And 2 options need work.

If there are any idea's. I will be all ears.

I also had an idea with militairy crew. But this got scrapped within a minute.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
About "TradeWorlds"

Also since you indirectly asked... "TradeWorlds" (TW) is a great game. The problem I have with it ... is the "Numbers". For 1,000 units it costs about $20 USD per box to make the game. Let's for the moment assume that this is LANDED in Canada. Meaning that the cost of freight is included and any duties or taxes or brokerage and anything related to shipping is ALSO included.

That's a whopping $20,000 USD for 1,000 units.

Now the natural factor from MANUFACTURING is 5x. So that would mean that I would need to RETAIL "TradeWorlds" for about $100 USD per copy. That is way too high.

Sure I could SPLIT the product into two (2) products and that would be GREAT. But again we have the problem that people on BGG have been b!tching about the rulebook and the rules ... And just being jerks to me and making it harder to get the game into MORE gamers and Family hands.

I think the "core" would have to sell for $90 CAD or $60 USD.

I don't know if that would be possible. ATM with no distribution deal... I find it a HARD pill to swallow. I have to work with a more compact product like "Quest Adventure Cards(tm)" the Reboot (Quest_AC) as this is a product which can be sold in a convenience store or gas station. It's small, compact, good for kids, not too expensive, etc. It's got a LOT going for it. But still there are NO GUARANTEES.

So TW is not something VIABLE ATM. Maybe at some point in time there could be a resurgence of the "core" product but ATM probably not.

I am thinking about it... But just the overall pricing and quantities and no deals ATM make it IMPOSSIBLE to continue to bring to market that game. Like I said other products which have inherent PLUSES are better and more viable ... And that's where I will be investing more of my time.

Like for sure the $90 CAD "core" will not include miniatures and would reduce the overall cards count to 375 Cards from the "core"... No EXPANSION content like the KS and probably the leanest version of the product (MVP) such that I can make decent margins and cover the overall production. Which at the time of this writing I cannot. $20.000 USD is a lot of money when you aren't making any money at all. I don't even have enough funds in USD to cover such a BIG project. Like I said, it's just not VIABLE ATM.

If I can get some distribution for Quest_AC well then make some money and from there see what might be possible. I strongly feel like one of my EXPANSION ideas for "Splendor" or TW (Smugglers Run) could be a better way to continue the BRAND for those who already have a COPY of the game. But let's be REAL HONEST... Many of my Backer have been total jerks to me. I would venture about 20% to 25%. I don't think REWARDING them with another COOL EXPANSION is worth all the extra criticism that I will take. They're much too critical and are generally not at all apologetical even thought OLG and I did the BEST we could do to bring the KS Project to a close (and fulfill as many Backers as possible) given the very limited amount of funding we received.


And they're probably going to upset with me anyhow... I don't see this as a WINNING VENTURE TBH.

So my goal is to pursue other matters (Quest_AC and DuelBotz) and see where those products lead. They are both minimal in terms of COST to produce and IF I can get people interested in EITHER of these products... Maybe I might have a chance at coming full-circle and producing a "core" TW product for the REST of the market out-there.

We'll see. I've got options and my goal is to choose the option which is the most likely to succeed. No more wasting time with people who DON'T want to HELP me. I'll try some NEW avenues that may be more flexible and maybe even INTERESTED in doing business together.

TBD. That's on it's way... Probably in March or April 2025.

So don't worry about TW. It will not be the only game in my catalog.

Cheers @X3M!

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Rules are important

I don't want to sound like a jerk. And will not put it in the open for you what my cousin thinks of the rulebook. And he and I kinda understand where you are comming from
As for the rest of the game. It looks good.


Anyway, when I went to bed yesterday. I felt sparked an idea... For an upgrade on the ships. This wall of text will support that upgrade.

The "terrain" in a space game is hardly noticable. But gravity wells could be used in an interesting way.

I plan on having rather small hexagons on the map. Big enough to fit 3 fleets. A fleet is compiled off map.

Thus my gravity well plan can work well.

What objects could be placed? (Not saying all will get in)
But also their hexagon "radius"? Meaning, 1 is 1 hexagon, but 2 would be a 7 hexagon field. etc. (I honestly don't know how to do it otherwise/correctly) And of course the outer edge gravity. As in, the hexagons around the object have this gravity.
I am doing a first list of properties. Plenty of changes are avaiable. You know, build first, cut later.

The gravity works as following. The space hexagons directly around the surface have this gravity. Then it goes down lineair by distance. Meaning that if an object has a gravity of 2. The gravity of 1 is around that field.
2 Objects close to each other might have the gravity cancel out in between. Making an invisible canyon.
It should be simple enough to see. Especially if the map has like only 4 objects or so.

My idea's so far:
Radius - Gravity - Gravity reach from centre - Object(s)

1 - 1? - 0 - Astroids, which also serve as a good defensive position. A fleet can park in the centre.
1 - 1 - 2 - Small Rocky Planet/Moon. Since planets serve as bases. Fleets should be able to park on the surface.
1 - 2 - 3 - Medium Rocky Planet/Moon.
2 - 3 - 5 - Gas Giants/Large Rocky Planets?
3 - 5 - 8 - Small Star (Brown Dwarf)
3 - 7 - 10 - Medium Star (Our Sun)
4 - 9 - 13 - Big Star (not to be confused with red giants)
1 - 5 - 6 - White Dwarf
1 - 7 - 8 - Neutron Star
1 - 9 - 10 - Black Hole
2 - 11 - 13 - Large Black Hole
1 - -1 - 2 - Ahem....Void? A negative gravity. And a fleet can park in the centre.
2 - -2 - 4 - A bigger void. Again, a fleet can park in the centre.

Not much time, this list will certainly change.

Now, how will this affect combat and movement?
Know that each fleet has 3 actions.
A weapon system can go to up to 3 actions.
If a fleet moves, the number of actions for the weapon system goes down.
Some weapon systems only fire in the 2nd or 3rd turn.
Which means that if such ship is present, and the fleet moved too much. These ships are unable to fire.

A gravity well, can be moved in and out. The gravity they are in costs actions. Thus 1 gravity costs 1 action. It is in order to stay into position. But this costs really only 1 action per round. A negative gravity does the same. So, the voids, knowing the edge is the gravity. Inside, you might have guessed it, costs nothing.

If the gravity is 3 or more? Well, there is already no escaping with the current rules. So I need to think this over. Perhaps movement speed should be a factor too.

And this might sound better. To stay in "orbit", the movement speed is consumed by the gravity well. If 2 turns are needed, so be it. If a third turn is needed... perhaps I should allow a rest movement speed to occur. So, example, a movement speed is 2. The gravity well is 3. The fleet needs 1.5 turns. Has 1 rest movement speed in that second turn. It can not fire yet. But, if it wants to move out, now is the time to move 1 spot. Preferably to that gravity of 2. The last turn can be used to fire.

As for combat itself. Some projectiles like bombers. Have almost no attack range. But it increases into a gravity well. Thus a gravity well of 3 would inavertly increase the attack range by 1+2+3=6. A bomber, has an attack range of 0. But attacking a planet will certainly increase this. For this to happen. A bomber needs to be in the upper layer of the gravity well. Then the rest goes automatically.

A void is a very good launching platform.

Now, why would ships even be in the gravity wells? Only planets are interesting since the bases will be on the planets. And astroids serve as a forest, reducing incomming fire with a penalty.
I don't know yet what the positive thing could be. A penalty on any projectile perhaps? But what about lasers? Oh, I almost forgot, light gets bend in gravity. Or better said, it follows the shortest path.

Time to go now. But the upgrade?
An anti gravity generator. Which reduces the effects of gravity on the body by 1.
Can be stacked.
Probably it can be stacked with movement speed too. But I need to think of the costs calculation, clean on ships. The costs will be linked to a ship and thus its movement speed. Just like shields. I need to think more on this too.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Anti Gravity

Thinking about how it should work here.

If a gravity is present. And the ship needs to counter it.

The movement speed is consumed by the gravity. The ship has 3 turns in total.
There could be this one upgrade that the ship gets more movement turns. And these could be consumed by the same gravity effect as well.

If a ship has a movement of lets say 5.
Then a gravity field of 8 would consude 1.6 turns. Rounded upwards. The ship looses 1 turn. And 1 turn would be 0.4 movement turns only. 0.4 of 5 is 2. Thus this ship could move 2 spots in that turn. Then it shoots a turn.

If a ship gets anti gravity, lets say 3.
The gravity field would not be 8, but only 5 instead.
Now, it looses only 1 turn to stay in orbit.
It has 2 turns to fire.

I have no idea yet, how to weight in this anti gravity.


It seems that if I make this a one time thing. The cost calculation is something new.

I have no idea how it should related. And the movement speed itself should be A. a factor and B. tested on synergy effects.

If it has synergy, it could grow exponentially. And thus it would be B2. If it has NO synergy, it will be B# once more.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Gravity Neutralizer?

I have several options for this card?

I need to make sure the mechanic is solid first.

A fleet can move or attack per turn.

If it moves from 1 gravity level to another. Each level difference costs a turn. This will not influence the movement distance. Nor will it influence attacks. Since a player can choose to not move at all.

When being in a gravity well. The fleet and/or station is always in "orbit". The same counts for ground defences.

A fleet normally can move up to a difference of 2. This costs 2 turns. And the third turn is used for this movement. This includes going from 0 to 1 back to 0. Thus trying to take a slightly shorter route, closer to a planet.

Also, launching new ships into space around a planet, will cost turns. If the gravity of a planet is 3 or more. The fleet will need to go into orbit on the even levels of gravity, until the gravity doesn't change anymore.


I deleted a lot of reasoning. Only posting a conclusion.

The card would be named 'Gravity Neutralizer'.

Each level will allow for 1 level of gravity change.
Meaning that a fleet can move 3 times in a round, and is free to do this with 1 level each turn. A total of 3.

The cost?
Seeing as how each level can save the player 3 turns while trying to move 3 times.

The cost is entirely based on the body.
And the cost is 100% that of what the body costs?
No, it should only be based on, if the ship moves.
Thus movement speed IS a factor. But by choice.

Here is what I mean:


X3M wrote:
Ships (Body; max 1)
- Name
- Ship Cost
- Modifier Costs (needs a Modifier Factor)
- Armor
- Speed

Shield Generators (Body upgrade; max 2 B#)
- Name
- Xtra Cost * Ship Speed + Xtra Cost * 2
(Players see "3 per Ship Speed + 6")
- Modifier Costs (needs a Modifier Factor)
- Shield

Power Cores (Body upgrade; stackable B1)
- Name
- Modifier Factor
- Xtra Speed

Let's say, we have the cards of:
+ Cruiser, costs 12, modifier costs 2, armor 9, speed 4
+ Level 3 Shield Generator, costs 1 per Ship Speed + 2, modifier costs 1, shield 3
+ Level 3 Power Core, Modifier Factor 3, Xtra Speed 3

The cost of a cruiser is 12.
The cost of a level 3 shield generator is 1 x 4 + 2 = 6.
The cost of a level 3 power core is 3 x 2 = 6 on the cruiser.
The cost of a level 3 power core is 3 x 1 = 3 on the level 3 shield generator.

The cruiser will have 9 armor, 3 shield, speed 7 and a total cost of 12+6+6+3 = 27

Gravity Neutralizer (Body Upgrade; stackable B#
- Name
- # x Total Speed x Total Modifier Costs
- Gravity Neutralizer #

+ Level 3 Gravity Neutralizer, 1.5 x Total Speed x Total Modifier Costs, Gravity Neutralizer 3

The cost of a level 2 gravity neutralizer is 1.5 x (4+3) x (2+1) = 1.5 x 7 x 3 = 31.5

The total cost is now 27+31.5 = 58.5

Do you guys see this happening with players? And yes, I initially planned to have 0.5 for the cheapest of ships.

I personally don't think that players can handle this much.

Also, this neutralizing effect should leave a heavy impact if it costs that much. I already estimated that each level would roughly equal 1 time the entire body cost. So, 3 levels costing this much is acceptable. If it was 2 levels, the cost would have been 21 on top of 27. Thus 48 in total.

Back to the drawing board.
Or just drop the entire project in a long hiatus?

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Simpler version

If I have an entire ship design on one card.
No upgrades or whatever. Just an unit statistics card, like my hobby game.

I could design whatever I want. And keep it simple for the players.

But this would make the game less interesting?

I really should go all out in designing lots of different ships. So that there is 1 unique design of each.

1 stack of cards for the players to pick from.
Allowing each player to have 9 or so.
And it can be done right from the start.

Then it is up to the players to set up their own tech tree.

Personally, I don't like this myself. But the game would be much more playable.


Option 2.

Still allowing designs. But cut it down to bodies and weapons only. Such that during combat, each card has its own purpose.

I can allow up to 3 weapon cards on a body.
But I will not allow shields, those will be implemented into the body cards immediately.

Or... I do allow shield cards, up to 2 per body. And they are only activated if the ship doesn't move. In other words. They get a one time cost. No calculations.

- 1 Body
- up to 2 Shields
- up to 3 Weapons

- Name
- Cost
- Armor
- Movement Speed

- Name
- Cost
- Shield

- Name
- Cost
- Damage per Projectile
- Projectile Multiplier per turn #/#/#
- Accuracy (not mentioned means 6, # for all or per turn #/#/#)
- Attack Range

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