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Why a SpaceGame (part 2)

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X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Very simple upgrades?

A warp jump generator.
The ship can still he attacked.
The shields still won't work.
The cost is the ship itself.
The jump is the same speed plus 2.
Meaning, a ship with movement 4. Can move 12 in a round. But with the warp jump generator, it moves 3x 10. Thus 30 in a round.

Excessive? Most likely.

As for the weapon upgrade.
An artillery upgrade is possible in the exact same way. Attack range is added once more. With an additional 2.
Attack range 4? It now becomes 10.
Bomber with 0? It is now 2.
The cost equals the weapon.

I can revert back to gravity costing movement speed. The warp jump is a good help here anyways.

As for a shield that is always active?
It should still be depending on movement speed.
The cost is (total Sp + 2) x Shield cost.
If a shield costs 2 and the speed is 4 plus that warp jump. The cost of adding this shield would be 24.

I should be carefull with what kind of upgrades I add. But the extra costs and effectd should be as simple as possible.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
The basics for now?

X3M wrote:
- Name
- Cost
- Armor
- Movement Speed

X3M wrote:
Shield Generator
- Name
- Cost
- Shield
"Does not work during travel"

X3M wrote:
- Name
- Cost = (Total Movement Speed + 2) x #
- Shield

X3M wrote:
Weapon System
- Name
- Cost
- Damage per Projectile
- Projectile Multiplier per turn #/#/#
- Accuracy (not mentioned means 6, # for all or per turn #/#/#)
- Attack Range

X3M wrote:
Warp Technology
- Name
- Cost = Ship Cost
- Movement Speed = Movement Speed Ship x 2 + 2

X3M wrote:
Long Distance Targetting Technology
- Name
- Cost = Weapon System Cost
- Attack Range = Weapon System Attack Range x 2 + 2

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Certainly I should limit a design

To 2 cards to begin with.
A player can research having more cards in a design.
A player can research a design itself.
The 1st research cost for a ship is 2 x the cost of that ship.
2nd, 5 x
3rd, 10 x
4th, 20 x
5th, 50 x
6th, 100 x etc.

As for researching allowing more cards per design.
3 cards, 20
4 cards, 50
5 cards, 100
6 cards, 200

Not sure about this yet. I need to design cards first. That would be my next objective. Until next time!!

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Propulsion systems?

Instead of the weird movement speed upgrades.
I could stack propulsion systems.

Although, I feel that I would be giving away a bit too much?

What do you thing about this?

X3M wrote:
- Name
- 50% Cost Armor
- Armor

X3M wrote:
Propulsion System
- Name
- Cost = Movement Speed x 50% Cost Armor
- Movement Speed

X3M wrote:
- Name
- 50% Cost Armor
- Shield

X3M wrote:
Shield Generator
- Name
- Cost
- Shield
"Only active when still"

X3M wrote:
- Name
- 50% Cost Weapon
- Damage
- Projectile Multiplier #/#/#
- Accuracy (if required) # or #/#/#

X3M wrote:
Weapon Launch System
- Name
- Cost = Attack Range x 50% Cost Weapon
- Attack Range

A shield is not nessesary.
A ship is a station when there is no propulsion system. It still can be launched.
A weapon is like a bomber. Works best in a gravity field (for free)
A launch system thus adds attack range.

Considering cutting a weapon into more pieces. Where the turn is a factor.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

Perhaps I should add weapon systems that already have an attack range. An energy beam can be a weapon.

But the launch systems is often dedicated to certain weapons.

A laser is a concentrated energy beam.
A cannon shell is never launched with a rocket or missile.

So, when I apply naming. I should be vague. And a launch system should be appliable to any weapon.

Another thing I can do is that a launch system prepares the projectile to be stronger. Or weaker.
Giving projectiles a turn number instead of salvo.

And that one mechanic can return in the weapon launch systems.
Where turn 1 weights 3, turn 2 weights 2 and turn 3 weights 1.
Thus from turn 1 to 2, will change 2 into 3 projectiles.
From 3 to 1, would change 3 into 1.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Perhaps this?

X3M wrote:
Weapon System
- Name
- Cost
- Damage
- Multiplier #/#/#
- Accuracy (if required) # or #/#/#
- Attack Range

A weapon system could include things like lasers and railguns etc.

X3M wrote:
- Name
- Basic Cost
- 50% Cost Weapon
- Damage
- Projectile Multiplier #/#/#
- Accuracy (if required) # or #/#/#
- Basic Attack Range

Projectiles could be cannon shells, grenades, rockets, missiles or other explosives, plasma balls etc.
The basic cost is 2x 50%, plus the attack range cost.
The ships and certain shields would get a basic cost as well.
Then I am back to the 50% cost being linked to the movement speed and attack range upgrades. So, I am going in circle's here. So, basic cost would be just Cost. Then for the upgrade, we have an upgrade cost.

X3M wrote:
Projectile Launcher
- Name
- Cost = Attack Range x Upgrade Cost Weapon
- Attack Range

I don't have much fantasy here yet. But things like Magnetic Launcher, Electro Magnetic Launcher, Torpedo Tube etc. Are perhaps possibilities. I need to think carefully.

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