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Spanish game design contest

23 replies [Last post]
Emphyrio's picture
Joined: 02/10/2010

Fourth Board Game Design Competition Ciutat de Granollers, hosted by the city council of Granollers, Spain.

"The winner of the Competition shall receive the prize in Granollers that same day. The winner will receive 750 euros and one night at Hotel Granollers for two people. The winner will also receive a voucher worth 750 euros to be spent at the online game store LaPCra. In case a second prize is given, the awardee shall receive 300 euros."

Rules at

Deadline for initial submissions is March 9.

Joined: 07/27/2008

2 winners ("QUERNI" and "The Aztec Market") and one finalist ("Mundialito", re-implemented as "Robosoccer") have been published by NESTORGAMES.


InvisibleJon's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008

Emphyrio wrote:
Fourth Board Game Design Competition Ciutat de Granollers, hosted by the city council of Granollers, Spain.
Thank you for letting us know. I would have never seen this otherwise.

Taavet's picture
Joined: 08/15/2008

Sounds good to me.

So entry is free? Costs would be price of shipping if it makes it past the first round, right?

If you win would it be required to go to Spain to accept the prize?

Emphyrio's picture
Joined: 02/10/2010
Contest rules

Sorry, I don't know anything else about it -- this was posted on the BoardGameDesign Yahoo group by Oriol Comas i Coma. But I didn't see anything in the rules about an entry fee or that winners would be required to accept in person.

Taavet's picture
Joined: 08/15/2008

Did anyone who entered get a response back yet about being shortlisted?

Markus Hagenauer
Joined: 12/04/2009
I got no mail yet.

I got no mail yet.

Joined: 02/16/2010
Just got an answer!

I entered the competition last week for my game Ortus. I was quite nervous for the reply yesterday and I didn't get any. Horror.

As I was typing my story here, I did get a reply still. With a positive answer!

If anyone else entered, please let us know. I for one would be very interested in what you entered, whether it made the shortlist or not.

Anyone interested in Ortus can check out some pictures on Facebook, under the group Ortus Warriors. Do not hesitate to join for updates and more!

Markus Hagenauer
Joined: 12/04/2009


Now i recieved a message too. "Topology" has also been shortlisted.
You can find more about my game at

Taavet's picture
Joined: 08/15/2008

Yea, I didn't get anything all day yesterday which made me pretty bummed.

Apparently, they were just overwhelmed of busy but I got mine today (16th).

"Hi David,

As you may know, we have received 185 games for the Fourth Board Game Design Competition Ciutat de Granollers 2010. The first selection has been very difficult due to the large amount of games and the quality of most part of them.

Congratulations, your game "Contraband" has been shortlisted. According to the rules, you have to send by post a fully playable prototype before April 6th 2010 to"

Good luck everyone else, I wonder how many games got shortlisted out of the 183 total.

Markus Hagenauer
Joined: 12/04/2009
According to thier hompage 60

According to thier hompage 60 games have been shortlisted.

Taavet's picture
Joined: 08/15/2008
183 > 60 > 10 > Winner!

Markus Hagenauer wrote:
According to thier hompage 60 games have been shortlisted.

So roughly a third made it past the first cut and then 10ish will be in the final cut. Good to know.

Good luck everyone! Let's all at least get ours to the finals!!

I couldn't understand everything but apparently:
2007=32 entries
2010=185 so more then double this year will make the competition much harder.

Most of the Entries were from Spain 88, France 61, USA 10, and then a few other countries.

I wonder what the Hippodice entry stats look like?

Markus Hagenauer
Joined: 12/04/2009

From a Press releas:
Hippodice 2008 = 180 designer (likely more games, 1-3 per designer)
I´ve found no information about the other years.

Good luck everyone!

Markus Hagenauer
Joined: 12/04/2009
Getting excited

Now, two days before the finalists are announced, i´m getting quite excited .
I think i´m not the only one feeling so. As soon as i recieve a message, I will post it here and i´m looking forward to reading your sucsess mesages too.

Taavet's picture
Joined: 08/15/2008
Announcement Date

Do you know for sure that it will be in 2 days?

The page says:
"6. All shortlisted games will be playtested and at most ten of them will be selected as finalists. The designers of the finalist games shall receive an e-mail notification indicating that they have been selected two days before the meeting of the Jury.

7. The Jury will be made of game experts and shall meet in Granollers on the 1st and 2nd of May 2010. If need be, the Jury may meet either the weekend after or the weekend before. "

So it could have been last week which apparently it wasn't, but it sounds like it might also be next week. More then me my wife can't wait to hear from them.

Any which way the announcement should be coming shortly. Since they were late with their first announcement because of the number of entries this year I am wondering if they might also be late with this one. I am not sure how many people they have to test the games, but 60 games is a lot. Especially if they are playing each one with a few different groups (which I would hope they do).

Anyone have any information on the actual judging process? How many people are playing them? How many times do the games get played? Whether its passed on to finals or sent back do they also provide some feedback from play sessions?

"The Jury will value over all the originality, playability, adaptability to different types of audiences and the cultural values of the game designs. The Jury will not take into consideration the graphic design or look of the submitted prototypes."

Guess we'll find out soon enough. :D

Markus Hagenauer
Joined: 12/04/2009
I´m sure

4 weeks ago i gut this massage:

"Hi Markus and Gerd,

We have received the prototype of the Game "Topology" for the second phase
of the Fourth Board Game Design Competition Ciutat de Granollers

On April 29th 2010, we will notice you by e-mail if your game has been
selected as a finalist.

We will resend you the prototype by post, before 30 June 2010. If you plan
to attend the fair, let us know and we will bring you back your prototype

Moreover, if you want to participate at the Authors Corner of the fair
jugarXjugar 2010 (a free space that we offer to authors to show their games
and prototypes), please send us an e-mail with your personal data, the data
of the game or games you want to show and which days you prefer. So we can
include you in the schedule. This year, the fair jugarXjugar will be held
from May 13th to 16th.

See you in Granollers!

Oriol Comas i Coma
Fourth Board Game Design Competition Ciutat de Granollers"

Didn´t you recieve such a message after sending your prototype?

Taavet's picture
Joined: 08/15/2008
Now that you mention it...

Yes, I did get a message like that. I just haven't gone back to read it. I was basing it off what they have on the website.

Well, today is the 29th and Spain is ahead of me here on the Pacific coast of the US so it should be sometime today.

I'll post here with an update when I know.

Markus Hagenauer
Joined: 12/04/2009

"Topology" has not been selected for the final stage.
So i built all my hopes for it on this contest.

Pastor_Mora's picture
Joined: 01/05/2010
Keep thinking!

Too bad, Mark. I hope you could make it to the finals. Anyway, I think NestorGames is more fitting. So, good luck with that!

Taavet's picture
Joined: 08/15/2008
Same news for me

'Contraband' also didn't make it into the finals.

Looks like out of the 60 shortlisted there were 13 chosen as finalists.

At least I'll be getting my prototype back. :D

Now to look into other avenues.

@Mark - I do think Nestorgames is a good fit for your game as well. Good luck.

Markus Hagenauer
Joined: 12/04/2009

Too bad you didn´t make it to the final too. But i´m sure you´ll make your way.

PS: feel free to support me at the nestorgames contest with a thumd ;-)

Joined: 02/16/2010
No cigarillo

Hey guys,

My entry Ortus also did not make the cut. They would be announcing the winner today. I am very curious what the very best entry out of 185 'high quality' games is.

But lets not allow this to get us down. We just have to prove them wrong!

Markus Hagenauer
Joined: 12/04/2009

You´re right, let´s prove them wrong.

But first let´s see what gemes made it to the final. Maybe this are 13 extraordinary great games we have to ungrundging accept as the better ones. Better than ours, might taht be? ;-)

Thes are the 13 Finalists:

Alain Ollier (La Roche Noire, França)
2 a 5 jugadors
Un joc familiar, ràpid, ambientat en un bosc on es hi ha els millors rovellons i més boletaires del que hi caben. De mica en mica saps què hi podràs acabar trobant i no sempre seran bolets!

Bora Bora
Ludovic Gimet (Saint Just d’Avray, França)
2 jugadors
Una fascinant barreja de joc de majories i joc de connexió, amb un mecanisme inusual i efectiu: rescabalar l’adversari per les fitxes que li treus quan ocupes territoris.

Juan Carlos Pérez (Terrassa)
3 a 5 jugadors
Joc familiar, simple i amb diferents estratègies, ambientat en un rusc ple d’abelles que fabriquen mel. Elles saben que l’important és anar a les millors flors a buscar pol·len, i arribar abans que les altres abelles.

Toni Giménez (Barcelona)
3 a 5 jugadors
Barreja de joc de majories, de cartes amb poders i subhasta amb dret a veto, un joc on et cal pidolar favors als senadors romans. Hi has d’anar preparat, perquè no sempre són prou honestos.

Loïc Lamy (Aurignac, França)
2 jugadors
Petit joc abstracte (es juga en un tauler de 4x4 caselles), on s’aixequen torres de fitxes per fer-les caure sobre les caselles que t’han de fer guanyar. Amb un petit però: no totes les fitxes de la columna són del color que tu vols.

Brett Gilbert (Cambridge, Gran Bretanya)
3 a 4 jugadors
Joc de cartes en què no saps fins al final si els jòquers t’ajudaran a guanyar o et faran perdre la partida. A més, en cada basa tots els jugadors poden intentar decidir qui la guanya.

Jordi Rossich (Caldes de Malavella)
2 a 4 jugadors
Joc abstracte en què les fitxes són dos llargs cordills i les caselles uns claus per només es pot passar una sola vegada. A mida que fas nusos el tauler es va fent petit. Perd qui no pot fer un nus.

Alberto Corra (Torremolinos, Málaga)
1 a 4 jugadors
Joc cooperatiu total. Uns nàufrags arriben a una illa (deserta?) i per sobreviure s’han de preocupar de fer foc, tenir fusta, trobar què menjar, endinsar-se a la selva... Tot el costa més energia de la que tenen.

Quatre micos
Toni Serradesanferm (Granollers)
2 a 4 jugadors
La Nasa busca un mico realment intel·ligent per enviar-lo a Mart. No cal dir que els jugadors són els micos aspirants a la feina. Han de demostrar que saben trobar determinades combinacions de botons. I fer-ho ràpid.

Alain Orban (Nandrin, Bèlgica)
2 a 6 jugadors
Un joc de rapidesa visual. Cal relacionar unes indicacions escrites en un codi no fàcilment identificable per trobar quin tap correspon a quina botella de vi. Frenètic.

San Toribio
Pere Jaume Cano (La Nucia, Alacant)
6 a 12 jugadors
En una petita illa caribenya, un moviment revolucionari ha pres el poder. Però la nova oposició pensa que no són tan revolucionaris com diuen. I intentaran boicotejar totes les reformes que plantegin.

Star Conquest
José Carlos de Diego (Saragossa)
2 a 3 jugadors
Joc de política, econòmic i de bastonades entre naus de faccions adversàries al sistema Alpha Centauri. Els teus cònsuls han d’aconseguir anar més ràpids que els altres a explorar els planetes i trobar minerals.

Wall Street
Nicolas Lieber (Luxemburg)
2 a 4 jugadors
Joc pur de subhastes. Sembla fàcil, fins que veus que unes cartes especials ho poden canviar tot. A més, en una subhasta sempre costa controlar l’emoció de poder-se quedar el que vols, encara que sigui massa car.

Willi B
Joined: 07/28/2008
55 cards is on the list!

Congrats to Brett on the finalist list. I am happy for Brett.

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