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Antaire: Dungeons - Euro-esk Dungeon Crawl

As I previously described I am currently in the process of creating a eurogame styled dungeon crawl game. Inspiration for the game has come from:
* Heroquest (and its variants)
* Carcassone
* Settlers of Catan
* Ticket to Ride

How you say? Heroquest provides a simple combat mechanic, and provides the core theme to the game. Carcassone and Settlers of Catan provide a game that has lots of replay ability due to the laying of tiles. Ticket to Ride is free flowing as it provides the players with a choice of actions, but only one per turn.

So, with the above in mind we start. The game has a series of tiles, each tile represents a room, or corridor. Originally there was only two unique room tiles, Start and Exit. The games starts with just the start tile exposed, all other tiles are in a pile face down. Ties are exposed and placed on the table with edges matching.

In addition there are shops to buy equipment, and a play deck of cards that contains obstacles, loot, and other special abilities.

The original idea was to place play deck cards on a tile as soon as it was placed, however the game became to mundane so it was decided that players would have a hand of cards from their hand and place cards on the tiles as part of their turn.

The shops were also originally part of the play deck, but once again this was an obstruction to the game as players were withholding the shops (a valid strategy, but caused angst).

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gamejournal | by Dr. Radut