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Arcana Victoriana: Activation and other rules

Continuing on with rules and mechanics. Meat and potatoes time.

"Traditional" roll for who sets up and plays first.
On your "turn" you only activate 1 model.
Once the active model has resolved its movement and actions, it ends its activation and the opposing player may now activate 1 model. This continues back and forth until every model has activated. Should a player have more models than another, he may activate the remaining models freely, following the normal rules of activation.

Order of activation
During an activation of a unit, this unit may perform these actions in this order:

1) Perform a special, non-combat ability (if the model has such an ability)

2) Movement
2a) Advance the model, in inches, up to its speed stat.
2b) Forfeit all other actions, including special, non-combat abilities, to advance up to twice the model's speed.
2c) Advance up to half its speed (rounded up) if this model is within .5" of an opposing model.
2d) Forfeit Movement. Doing so adds +2 to the outcome of a skill die roll when making a ranged attack roll. The addition of +2 is added even if the Skill die is prevented from use.

3) Perform a special non-combat ability (if the model has not performed one this activation)

4) Combat
4a) Declare a close combat attack on a model within .5" of this model.
4b) Perform a special combat ability or attack on a model within .5" of this model. (Only if the model has not performed a special non-combat ability this activation)
4c) Declare a ranged attack on a model within the "range" stat of the ranged weapon being used.
4d) Perform a special ranged ability or attack on a model within the "range" stat of the ranged weapon being used. (Only if the model has not performed a special non-combat ability this activation)

5) Perform a special non-combat ability (if the model has not performed a special combat or non-combat ability this activation)

6) End activation

Damn. This only took me 40 mins to write. Getting down the language just so everything is clear as day is tough as hell. It's the reason I'm doing this blog though. I would sit with a pad and pen and never write a thing because I didn't want to have to rewrite or scratch off anything. This way, I can just hit delete. I can type fast so the thoughts jump to "paper" more quickly so I don't lose them. I've already had so much feedback as well, which has helped shape my game as well as get me thinking.

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