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The Captain Is Dead is becoming a video game!

The Game Crafter - Alumni News - The Captain Is Dead is becoming a video game!

We’re proud to announce that a video game version of The Captain Is Dead is being developed by Thunderbox Entertainment. The planned release date is early 2020. You can signup for their mailing list to be an early tester at or add it to your wishlist on steam.

This is exciting news for a humble indie board game that was designed by 2 members of The Game Crafter community, JT Smith & Joe Price. The original board game and several expansions are currently published by AEG and you can also get the original print on demand versions at The Game Crafter.

This is another great example of how big things can come from the indie board games you all create and publish at The Game Crafter. Make it real, make it available for people to play, and you never know what can happen!

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