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Playtesting continues and parts trouble

It's been 6 months since I've got the gumption to write a blog report and work on Tile Pile. I've had a few people playtest it, I've hammered out the details and I think it's time for the first major prototype. The problem is, my pieces are so unique, I can't find anyone who produces them nor find a manufacturer which produces them in the size I need.

33mm Discs, 3mm thick. Plastic. Is that so hard to find? Apparently so. Everyone makes the plastic too small or too thick. I don't know of anyone who could do the tooling to make these stupid pieces as well as etching letters and images on them. I also need a Call Bell but I can order them from anywhere. I've resigned myself to the notion that I won't find a place that will do all the work of putting my game all together. Putting components into my entire run sounds fun. I would feel like I'm giving the game a personal touch. But I digress...

Anyone know of any avenues I haven't found? I'm at a loss here.

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blog | by Dr. Radut