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Tradewars - Homeworld: The Derelict (Revisited)

I finally got my twenty (20) copies of the "Tradewars - Homeworld" (TWHW) prototype... Obviously since I ordered the copies from The Game Crafter (TGC), the decks were not in order. So I spent about 2 hours putting each and every deck in the proper order... That task did not both me at all - but what was more interesting is that I got the chance to playtest the SOLITARY "The Derelict" scenario (the NEW and improved version).

Trying the game out for the first time only to find out that the game was way too easy. I beat the game two (2) consecutive times and decided that there needed to be some "tweaking" in order to make the scenario MORE challenging.

Enter the concept of "Critical Mass".

Before we would determine "The Derelict"'s Firepower using the charge up method. Instead this is now "Critical Mass" and if it reaches six (6), you lose the game. Period.


Well the idea is that "The Derelict" has on-board an explosive device they want to charge and use to destroy your Homeworld.

Although I have never LOST to "Critical Mass", it came a very close five (5) however I did not lose by this method.

The key thing to remember is that a roll of "1" reduces the "Critical Mass" to one (1). So if it was at a lofty "5" and you roll a "1", you get a pretty good chance to beat the game...

Improved challenge:

I modified the scenario to force the player to ROLL 1d6 to determine "The Derelict"'s Firepower whenever it attacks. This means you can lose the game in only four (4) turns if very unlucky. Early on every dice roll is filled with tension, hoping you can pump out a starship early enough to contend with the barrage of attacks.

But it's pretty balanced. I will say that it's not always FAIR - because of the multiple dice rolls, there is sufficient luck (including Initiative rolling - if you have a starship) to balance out the game such that it is NOT pure luck you are relying on.

I will run a few more SOLO runs - just to make sure everything works as I have described.

Cheers everyone!


The solitary scenario is much tougher now!

You can actually lose the game in three (3) turns! Ouch. That's pretty tough. But it really means that you were super-unlucky. You would have to have rolled >4 (60% odds) and then rolled a 6 three consecutive turns. A very rare condition.

But initial turns are more stressful as you try to buy time to trade for an unlocked starship. Once you get a starship, the tension is lowered.

I have also changed the rules to allow players to buy/use Tactic cards. This means you could possibly reduce the alien starship's resistance from nine (9) to three (3) and beat it with two (2) mediocre starship! Fair and allowed...

The longer you wait - the more the odds of rolling a zero (0) which targets your Homeworld directly. Too many of these and you will easily lose the game.

Joe is going to have a second look at The Derelict scenario and tell me what he thinks. From there we'll figure out IF we actually need to revise the mechanics or not.

Cheers everybody.

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