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What do we mean by "elegance" in games?

When someone says a game is "elegant", what do they mean? I'm not sure, so I've done a bit of investigating.

Is it used much? In my Info Select database, which includes my own notes about game design and teaching, and material that I've scraped off the Internet about those same topics in the past seven years, there are 84 notes containing the word "elegant" and another 34 containing "elegance". Clearly the term is used a lot in conversations and writin


What about dictionary definitions of the word?
el·e·gant adjective
1. tastefully fine or luxurious in dress, style, design, etc.: elegant furnishings.
2. gracefully refined and dignified, as in tastes, habits, or literary style: an elegant young gentleman; an elegant prosodist.
3. *graceful in form or movement*: an elegant wave of the hand. [my emphasis]
4. appropriate to refined taste: a man devoted to elegant pursuits.
5. excellent; fine; superior: an absolutely elegant wine.
Synonyms: 1. See fine. 2. *polished*, courtly. [my emphasis]

World English Dictionary
elegant — adj
1. tasteful in dress, style, or design
2. dignified and graceful in appearance, behaviour, etc
3. *cleverly simple; ingenious: an elegant solution* to a problem [my emphasis]

Elegance is a synonym for beauty that has come to acquire the additional connotations of *unusual effectiveness and simplicity*. It is frequently used as a standard of tastefulness particularly in the areas of visual design, decoration, the sciences, and the esthetics of mathematics. Elegant things exhibit refined grace and dignified propriety. [my emphasis]

So could we say, for games: "A solution to a design problem that is seen as ingenious or cleverly simple, polished, and effective?"

At some point I wondered what the difference is between "elegant" and "clever"? For me, something can be clever without being worth doing; something that is elegant is likely worth doing. So I might see a game and say "that's a clever juxtaposition of mechanics", and still not think the game was worth bothering with. I would tend to think of games that model something in interesting or intriguing ways as elegant, whereas games that don't model something may only be clever.

So one man's clever may be another man's elegant.
adjective, -er, -est.
1. mentally bright; having sharp or quick intelligence; able.
2. superficially skillful, witty, or original in character or construction; facile: It was an amusing, clever play, but of no lasting value.
3. showing inventiveness or originality; ingenious: His clever device was the first to solve the problem.
4. adroit with the hands or body; dexterous or nimble.
ingenious, talented, quick-witted; smart, gifted; apt, expert.

There is no Wikipedia entry for the word "clever".

A last expression of the idea of elegance, from the point of view of design:
"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." --Antoine de Saint-Exup'ery
When you achieve this "perfection", you also achieve elegance.

So what do you mean when (if) you describe a game, or part of a game, as "elegant"?


From the Jargon File

Pretty much what de Saint-Exupéry said. In fact, that's the exact quote that came to mind when I saw the topic.

Anyway, the Jargon File has the following description in addition to the de Saint-Exupéry quote:

Elegance: Combining simplicity, power, and a certain ineffable grace of design

Combine esthetics and Functionality

In the general design industry, there are esthetic design and functional design. But in order for a design to be great, or elegant, it must have both.

In board games, I don't consider esthetic to be only the quality of the artwork, but also the composition of the game. For example, having symmetrical elements in a game could make the game more esthetic because it feels like these elements fit together.

This is what makes games elegant. You must give the feeling that each piece of puzzle is tightly fit together and that no other piece of puzzle could replace it.

Unfortunately, many people use it very differently

Many people do have their own distiction of what it means for a game to be elegant. This was the basis of a discussion raised by Kory Heath back in 2000 on one of the Looney Labs mailing lists that I followed. He was at the beginning of his game design career, and was building out his own understandings and terminologies at the time. As I was in a similar position (though not as concentrated on the actual goal of making it a career), I have come to adapt just about the same understandings that he came up with.

Many of the discussions and following journal entries were posted on the Looney Labs/Wunderland website at the time, but now, we must use the Wayback machine to get at them.

There are a number of related items discussing Elegance in Game Design, Emergent behavior, Fiddly and Coercive rules, and what he called "Game design with a sledgehammer".

Here is a top level look at the information: (The Journal of Elegant Game Design)

From there you can navigate to the page below which is a collection of emails related to the subject which helped him to formalize some of his thoughts on the subject:

Specifically, here is his last post from that thread, in which he states
"a rule is "fiddly" (inelegant) when it explicitly dictates or enforces some desired high-level behavior, instead of functioning at the low-level in such a way that the desired behavior emerges naturally"

And on a similar topic, here is his discussion on what it means for a rule to be "Coercive":

"An idea that is cleverly

"An idea that is cleverly simple, polished, and effective

I think that's a damned fine description of Elegance.

Remember though, something can also be Complicated AND Clever, but I see elegance as more: Clever while being Simple.

also +1 for those awesome links that disaac provided - he's a pro.

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