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Tabletop Events Explainer Video

Tabletop Events - Tabletop Game Convention Management

Tabletop.Events is a new business started by The Game Crafter to help convention organizers run board games conventions better. If you are thinking of running a convention, or you know someone that does, Tabletop.Events can help. Pass this on to them.

Watch the video at:

Vote for your favorites in the Gamehole Gauntlet

Voting has started for the Gamehole Gauntlet. The TGC community will submit votes and narrow down a list of 20 semi-finalists.

See the entries and vote at:

Gamehole Gauntlet - Ends in 2 days!

Reminder: Only 2 more days left to submit your game designs for the Gamehole Con 2016 Gauntlet!

The contest is here:

Badges for Protospiel Madison 2016 are now available

The Game Crafter - Protospiel Madison - Board Game Design Event in Madison, Wisconsin

Badges are now available for Protospiel Madison 2016! We sold out last year and had to turn people away. Get your badge at:

Protospiel Madison is powered by Tabletop.Events.

You can make custom board game spinners at The Game Crafter

The Game Crafter - Now you can create custom spinners for your board game!

With The Game Crafter's new custom punchouts you can create any kind of custom spinner you can imagine. And we’ve written an article on how to create your very own custom spinners. Enjoy!

Worker Placement Challenge: Winner Announced!

The Game Crafter - The Leading Print On Demand Game Publisher

And the winner of the Worker Placement Challenge is…

Make your own custom dials with our new rivets and custom punchouts!

The Game Crafter - Custom Dials

The Game Crafter's new rivets and custom punchouts allow game designers to create their own custom dials.

The Third Epoch: Truly Bespoke Games at The Game Crafter

The Game Crafter - Truly Bespoke Games (completely custom punchouts)

Seven years and 1 week ago we launched The Game Crafter. That was the first epoch.

5 years and 2 weeks ago we announced the second epoch via A Crafter’s Manifesto, where we took The Game Crafter out of beta.

Today, we’re proud to tell you about our third epoch, the era of truly bespoke print on demand games. As of today, you can not only design what gets printed on your game components, you can actually design the shapes of those components as well. Need a dragon for your adventure? No problem!

New Pricing For Punchouts

The Game Crafter - New Pricing for Punchouts

Back when we used to cut chits and tiles via dies it made more sense to charge by the sheet. But now, with the advent of mix and match, and laser cutting, it is time to change things up and price by the length of the cuts. So an item that has fewer linear inches in its cut will be cheaper and an item that has more linear inches will be more expensive.

New Avatar Pawns Available at The Game Crafter. Acrylic instead of wood/plastic composite.


Woot if you like our new avatar pawns! Unfortunately our manufacturer stopped making the wood/plastic composite ones we used to have. So we decided to make our own out of acrylic. This means we now have a pawn to go with our cubes and crystals! Oh yeah, and we’re also dropping the price from 15 cents each to 10 cents each.

Check them out in our online parts shop at:

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by Dr. Radut