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JB's blog

Nuttiest Version Yet

I had gone through several versions of my game Rise of the Chieftian. It was getting better each time, but I some level I wasn't reasonating with it. It's not so much that it didn't meet my expectations, it's that I didn't know what my expectations were. I was wandering around theme and a vauge idea, and as I tested my game got pulled towards a conventional, "been done," kinda feel. So I went a few weeks without touching it.

Things in Full Swing

  I Guess I need to introduce myself. Hi, I'm James, I'm working on a card game Rise of the Chieftain. (I'll include the spiel at the end of this entry.) Right now, I'd like to just share the excitement and bewilderment of this process. Yesterday, I had a very productive meeting with an Artist friend of mine. I wasn't expecting her to be so interested in the project. I didn't have to sell her on it at all! I spent most of the day today on the SBA website learning about business plans and taxes and market research.

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by Dr. Radut