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Disposal of boardgames that did not sell

5 replies [Last post]

Hello All,

I stumbled across this site and I have to say I wish I had found it a long time ago...but that is another discussion for another time. My question deals with game boards. I made some college monopoly-like games back in 1990 and suffice it to say the sales went poorly. I have thousands of boards in my garage and I want to get rid of them. I was thinking of shredding and using them as kittie litter (between my girlfriend and me we have 9 cats) or finding someone who could recycle the cardboard. ANy suggestions would really help!

You can email me directly at

Thanks everyone

Disposal of boardgames that did not sell

labwsk wrote:
I was thinking of shredding and using them as kittie litter...

Aieieieeieieieeee no! Hopefully that came across as the horrified scream that it was intended to be.

Many game designers use old game boards for their game prototypes by pasting new graphics over the existing ones. If you're not interested in doing so on your own part, you could consider donating them to the BGDF Protoparts section to sell as prototyping parts.

Alternatively you could send them to any will recipient to use for prototypes. I know I'd be willing to take a few off your hands.

PS. Do you have any of the other components left? Tokens, money...?

Your reply made me chuckle

I loved the scream! I never knew the boards could be used for that. I would love to donate them, but won't that cost a fortune to ship? I would be happy to give you some. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I only have the boards, I had to make the boards in advance but the other stuff I could make as I went.

Tell me more about donating to you and/or the protogame pile.

Thanks again!

Joined: 04/23/2013
Re: Your reply made me chuckle

labwsk wrote:
I loved the scream! I never knew the boards could be used for that. I would love to donate them, but won't that cost a fortune to ship? I would be happy to give you some. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I only have the boards, I had to make the boards in advance but the other stuff I could make as I went.

Tell me more about donating to you and/or the protogame pile.

Thanks again!

I'm going to forward this thread to the owner of the protoparts store. Perhaps he can sell them for you on consignment?


Disposal of boardgames that did not sell

labwsk -
Darkehorse's idea is the best. If protoparts can sell them on consignment, then you get to recoup some money without wasting all those boards. maybe you can dropship them out to customers, meaning they would pay for your shipping as they are ordered (but it would be some work for you).

the other possibility is you may live close to someone on the board and be able to just have someone come and pick them up (if youwanted to be rid of them). Where abouts do you live?

Joined: 12/31/1969
Also, how about some extensive details of these?

Yes, there are many people that are interested in those, myself included. Can we maybe get good detailed information on those for our benefit? Thanks in advance for your assistance in this.

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