Hello there!
I've just stumbled upon this site, after my first bout of research for board game design. I have to admit to not having anywhere near as much knowledge as... well, probably all of you guys, but I'm very interested.
My story is that my nephew wants to create a board game, based around science fiction and fantasy elements. He's 10 years old, so I said I'd step in and help out with the whole thing. I'm an artist, so I'm helpful in that way (cards, the board itself, etc.), but I'm not so egotistical that I think I'm capable of going straight into it all and having success first time out of the gate. Then again, as long as my nephew enjoys it, that's the point.
But I'm rambling! So, I'm gonna learn terminology, techniques and the process from design through to production, hopefully with a little help from this site!
Thanks guys! Feels very welcoming around here!
I'm gonna flesh out the basics of what I think should be the kinda thing I'm shooting for, then I'll post my ideas and see what everyone makes of it. Where should I ask questions/throw out concepts for best results?
Oh, and Zzzzz... any help I can be with regard to art, feel free to hit me up!