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Where do I start

2 replies [Last post]

words of wisdom please.

i got the idea dont have the resources to make a game.

anyone know where i start?

Joined: 12/31/1969
Where do I start

If you want to enter the GDW, read the sticky thread of this forum.

That explains the process of entering the GDW and getting your game analyzed by us.

Joined: 08/11/2008
Re: Where do I start

reddwarf wrote:
words of wisdom please.

i got the idea dont have the resources to make a game.

anyone know where i start?

You can make a card game and components for the cost of index cards and a pen. Total cost to you, a couple of dollars, but odds are, you've got those in your house already. For rules, you can always write them down on a piece of paper using aforementioned pen. :)

You don't need fancy expensive materials or computer programs to prototype a game. I do much of my prototyping now in OpenOffice because it's free, and can make PDFs.

Best of luck.
-- Scott S.

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