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Flavor Text in Games

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How much flavor text do you use in game design? In abstract games this is a non issue, but in games with a theme how much is too much? Do you rely on some, or do you just use the pieces and board itself for the flair?

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
Flavor Text in Games

Well I put some flavour* text on the "Fate of Atlantis" cards, and I must confess I had a lot of fun looking appropriate quotes up.

Joined: 11/26/2011
Flavor Text in Games


Joined: 12/31/1969
Flavor Text in Games

I use flavor "images". It

Flavor Text in Games

I have not made any game of my own yet. But as a player, I think that good flavor text is pretty important, but not "vital", though. I like reading flavor text of CCG. Specially L5R. But I don

Joined: 04/23/2013
Flavor Text in Games

Flavor text is the

Flavor Text in Games

I concur with Darke in that flavor text shouldn

Flavor Text in Games

One more thing! For beer and pretzel games, where the predominant aspect of a night of gaming is laughing and having fun, flavor text begs to be used. It helps convey mood.

(Pass the pretzels.)

Flavor Text in Games

Three in a row! How annoying. Anyway...

The best use of flavor text, the one that I enjoy the most and makes the most sense is incorporating it into the rules where the idea of so many good games it to convey a theme. Games like Princes of Florence, Tikal, Mexica, Puerto Rico all convey a degree of rules-base flavor text to help the players understand how the mechanics of the games are more than simple abstractions, but are indeed tied intricately into the premise of the game. To me, tying flavor text into the rules to convey theme is flavor text at it

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