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Game Design College?

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Does anyone know if there is such a course as Board/Card Game design offered in any colleges? (Especially in PA)

Thanks in advance for any help!

Joined: 10/02/2008
Game Design College?

I've been reading the toys and games inventor's handbook, and it says that 2 schools have programs that give degrees for Toys. I don't know hpw useful that would be for designing games, but as I've been reading the book I find that the way to invent a toy is very similar to inventing a game and that's why I read about the parts that deal with inventing toys as much as the parts that deal with inventing games.


Joined: 08/23/2008
Game Design College?

The games journal talks about a college course from 2003 at Carnegie-Mellon (in PA)

that looks very successful, he has to turn students away. Wish I could take it,


Game Design College?

Thanks a lot! I looked into that site Ensor reccomended, and managed to find myself at the ETC, but I'm afraid that didn't help too much. It turns out you need to have already graduated from a college to go there.
I don't suppose anyone else could help me?

Joined: 04/23/2013
Game design course

There is a member here that actually teaches a course and gives seminars in game design.

Read this news article:

Note: He teaches these classes in California unfortunately.


Game Design College?

Dont waste a college degree on Board gaming alone, for multiple reasons. If you are only interested in gaming, get a degree in buisness, take history and math courses. And play board games every weekend with your buddies.

Seriously you can learn more about games by playing them and try to understand why a certain machanic is in a game, then through a class.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Game Design College?

That's not entirely true. You can't just throw a game at just anyone and expect them to be able to pick out game mechanics flaws and such. Some people have a knack for it, and some don't. Some people can tell when a game's unbalanced, and some can't. There's definitely multitudes of points that people can learn about game mechanics from a class.

Game Design College?

I say take a class, but take a class that is only a few weeks. You don't need to go killing yourself over a board game, but you need to know enough that if you come up with the next Monopoly that you know how to submit your idea. I won't say I know from experience (I don't know of any classes offered in Minnesota, although I know of a distributor 20 minutes from where I live), but I will say that if you're going to take a long class and get your hopes up and find out your game wasn't any good anyway, you would rather say "Hey it was only once a week for a month" as opposed to "Hey it was only four years of my life".

Finally, if you do want to get your game made, I think I saw a company online (keyword: think) that will make a copy of your board game for you with custom pieces, dice, and a board if you send them a prototype. That way you could at least have a professional looking board game that you can proudly display and say you made it. While I can't confirm I saw this (the site wasn't full of words so I couldn't tell) I will say that you can keep your hopes up.

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