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The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

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lewpuls's picture
Joined: 04/04/2009

A game can be thought of as a system (as in "systems analysis", for the computationally inclined). What I'm trying to achieve is a list of the fundamental sub-systems that are necessarily a part of any game. This list may help novice designers, because if they think about all nine of these systems as they rough out their game, this will help them conceptualize and arrive at a playable idea.

I want a framework that will help a novice designer think about games. There are other ways to analyze the fundamentals of games, e.g. in terms of states and changing state, but I don't believe that point of view helps new designers much.

This scheme is related to games that are models of something (often, of some reality); I have not tried to include sports, such as football or basketball, in which people participate bodily. The systems should apply to a tabletop football or basketball game, but perhaps not to the sport itself.

If one of these systems is completely missing, you might have a toy or puzzle, but not a game. For example, in Katamari Dimacy there are no victory conditions (other than an arbitary time limit for completion), and you have a toy. People play the game, by and large, because it's fun to play with, not because they're trying to do better than someone else (or even than themselves).

Sometimes the system is assumed, or the choice is to have "none", but still a decision has been made about the category. For example, in Tic-Tac-Toe there is no acquisition of resources, but it still has an economy of "none"--it could have a way to gain resources, and there may be variations where you do. A very abstract game has no theme/history/story, but the designer chose to take that approach, nonetheless.

I've tried to list these subsystems in an apparently-logical order, but every one is just as fundamental as every other one.

Other people, in listing fundamentals of games, address "state" in considerable detail. I've tried to avoid "state" and "state-changes" as much as possible, simply because I don't think that an organization dominated by state is very useful to an inexperienced designer. "State-change", in particular, seems to lump an awful lot together in one pot. My ultimate goal is to have something that will be useful to inexperienced designers, and to expand each category to exhaustively list categories of alternatives within each structure.

1. Theme/History/Story. These are listed in order of common usage, not necessarily importance. Story can be absolutely vital to a role-playing game, but is essentially absent from many games. Historical games use history to a greater or lesser extent. Many Euro-style games have a theme that may or may not have affected the construction of the game. And we can still have abstract games without theme.

2. Objective/victory conditions. In other words, what causes one player to win, (and what causes the game to end)? Role-playing games have no end, but do have objectives: usually to acquire experience points and (magic) items. The game ending can be arbitrary ("play five rounds", yet there will still be a way to determine the winner at that point.

3. “Data storage”. (Information Management) Something has to record the current state of the game. This is often a board/map. In Tic-Tac-Toe, it's the nine-box layout. In card games, the layout of the cards on the table, and the cards themselves, store data. Pieces can store data, in particular the traditional cardboard pieces of wargames that contain movement, attack, and defense values. A detailed map stores LOTS of data.

4. Sequencing. In what order do things happen? "Simultaneously" can be the answer, but taking turns is the norm in non-video games. Even in video games that appear to be simultaneous, there is usually a hidden non-simultaneous sequence (as that is the nature of most computing).

5. Movement/Placement. Players generally manipulate something, most often pieces on a board or cards in their hand or on the table. Chess and checkers have movement rules, the Asiatic game Go has placement rules. Movement/placement one at a time is the norm. Even paper-rock-scissors has movement (as well as sequencing) rules.

6. Information availability. What information about the game available to all players? In traditional boardgames all information is available, but in card games information is largely hidden. Five-card draw poker has a lower level of information availability than Texas Hold 'Em, because in the latter you see some of the cards "held" by the other players.

7. Conflict resolution/interaction of game entities. What happens when an action of a player leads to a conflict? This can be as simple as in Tic-Tac-Toe (conflict is not allowed, you can't place your mark where the other player already has one), or it can be simple as in chess (when a conflict occurs, the moving player always wins). In checkers you jump a man in a conflict. In Go you surround stones to capture them.

You can argue that Tic-Tac-Toe has no conflict rules, that movement rules govern where markers can be placed; but in this view a choice has still been made, that there will be no conflict. It is possible to have a game without conflict, such as a race game or many card games. There's no conflict in Solitaire, either.

8. "Economy" (resource acquisition). How are new pieces/capabilities acquired? Some games have no way to acquire these, but that is still a decision made about the game. Even games that don't appear to have an Economy have some elements, for example, in chess you can promote ("queen") a pawn, and in checkers you can make a king. Many modern games, especially many computer games, are economic/resource management games.

9. Player Interaction rules. What governs how the players interact with one another. For example, in a multi-player game, are negotiations allowed? Physical intimidation? (The answer to that is almost always "No", but it is a decision, and I have seen games that involved physical intimidation...)

This is an "ongoing" work (I started with seven elements). Any comments?

Hedge-o-Matic's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008
The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

A few:

1.) Theme: I think that this is not an integral part of games. You give more examples of non-themed games than themed ones. This is not vital, and, indeed is a reletively recent varnish on games.

7.) Conflict: I don't think it's possible to have a game without conflict, for the same reason you don't have a story without it. Even in race games, there's conflict, specifically for position. Solitaire has the conflict of diminishing potential as the game progresses.

8.) Economy: An economy of loss or prevention of loss is still an economy. This rules Chess. Your example of promotion of pawns is not an economic function, but a goal within the game. In Go, the economy is territory.

Just some thoughts on your initial post. Good stuff, overall. I think it should be stressed that each of these can overlap significantly with the others. My take on the economics of Go, for example, is closely aligned to the conflicts of the game.

ronnyay's picture
Joined: 08/20/2008
The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

I like your approach! Just a few supplement to your point.

2. Objective/ winning condition: Player should get a feeling of satisfaction after each session. If they win, show them their archievement; If they lose, show them how to improve next time.

4. Sequencing: Consequence should not be reversible.

Finally, where is "Choice"? A game with no informed choice is not a game and I think it should be listed in your list.

lewpuls's picture
Joined: 04/04/2009
The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

The absence of something is still a decision made by the designer. That is, the absence of conflict is a choice, the conflict structure is still there. Same for theme (which is one of the two structures I added after discussion of the other seven). The idea is to devise categories so that relatively inexperienced designers can fairly easily and quickly flesh out their game idea. The designer may chooce to create an abstract game, but he has still made a choice about theme, and cannot avoid making a choice about it.

Choice for the player is important, but is it a structure? Or perhaps I should say, doesn't it inform everything else in a game? (If there's no choice, it's not a game.)

I am working on a separate list, roughly "questions that the designer needs to answer about a game", but which are not categories of structure. For example: is the game zero-sum or non-zero-sum, how many players it is designed for, etc.


doho123's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

For example, in Katamari Dimacy there are no victory conditions (other than an arbitary time limit for completion), and you have a toy. People play the game, by and large, because it's fun to play with, not because they're trying to do better than someone else (or even than themselves).

KD does have Victory Conditions: complete XX before the time limit expires to move on. Much like any other level based video game. Or many action-based games of the past (Perfection, for one).

doho123's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

To claim that a game needs "choice" for it to be a game in not valid. You may personally LIKE choices in your games, but games need not have player choices (obvious child games come to mind in this respect, but older, historical games fall into this category, too).

lewpuls's picture
Joined: 04/04/2009
The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

doho123 wrote:
For example, in Katamari Dimacy there are no victory conditions (other than an arbitary time limit for completion), and you have a toy. People play the game, by and large, because it's fun to play with, not because they're trying to do better than someone else (or even than themselves).

KD does have Victory Conditions: complete XX before the time limit expires to move on. Much like any other level based video game. Or many action-based games of the past (Perfection, for one).

When you run a "race", and no one else runs, but you set a time that you want to beat, are you playing a game? Not in my book. The "victory conditions" in KD are similarly purely arbitrary--there is no opposition. It is a toy to be played with, at least insofar as I've seen people play it. (A puzzle would have a solution; but some people might call KD a puzzle.)

After all, you can make arbitrary time or other performance standards in a vast number of endeavors in life, but does that make those endeavors a game? No. Example: a writer wants to complete 5.000 words a day. He can make it or not make it, but he isn't playing a game.

And yes, by this definition, some video "games" are actually toys or puzzles. Tetris, for example.

doho123's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

The "victory conditions" in KD are similarly purely arbitrary--there is no opposition. It is a toy to be played with, at least insofar as I've seen people play it.

They aren't purely arbitrary; those time limits are balanced versus the goals and the things that exist in the world. The opposition is the world around it preventing you from completing the task before the time expires.

So you've only watched people play KD play the first level over and over again, because it's a fun toy to play with? Or are they going for the goals to move on into the game?

Also, if people are playing something just to fool around with the system, then it stops becoming a game? So playing Magic The Gathering just to see various card combos work, instead of playing it to defeat your opponent, means it's not a game anymore?

Are MMORPGs games then? Since all you really do, effectively is wander around a world making your 'ball of stuff" (your stats and inventory) bigger?

lewpuls's picture
Joined: 04/04/2009
The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

doho123 wrote:
The "victory conditions" in KD are similarly purely arbitrary--there is no opposition. It is a toy to be played with, at least insofar as I've seen people play it.

They aren't purely arbitrary; those time limits are balanced versus the goals and the things that exist in the world. The opposition is the world around it preventing you from completing the task before the time expires.

So you've only watched people play KD play the first level over and over again, because it's a fun toy to play with? Or are they going for the goals to move on into the game?

Also, if people are playing something just to fool around with the system, then it stops becoming a game? So playing Magic The Gathering just to see various card combos work, instead of playing it to defeat your opponent, means it's not a game anymore?

Are MMORPGs games then? Since all you really do, effectively is wander around a world making your 'ball of stuff" (your stats and inventory) bigger?

A year after the fact, I can only say that they played KD until their balls were big enough to suck up entire islands. Isn't there an option to turn off the time limits? They had no goal, they just enjoyed playing (I would get bored playing, I think, but I admired the programming.)

In most video games you cannot lose if you are sufficiently persistent: they are deliberately designed that way. They are often played as toys, though most people do want to accomplish the objective. (And note that my "structure" is objective/victory condition). In MMORPGs there is an opposition, but insofar as there is usually no way to die without "coming back", they have no victory condition, rather than have an objective: to accumulate "stuff" over time. Insofar as most face-to-face RPGs are played without real chance of death without resurrection, they are quite similar.

If two people play a game to experiment, then aren't they treating it as a toy? (Don't assume that "toy" denotes something childish.)

If you define "opposition" as an environment, then of course there is always opposition. OTOH, I don't believe that KD in any way tries to actively prevent you from making your ball bigger--there is no sentience or intent in it--so in my view there is no opposition.

The book Rollings and Adams on Game Design has an interesting treatment/definition of games, toys, and puzzles.

ronnyay's picture
Joined: 08/20/2008
The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

doho123 wrote:
To claim that a game needs "choice" for it to be a game in not valid. You may personally LIKE choices in your games, but games need not have player choices (obvious child games come to mind in this respect, but older, historical games fall into this category, too).

I wonder how a game can contain no choice at all? even a tic-tac-toe require player to choose a box in fill in. Although the strategy is obvious, there're still nine squares to choose from. To me, all games require players to make choice to change the outcome, and it is the most basic of interactivity of game.

Also, the topic is applied to both video and non- video game. According to Sid Meire's definition of game, "game is a series of interesting choices" and it has been widely accepted in game design theory.

My points mentioned in my previous reply is actually based on a number of books about game design theory, not my subjective thought. But your reply sounds like I am giving silly random thoughts on the topic :P

Joined: 12/31/1969
The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

When someone claims that Tic-Tac-Toe does not have conflict, one sensible interpretation of this that springs to mind is that it does not have rules that specify any way for one player to overturn or reverse another player's move.

However, Tic-Tac-Toe certainly has conflict in the sense that one player may force a change in (or render impossible) another player's overarching strategy. "Now that he put an X on the left center square, I can't put a row of O's down the leftmost column as I had intended."

If we focus on the decisionmaking aspect of games, then it can make sense to interpret the "conflict" dimension of a game in terms of the internal conflict it generates within us as we weigh one alternative against another, even if this doesn't involve another player.


If I'm interpreting systems theory correctly, the same thing can be a toy or a game. The thing itself doesn't carry the meaning; the meaning comes from how it interacts with what is outside of it. That is, even if we have a toy, we can play games with it if we and the people we play with assign some objectives to our play. If we have a game, we can make it a toy by ignoring the objectives the designer has supplied and using the materials for the game as doorstops or in the bathtub with our toddlers. (Even then, we are probably just making up new games on the spot- one way of looking at toys is that they are general tools for allowing players to implement games).

Katamari Damacy is made a game by people that form the objective in their minds of completing levels in less than the given time. I think that because forming this objective is exceedingly natural and obvious, people call it a game without confusing each other. There may be some toys that have so few objectives that could naturally become associated with them, that those few objectives become (a) game(s) associated with the toy. Other toys have so many possibilities, or do not especially suggest any one set of objectives- and in not having any clear choice of objectives, become known more as toys than as materials for a specific game.

It sounds like lewpuls would consider opposition an important part in differentiating games and toys. However, I'm not sure the element of opposition can be defined unambiguously so as to contribute to the distinction between toys and games. How intelligent must this opposition be to count as opposition? Must it be a human player? How about enemies moved about by a video game system? What about the randomly generated bad events that occur in games(?) in which all of the human players are cooperating? What about the mechanical imperfections in their own movements that make it harder for hackysack players as they all cooperate to keep the footbag in the air? To me, it's perfectly admissable to call a solitary activity a "game"; there are plenty of forces that make my objectives more unlikely in a way that requires skill to overcome that aren't necessarily human.

doho123's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

I wonder how a game can contain no choice at all?

Simple children games such as CandyLand and Chutes and Ladders have no choice at all for the players.

Ancient games, such as Senet ( really have no choice. Including "more recent" games (1860): (

Now, from a "game theory" viewpoint, these probably aren't too interesting to study or, for the geekery of today's game-interested crowd, interesting at all. But to completely dismiss them as not being games seems a little pretentious.

Joined: 12/31/1969
The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

... seems a little pretentious
as most of this discussion!

doho123's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

... seems a little pretentious
as most of this discussion!

Well, sure!

Joined: 07/31/2008
Awesome Post/Discussion


Posts like this one and “What’s Important When Designing a Game” are exactly what I’m looking for at the Forum.

I’ll be looking forward to your list of “Questions That the Designer Needs to Answer About a Game”.

I also wouldn’t mind if you did something about the “states and changing state” issue you alluded to at the beginning of your post. That’s a concept that’s totally new to me.

The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

I'll post a more detailed response, but for now this will do.

Read 'Rule of Play', ISBN0-262-24045-9

The reading is a bit dry, but it is an excellent academic look at what makes a game a game. I used it this last semester to teach Game Design at my local college, and found it very, very useful.

The day you stop learning is the day you die.

Lor's picture
Joined: 12/31/1969
The nine structural subsystems of any game (video or non-vid

I like the issue of choice as a design component!

Choice for the player is important, but is it a structure? Or perhaps I should say, doesn't it inform everything else in a game? (If there's no choice, it's not a game.)

It's not a game for people who know how to choose, I would certainly agree. So the players of CandyLand or C&L are developmentally not yet capable of making game choices; they have just begun forming abstraction.

Such games model experience , not choice. It's another function of games which ought to be on the list, along with Maslow's Nine Needs, which I thoroughly sign onto.

Choice itself isn't a structure of a game unless it's about railroad layouts-- it's an inherent offering of the game, built into the design, targeted to players who need to choose among paths, weapons, power states, alliances, etc. to accomplish game goals.

For players over the age of 6, a game wthout choice is like a day without sunshine.

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