Hi - I have 3 new boardgame prototypes which I want to test on people before deciding whether they are viable ideas. The problem I have at the moment is finding anyone to test out my games. None of my friends or family are interested in board games so I dont know whether to insist on any of them trying out my games. I suppose I thought that if the game was interesting enough the non-boardgamers might be converted - but how realistic is this? I hate to ask people who normally dont play games to spare the time to do something that's not really their thing.
Should I find gaming enthusiasts to test out my games instead? If so, how would I find such people locally (I live in the Bristol/Bath UK area). My games cant be emailed/downloaded - they are purely in an offline format.
Thanks for any advice!
How to get (offline) playtesters?
The key, obviously, is to find boardgamers in your area. There are three ways to find boardgamers that I'm aware of, and they all reference each other (ask about the other two at any one):
1. Game Stores: You live in a large(ish) metropolitan area, there must surely be hobby game stores in the area. Drop by and take a look around. Check out their bulletin board, if they have one. Ask the shopkeeper about boardgaming, boardgame groups, and game conventions.
Here's a googled list of game stores in Bristol. I'm sure the bulk of them are for video games, but at the very least the Games Workshop store isn't:
2. Boardgame Groups: It's very likely that there are one or more boardgame groups in your area, since they're pretty much everywhere. Searching the internet may find them, as can asking at a game store.
Some game clubs in the UK: http://dmoz.org/Games/Play_Groups/Europe/United_Kingdom/
That list includes the Bristol University Games Society: GameSoc:
Peruse the Europe game club forum on the BoardGameGeek to find groups in your area:
3. Game Conventions: It's also very likely there's at least one boardgame convention in your area. Not only can you get some playtesting done there, but you can also learn about local groups or even form one. Again, the internet and game stores are your friend.
Some game conventions in the UK (I don't know your geography well enough to know if any of these are even remotely close to you): http://dmoz.org/Games/Conventions/Europe/United_Kingdom/
Good luck!
-- Matthew
Wasn't there someone on this board who had a group, and who would playtest a game if you sent them a prototype?
My memory seems foggy on this.
I suggest that you join a local gaming club. At least there you'll get to meet people who are interested in games and get some considered feedback.
However you would need to have a motive besides getting your games tested - basically joining in some social games and having a laugh at the same time and so on. But I'me guessing that if you've designed 3 games and have spent alot of time without any opponents then then this won't be a problem for you :-)
I live near bristol and work in the city, and recently joined a gaming club in Frome. I'm also gaming with a local group based in Street near Glastonbury. If you send me a PM I can give you the details. Meets are every thursday.

Many thanks for all your help - it's great to have such a quick response. I will certainly take up all your suggestions in due course - I am due to have a baby in the next couple of weeks so I will have to wait after this for some time until I can get back some free time!