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Coloring Wood Bits

33 replies [Last post]
Coloring Wood Bits

The picture of the Gloucester Tabulae set shows the checkers well enough. Very cool looking results!

Also, cool idea for a company. I enjoyed looking over your site and reading some of the history of your company!

Joined: 12/31/1969
Coloring Wood Bits

Hi All,

Still in this topic, I would like to ask again if anyone knows how big companies paint their wooden pieces. I am looking for what brand/kind of paint and the method they do it.

Thanl you all,


Coloring Wood Bits

suggestion: use aniline wood dye, which allows you do batch-soak your pieces using a dipping process.

then, pull them out (using a sieve and allow them to air-dry).

lay them out and spray-varnish them (if durability is a concern)

to find out more about aniline dyes, google "aniline wood dye"

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