I am a graphic designer, and have recently caught the board game bug. I have a handful of ideas I am throwing around already in my head. When I come to these forums, it seems to me that everyone is having troubles finding the right parts, pieces, and art to make a working version of their game. I am intrested in mabey loaning my skills out at a very low rate, to make graphics, logos, and even rule manuals. Would there be any kind of need for this?
Graphic Designer... for hire?
Tue, 11/22/2005 - 01:02
Tue, 11/22/2005 - 03:17
Graphic Designer... for hire?
You will indeed get interest here. There are a lot of designers here with projects at various stages of completion who need graphic design. I dare say you wil have your pick of who to work with in short order.
If you want to chum the waters even more post some links to your work.
Tue, 11/22/2005 - 07:35
Graphic Designer... for hire?
Definately get some linkage in here, Graphic artists are great - less hassle for the designers, and provide something that looks shiney!
yeh, if you have a site post a link, if you dont, by george man, make one, with a portfolio section!