Is there a legal problem with producing a game using prefab peices? For instance, if I made a game using another company
Mon, 04/28/2003 - 12:17
Thu, 03/06/2003 - 14:19
If the pieces are public domains, you can use them without a problem. On the other hand if the pieces are "custom" or have a trademark, I would not risk it. Usually it
Fri, 03/07/2003 - 09:23
Dear Krakit
Now you might have a problem. I have not seen the pieces for Risk 2010. If they were produced especially for the game they probably would fall under the heading of artwork and be protected. It might be a issue that you would have to take up with Avalon Hill ( Futile since they are now owend you the giant Hasbro ). If the pieces are mass produced by a another company who sells them to anyone then your ok. Check the web links section. There are many companys who make plastic tanks, planes, soldiers etc..
Mon, 04/28/2003 - 12:17

I do not have any specific expertise or knowledge in this area, but I would have though that so long as you are not reproducing the pieces then you are not in breach of copyright or patent laws. If the pieces are not sold under any specific resale conditions, then using them in a game and selling the game is not that much different to resaling them directly.
On the other hand you would certainly be able to get them much cheaper in bulk rather than at the retail level so it would make sense to track down the manufacturer (which is not always easy) and approach them for supply.