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Inkjet Printer For Cardstock

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I am looking for an inkjet printer that is capable of handling cardstock. My color laser is just not up to the task of handling heavy/glossy paper.

The printer needs to be able to handle ~110 lb cardstock well, needs to be able to print on coated stock, and needs to have good paper handling and registration. It needs to be able to handle a duty cycle of 2000 pages per month at minimum. Registration is key; I use a print shop guillotine to cut the cards so it's no good to me if every page is offset.

Any suggestions/reviews would be greatly appreciated!

Robert Hayes
Legend Games


I have an HP1700PS that handles the heavy card stock through the rear path nicely. We typically design our art to compensate for the registration issues of home printing. Allow bleeds !

I also have an HP G-85, all in 1 printer, scanner, fax that handles the card stock.

The biggest problem to overcome will be inkjet printing on a coated stock. If you can find a card stock with inkjet receptive coating on 2 sides...please share that source with us.

I have found a liquid inkjet receptive coating that can be applied to card stock and works pretty well( The problem is that it requires several coats for consisitent coverage. When you do that to both sides, it makes for a REALLY thick stock ( .016 ). 110# cover is probably about .010 - .011 thick.


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