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Making sure a game's name is not duplicated

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Had an idea for a board game I wondered if anyone knew
of a site I could double check that it is not already being
used. The name or the idea. Any suggestions???? :lol:

Rick-Holzgrafe's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
Making sure a game's name is not duplicated

Try BoardGameGeek to search for games by name. They don't have every game in the world listed, but they've almost certainly got every currently popular board game in print, and most games for the last few decades that were at all popular even if they're now out of print.

I have no idea how to find out if a game idea has been used. Wish I did!

doho123's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Making sure a game's name is not duplicated

You can do patent and Trademark searches at the above site.

Making sure a game's name is not duplicated

Mia … and as long as you've made a reasonable effort to be fair about not duplicating a name that might already be in use or copyrighted -- then any potential trouble down the road is just that much more easy to rectify; legally arguable in your defense. Not to scare – just some assurance that effort goes a long way because we all know how gray and fugged up US Copyright Laws are ...


Making sure a game's name is not duplicated

Hello and welcome!

You can always type your game's name into a search engine (or a few search engines) and see what comes up. Depending on the name, you may need to modify the search with some keywords that pertain to the fact that it's a game (like "game" or "boardgame").

Best of luck!

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