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Piece material?

2 replies [Last post]

I am creating a game that calls for 60-100 small pieces(about 1.5' x 1.5')
And will have various information on it. I am wondering what to make them out of. This game is not going to be for playtesting, just me and my friends, so i want to keep it as cheap as possible. They will be shuffled face-down in a big pile and are drawn face-down, so the text underneath must not be visible. Thanks for all help.

Piece material?

card stock would work. Unless you want 3d 1.5x1.5x1.5, then you want small blocks. If you want 3d ones, might I suggest protoparts, there is a link to them on the home page on this site.

Piece material?

thanks, i'll try that.

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