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PlainCards vs. U-turn printer

2 replies [Last post]
Joined: 12/31/1969

Hi! I just got PlainCards to make the prototype for my new game's cards -- but then I saw the following warning on the cards:

"Caution! Printers that cause the paper to make a u-turn inside the printer can cause the cards to separate from the master sheet prematurely".

My printer is a u-turn printer, and everyone I know has a u-turn printer. Has anyone tried to print these cards before on such a printer? Should I risk it?

Thanks in advance,


Joined: 12/31/1969
PlainCards vs. U-turn printer

I used them in my u-turn printer, HP p1000. They worked just fine. In fact, I ran them thru more than once and they never pop out. So go ahead and print!

HoppingFun's picture
Joined: 10/16/2010
PlainCards vs. U-turn printer

I bought these to use with my Lexmark C510 color laser printer, with an add-on duplex thingy. I had mixed results. First time through, all the cards zipped through unscathed, no problems. But I did get some paper jams for the second side of printing, including ink smears, perhaps due to paper curling (none of the microperfs separated en route). I abandoned the duplexing and now flip over the stack and run it through a second time independently. I lose maybe 1 out of 10-12 sheets to jams. It's not a big deal to print out replacements, but it does add a little to the frustration/time/cost.

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