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Print out large game boards question

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Johan's picture
Joined: 10/05/2008


Does anyone know how to print out game boards on several normal sized papers (A4/letter) without cutting the board into several pieces first?
I have downloaded a banner creator program from internet (trial version (I don’t sit at my own computer right now and I don’t remember the name of the program)) and it work up to 4 papers (It clams to be able to print bigger pages but my printer refuses that). I also want to be able to print just a part of the picture (not the complete one).
I work with: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and the Microsoft office package. I have also access to Corel Draw and Corel Painter.

Thanks in advance.

// Johan

Print out large game boards question

I think that many printers has this option built in their driver program. I don't know tough how trustworthy are those things. Better to do it by hand, IMO.

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Print out large game boards question

You can use the automatic tile option in Corel, or you can go to Preview in the Print dialog box, and drag your image to place the area of the board you want to print into the printing area.


Johan's picture
Joined: 10/05/2008
Print out large game boards question

Thanks I will try it out.

// Johan

Joined: 12/31/1969
Print out large game boards question

In Photoshop:

Set up guides to break up the image into blocks the size of paper you have (minus unprintable areas per your printer). Now select one of the rectangles you just blocked out. When you modify your selection to get it perfect, it will 'snap' to the guide when you get close it. Then print selection. Repeat for the other sections.

Of course, this assumes your image size is set up to the print size you want. If not, you will have to do this first.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Print out large game boards question

I used to use guides that way in Photoshop, but I do something a bit different, now. Because the seaming-together system I use likes there to be at least some overlap, I simply choose the rectangular marquee tool, change the type to fixed an enter measurements for 8" x 10.5". I then click in the middle and drag the selection to the upper left-hand corner, crop (alt-ip), print (control-p enter enter), undo (control-z), and drag the selection to another corner. Repeat, then in the upper middle and lower middle (doesn't have to be precise), all done.

When I have a many-layered file, I usually first create a flattened version and work with it. Saves quite a lot of processing time.

InDesign and Freehand, the other two apps I use, have built-in automatic tiling, IIRC.

-- Matthew

Johan's picture
Joined: 10/05/2008
Print out large game boards question

Thanks. I find the same possibility in Illustrator and that is the tool i work most with.

// Johan

Print out large game boards question

Yes, Illustrator and FreeHand and other layout programs have good manual tiling options to do what you want. It's always best to tile manually (since the auto tiling algorithm works but usually makes more pages that you could by tiling manually).

I know that FreeHand uses the origin as the point of manual tiling, not sure how Illustrator works.



I wanted to bump this up and see if anyone can explain if I could do this witha picture I have.

I have a boardgame design in JPEG. It is not the right size but if I expanded I would be able to print here myself for another prototype.

Can anyone explain how this or these tiling programs work and whether I could use it at home without all the fancy printers and cameras. I only have a Lexmark X125 4 in one thingy.

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