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Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

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Joined: 12/31/1969

I will soon be doing a prototype plastic parts service, in hopes that I can do it cheaper...

I would like to know what it currently costs everyone to make custom plastic parts for their games, from the size of a finger nail to the size of a basketball. I've looked into plastic molding and its usualy 8000$ or so just to make molds or tools to make the parts... and you usualy hve to do 10,000... or so.. prototyping resin models are fragile etc.. and are still expensive.

So, what if I supplied plastic figures, models, tokens... at a lower price? how low would I have to go to make it worth your purchase? and how high can I go to make me able to afford to do this. It is not as low cost as I had expected in another post on here, however I do think its still the lowest cost way to get a full game of plastic pieces...

I need the machine for my custom game alone, having over 600-1000 plastic parts!!! LOL... once assembled there are less parts to worry about tho :).

So if I charged about 50$ an hour for build time... would that be decent? I could prolly make a monopoly set of plastic parts (the thimbols and stuff), in about an hour or less.

If there is high interest in this, I already have ways to get funding I just need to show them that I can pay off the loan fast... so if 50% of my machine time is for game parts.. and the other 50% is my other projects I should be able to pay it off even faster than they want me too give me spare time etc...

blah im rambling lol... any way just let me know how much it costs to make your average prototype parts, and I will try to do it cheaper..

Joined: 04/23/2013
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon


any way just let me know how much it costs to make your average prototype parts, and I will try to do it cheaper...

There in lies the dilemna. I would venture to guess that most, if not all, designers simply don't spend the cash to have custom plastic pieces created for their prototypes. We might if there was someone like you who offered such a service at a reasonable price. Currently most of us either use existing plastic pieces, use cardboard for our components or use some sort of sculpting media.

Again, depending upon the cost, I would say most of still would not shell out the cash for PROTOTYPING. If however, we wanted to do a small print run, then perhaps we would use such a service. For prototyping it just seems like overkill. Your best bet would probably be to cater to small scale publishers.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

Well let me ask it this way...

Is $1-$10 per piece depending on size... worth it? (plus shipping obviously) - and large lots of pieces again would be cheaper it would be better to make a whole bunch of monopoly houses, rather then just one... but those are so simple u could use glass stones or something... its just a counter.

In the case of my game, the game prototype REQUIRES plastic parts, or it just wont pull off the feel, or functionality.. it would be too complex to use cardboard pieces (when I show the game on here it will make sense).

In some cases they might want a tank shaped piece or a barbarian who knows...

So I do see needs for plastic parts...

in some cases the prototype can be sent off to be investment cast into a brass or pewter version... (any one want custom monopoly tokens? ;) )

VeritasGames's picture
Joined: 08/01/2008
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

Here's the rub. If it's anything that's a product carried by an organization like Plastics for Games or Koplow , then it's foolhardy to spend too much on those items, because for around $100.00 you can get boxes of stuff.

If you can provide truly customized looking components for cheap then you'll get business. Honestly, though, most people fall into a few categories:

1) they need only standard components (pawns), etc. which are easily acquired

2) they need non-standard components, but cardboard chits work fine for them

3) they need components that aren't readily available and cardboard chits won't do

Very, very few people are going to fall into category 3 if you charge $10.00 per piece of plastic. At $1.00 per piece of plastic, then except for wargames with thousands of components, you'll get a lot of really small orders.

My advice: instead of doing totally custom components, shop around on the internet at Armies in Plastic, Plastics for Games, Koplow Games, and Bear Woods Supply and see what they have. Then produce plastic shapes in multiple colors for common components that you just don't see on those other sites. Like dozens of tiny army tanks, a variety of cool space ships, etc. You'll find a market.

Consider that right now if I need custom figures of people for a prototype, I can find them in lead or find them in plastic pretty easily, particularly with all the collectible miniatures products out there.

If, however, I need 6 different kinds of plastic space ships for cheap or 4-5 different types of tiny military vehicles, well I just don't know where to get those online without spending a fortune to get them custom made. I can probably get some by raiding a bunch of copies of military and space board games, but that could get expensive.

I'm not sure exactly what you should offer, but I think if you offer a line of pre-made components for people to pick from, people will buy that more often than custom stuff that costs a fortune (at least for prototyping).

Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

I agree with Veritas. If you could come up with some generic parts that would be in demand by different people then you could get your price down to a level that people like me could use them for small publishing runs. Space ships are a good example. I could use four different types / classes of spaceships for a game right now.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

Off the top of my head, I have 3 designs that could use plastic pieces. One requires about 80 pieces (which I've been creating -- slowly -- in Sculpey), one that requires about 100 very small pieces, and one that requires 6 minis (for which there's nothing out there now, as the measurements are very specific and weird).

If I could spend, say, $20 to $50 for a single set (since I'll surely be doing it multiple times as the game changes), then I'd do it. But, unfortunately, if it was much more than that, I'd just have to substitute. The earlier prices you were suggesting sounded good -- too good to be true, admittedly, but good -- but at this pricing I'd have to pass.

I suggest you only move forward with this if the outside game design market will be delicious gravy on top of your existing plans to pay for it. That way if you get litle to no response, you're still perfrectly happy, and if you get good response, you're thrilled.

Otherwise you're playing a pretty dangerous game, imo.

-- Matthew

VeritasGames's picture
Joined: 08/01/2008
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

Several discussions are going on on the subject of plastic molding elsewhere, and I've seen quotes from the hundreds to the thousands PER MINIATURE type just to sculpt the figure and make the molds.

Most people who want plastic miniatures are not going to have the skill to provide you a great sculpture anyway, and certainly not one that is going to survive being shipped with any absolute degree of certainty.

I think you need to think about the cost of doing this start to finish for a single person for a single miniature that they want like 10 copies of. How much is that going to cost?

I can't imagine that it's going to cost less than hundreds if not thousands of dollars unless 100% of your labor is free or unless the buyer provides you with all the molds and everything themselves.

Just because you own a brand spanking new injection mold machine doesn't mean it makes oddly shaped parts automatically. Sculptures and molds are the most expensive part of the process from what I've heard. After that, it's all downhill if you can find anyone with an injection machine.

Joined: 04/23/2013
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon


From my understanding of his earler thread, he wouldn't be using molds at all, but rather 3D CAD files...

Now they I think about it, this would also preclude a lot of people, because most people don't have access to such software.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

Right, it's not injection molding, it's a device that combines light wth a liquid plastic to produce real 3D models in ABS plastic. Amazingly cool, really.

But it does require 3D CAD models. Simple models (like most spaceships and such) can be easily created by anyone with a 3D design program, no real skill required. More complex models, like guys on horseback and stuff, require good model libraries and people with actual skill. That is a pretty serious barrier, I suppose.

My mind was already dancing with visions of Poser and Maya stuff, but I don't really have the experience to make that terribly reasonable.

-- Matthew

Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

FastLearner wrote:
More complex models, like guys on horseback and stuff, require good model libraries and people with actual skill. That is a pretty serious barrier, I suppose.
I don't think so. If you were able to "print" standard meshes then, or 3do2 (?) provide plenty of prefabs that could be licensed for little money.
The problem I see is that the machine might have certain topology requirements, and will choke on 3d models unless they are properly checked and re-engineered. That would be a labor-intense process.

Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

How precise is the 3d printing process, and what's the finest level of detail you can expect? Like, can you use it to make plastic dice with a picture etched on each side? And about how much would that cost?

Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

I run plastic equipment. Let me say this. Your idea of doing it as business and providing the service is nothing more than sheer noble and admirable.....let me also add it wont be profitable by itself. If there was such a demand for the small run for prototype parts dont you think the big players would offer the service or better yet a foreign company who is already doing quotes for small runs offer this as a leg up on their own competitors??????

Now..basing this with soem input besides assumptions.Lets say you are running ABS which is a cheaper plastic by standard sheets in comparasion to styrene. The ABS is a rough texture butassuming this dont matter. Your basis of doing these through your process against a mold design of injection is totally unfounded with facts. First off now mold should be costing you 10K for any agem piece. I run a product which measures 32"WX42"LX2"D and my mold cost me in the 6K range and the second part to be added to this base was an additional 3K. These are both running larger pieces than you would be running. The cost of your material would not be justifiable to carry a 10K mold and doing it out of resin would bring your cost down but still running not enough parts to cover your man hours,operating expenses,overhead,materials,advertsiing and marketing your services, equipment and software updates and downtime from no customers or breakdowns.

Now then place a team of 5 sales guys on the marketing fo your service and your game line. You still need to cover their expenses and salaries. You say I dont need sales guys as I am going to do myself. I would ask this then how would propose to run national campaigns for your game if not international do trade shows and trump up new business for your new games in the production while trying to gather a clientele base for the repayment of the equity outlay for the machine to do the work??????
This is just a bad move on a single income and not an incestment longterm trending hold position in the market.

Let me explain.....

I have about 6 games ready to go to market. I am outsourcing all pieces and assembling myself. I am not even mesing with the plastics even though I am in the industry. I have sent my games to distributors to utilize their network at THEIR expense to only pay them when THEY SELL. No sales NO MONEY. Now this is low outlay on the game development, low outlay for distribution and since not giving an exclusivity to any of the distributors or retail accounts on my games I gain from all fighting to gain market share in the same area with MY GAME.Whoever sells dont matter to me.....I still GET PAID!!!! LOL Then I package these games myself so I shrinkwrap and vacuumseal them with a machine I got from a friend in the machine rebuilding business (2 grand). You can start with one from walmart or an office supply store.

I only mention how I am going to aim at owning a game company is a different approach to yours because I am utilizing other peoples money to gain market strength of market RECOGNITION!!! Now the recognition will sell more games and produce more results with flooding the area with my games whether good or bad they still have contreversey either way. The good will stay on the shelves the bad will get me talking to the distributors or retialers again to dump them and then I pitch the next game and let them keep the old ones as loss market leaders to attract people into their establishments. This gives the retailer a gimmick to give your game away at cost which you arent storing and gaining your name to one more potential client in the future.

Now why did I go into such detail.... Youre concept is workable

Lets say you do your name recognition, low sales revenues , expensive in comparison to the homemade prototype since most will submit on odds and ends or get a small run shop to provide a professional one at no cost on agreement of doing the first run with them as I have seen or have the whole game made as protype as one shot at 500 or less. You wouldnt have name of company recognition to small runs or developers coming out of start up which means low sales. You would be out of pocket for running your own with your man hours and production costs. This is no guarntee of sales because you dont have the advertising marketing or sales agents in place to market your full conceptual idea.

Put the shoe on other foot and try the way I have outlined where no machines are bought. Build game recognition, company recognition,combine forces with GAMA and a few small run shops and a couple networking opportunists not necassarily sales or distributor based.(church groups looking for novelty fundraisers or schools as examples) Now you have credibility,name recognition and games in the marketplace with a distribution network in place for another launch. Now add this as part fo the fee with production to promote your company. Do a LLC and search out private funds or investors to then do a filing of a private placement memorandum. this will file with SEC. Then place shares for sale within the network where people will recognize a company name or designer of a game as one of their products as household name or someeone they know who has seen it. This will raise the value of the shares for interst point and sell. This then goes to the basis of sell stock to invest OTHER PEOPLES MONEY to finance your game company and production costs. The shareholders then realize you would put the remainder of cash raised and revenues to take the company to a public venue status. This increases their share value and your 51% of the companies interest and the paycheck you draw from the LLC increase. You then sell your COMPANY to HASBRO instead of ONE game LOL

Morale of the story.......

Do some homework before you spend your hard earned dollar for such an expensive venture and contact me as I have a few parts I need done too.

VeritasGames's picture
Joined: 08/01/2008
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

leadingedge wrote:
If there was such a demand for the small run for prototype parts dont you think the big players would offer the service or better yet a foreign company who is already doing quotes for small runs offer this as a leg up on their own competitors??????

Probably not actually. Unless they got into the business yesterday, most of them are probably using older technology that they have a substantial investment in. This sounds like bleeding edge technology (I could be wrong). Also, most of the profits from the standard plastic companies is on scale. They don't want to make $10 per machine setup. They want to make hundreds or thousands.

I think this is like comparing non-digital offset printers to a copy shop really, in terms of technology and target audience.

This is just a bad move on a single income and not an incestment longterm trending hold position in the market.

I think you're missing the point. This sounds like this guy is going to buy this machine for his own game, and after that, he's going to have a dead machine most of the time unless he uses it for something.

It's similar to someone who makes a 1000 copies each month all on one day a month and decides to invest in a photocopier -- that guy then starts a little cottage business photocopying now and again during those times when his photocopier is just sitting there. This is probably a catch as catch can sort of way to make money with a piece of technology that would otherwise gather dust when its owner wasn't producing his own game.

I wouldn't suggest in investing in a major piece of technology just to run this little side business, but you're missing the point that the guy is primarily investing in this for his own game productions.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

I think some are miss understanding what the machine does... it is not a molding machine, there are NO molds involved... the closest thing you might be familiar to is a star trek replicator... its often called the worlds first "replicator"...

The machine takes 3D models, even if they are crapy quality, the software does all the work for you... takes the model and converts it into something the machine can print. 3D Meshes are possible, would require more work, but its intended for 3D Solids, from solid works, or STL files and what not.. a slightly different 3D medium... most 3D models online are NOT adequet for this machine, since they use 2D bitmaps for textures and apearance, this machine would need actual detailed models if there is a fan or a vent on the item as a detail it needs to be modeled onto it, not in a bit map texture... unless stickers are ok, then i guess a sticker could be used for colors etc.

The machine is less of a mass production tool... its more of a prototype sculpting tool... it takes the place of the sculpter... not the injection molding machine, if you want 10,000 of a part then you definatly want to use an injection molding machine, however I can make you the FIRST part, as well as spares if the first is destroyed.. while making it into a mold, some one else would do your modling and mass production... there are already many places that do this... as well as many places that do what I want to do, but they only cater to corporate needs cuz most of them do not realy know about the hobbiest, and their companies are so big they have to charge more to pay employees...

I need the machine for other reasons... but I realy can not afford it, entirely on these other reasons... so I want to allocate some of the spare time it will sit there to do other tasks... to help me buy more media plastic (like paper in a printer) to reload the machine...

I can make anytying from a 1$ warhammer 28mm figure, to an entire warhammer dungeon maze... (one of the project ideas)... I can make an entire PC case! I can make DICE, but not sure if it will be balanced casino style tho :)...

In some cases detailed parts will require sanding and smoothing of surfaces.. cuz of the layer lines on the product that comes out of the machine... so this is primariy for prototyping... the first generation of your game for those that want to self publish, I am trying to allow others to make their own parts.. like I need on one of my game ideas...

the parts are .004" accuracy... if I got the decimal right... and some say the machine is even more accurate than they sell it as.

It can make parts with screw threads that screw together.. gears... model car bodies.. all sorts of crap if I am given a 3D file it can make it...

I will also make custom 3D models for people as an extra service... however I recomend everyone find some one to make a model for you... or to find one that you can leagaly use... and alter it maybe.

I am also not entirely sure wich machine I will wind up getting, some are so detailed you can make miniature jewely out of it... but wind up making weaker waxlike plastic... and some cost more but make very strong, and very detailed smooth, end product put it in a bubble wrap and sell it products...

There is also the option that I might be getting a 3D scanner, wich means I can say, scan a 1/18 scale car.. and scale it down to a board game piece... that is only .5" long...

Bascily I plan to keep it closer to a hobby level rather then a corporate buisiness... it will be strictly word of mouth.

Also to fund it, there are companies taht will pay me 50$ per hour to constantly make parts for them.... and the machine usualy pays its self off in 4 years on this alone... asuming I can find some one that needs the service in my area.

VeritasGames's picture
Joined: 08/01/2008
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

You say that most 3D models are not adequate. What software produces 3D models that ARE adequate?

Can this product not work from a wireframe model to make a solid? Does it need a fully textured model?

Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

Just he opposite: it needs a wireframe model, not something with textures. If someone creates a textured model that has, as he suggested, a "vent" visible on the outside, if that vent is in the texture but not in the wireframe, it won't exist in the plastic. It's all about the wireframe.

VeritasGames's picture
Joined: 08/01/2008
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

That's good info, but again, which pieces of software are acceptable?

Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

It would seem clear from his posts that he cannot say for sure, since he hasn't picked which manufacturer and device he's going to use.

It would also seem clear, based on his last thread about this topic, that all of the major formats are likely to work -- the specific product he was thinking of financing at the time supported a wide array. Since said formats are quite portable, and these manufacturers are attempting to support people with mainstream CAD applications, it's hard to imagine it being something you can't convert to.

Why, what format were you hoping to use that you're so concerned about? I'd bet Draconius would love to know, to help ensure that he buys a machine that will suit his target audience.

-- Matthew

Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

Ok so its the machine you spoke to me about and sent me the data on in a previous thread.

I would suggest staying away from the loan process and putting yourself and your company as the personal liablilty here though is what I am saying.

I would research into the private placement where this would cost you less to structure it for proper dispersement of the shares, also still stay private, raise the determined needed funds whether for ONE machine or for an array of different ones to produce your whole spectrum. By placing it this way with more machines and a proper perspectus you could pitch than you will do small runs for others as well as your own game.Much easier to attract investors when you can show a speedy payback plan and you still remain private and in control of the company without the huge capital outlay. I am sure there are many in here who would support a small run company if they could get one stop shopping at a reasonable rate and stay within the USA. I know I would. mjscreations is a fine example of the one stop shopping where I have seen here many times that they have reasonable quotes. Now taking it to the next level and also including your own designs would only compliment a private placement for an investors stand point.

Thats all I was trying to say is to avoid using or tying up your own personal lines of credit or liable status for a venture that may not work. Owning 60% of a company and risking it with other peoples money or 100% ownership and you foot the bills....... I know where I would go but thats just me.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

My main point is most wire frames are of, video game quality... were they are very rough.. and if they were printed in 3D would not realy look all that great, if it was a SUPER high detailed model.. were every bit of chrome on the car, and every letter in the logo was modeled, then yea it would definatly be detailed enough that it would be useable, and convertable to solid... a solid is sort of just a bunch of faces when its rended on the screen any way, but its not a like a surface mesh.

I dont know if I am gona do this now any way... I need more money, and im kind of too depressed about personal crap now...

As for brand of software it dont realy matter, in most cases a 3D model is a 3D model, most cad programs will import or translate other cad packages, and there are some standard file types they all share etc... although some are harder to convert than others.

Solid Works, is what I will be using... most powerful, and the machines all work great from it.

VeritasGames's picture
Joined: 08/01/2008
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

FastLearner wrote:
Why, what format were you hoping to use that you're so concerned about? I'd bet Draconius would love to know, to help ensure that he buys a machine that will suit his target audience.

-- Matthew

I didn't see his last thread. I already have Ray Dream Designer and KPT Bryce.

Joined: 09/08/2008
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

I have access to a 3-d printer (powder based, not plastic) and have used it for several hobby projects) The one I ran costs about $.75 a cubic inch to print and did not have a scanning option. The one thing I have noticed is the amount of work and upkeep that is required to keep the maching functioning (just cleaning print heads and resin powder, not the machine itself) One thing to think about is that you probably will be in the best shape if you purchase yours used. The one I use originally was from adidas where they used it to print prototype shoe molds. Check out Z-corp for more info on some of their machines.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

I have a few test parts off of a Z-Corp machine, way to brittle/fragile for my likeing.. its good for concept but the part overal wont last long... they make a few diff machines... all would only be good for visualizing it in 3d cant realy use the part for much else...

the problem with the machine I want, is there are none used for sale.. once a place buys one, they keep it... and they usualy buy a 2nd!!! sigh.. I did see one on ebay once, for 6,000 wish I would bid on it... it was suposedly listed cuz of some one didnt pay their bill and it was repossessed... no one bid on it.

In the end if my ways of paying the machine off, dont work then it will just be a personal toy... like a jet ski or a new car... LOL... I could always sell it used on ebay ;) and get 50% back in an emergency... and im sure by then ida payed at least half of it off...

FOr now I am holding off, to see if a machine with higher res comes out... for same amount of cash.

Lor's picture
Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

Yeah, there are desktop 3D printers out there right now-- Star Trek is right! They are spooky and just keep getting better.

There's also vacuum forming, used by Hollywood model shops for all kinds of annoying-to-replicate shell and hull-like parts. There's even a guy who's made his own:

Drac, how much DPI resolution in the design graphic do you recommend? Does the machine take standard DXF? Most drafting and CAD programs export that.

I would use a service like this when I'm ready to present a one-off, to a hot prospect game company for licensing or to investors for self-publishing via OPM. It would be highly custom-piece-populated design, close to a production prototype. Presentation is everything-- given all other aspects are working. And that's worth gambling some extra bucks, IMHO.

Until that point-- hello, chipboard! Meet X-Acto! ;-)

I think this service has a place, although it may take years to recoup.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

dxf is just lines.. it would have to be turned into solids regardless of what format...

dpi of the machine is .004" layers or something i dont recall right now some machines are more/less...

Lor's picture
Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

[dxf is just lines.. it would have to be turned into solids regardless of what format... ]

I'll be curious to know what formats it does accept for solid modelling.

[dpi of the machine is .004" layers or something i dont recall right now some machines are more/less...]

Four-thousandths of an inch is fairly high rez, sounds like you can get some decent detail with that.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

I just got a spam email about the InVision™ LD 3-D printer. They are advertising it for $22,900. I'll forward you the information if you want it. Otherwise a Google search would work also.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

I might be aquireing a machine soon.. that does pretty good resolution, and strong enough parts to make simple pawns and what not...

I could even make some custom dice...

I can basicly make ANYTHING... the catch is I need a 3D model of the part... so if anyone wants anything made let me know.. I do not have the machine yet but I intend to have it by the end of summer if not the end of the year.

As for mesh models... there are some applications that can convert a mesh model into a solid by filling it in... but this is not always fool proof... and I currently do not have any addin programs to do this, I do plan on finding something for me to use tho... the problem with meshes is its a bunch of flat faces so you better have a mesh with high res or its gona look weird, since the machine I plan to get will have high enough res to see the meshes on some parts... but if your just gona take the part sand it and paint it.. and mold from there... it should work....

In some cases the part I make could potentialy be used in the final game... however if your gona do a lot of runs, it would be better to just mold it... but if only 100 or few runs, then this would be far cheaper then buying a mold, at about $50 an hour for the machine... I could likely make a few monopoly sets worth of houses and tokens in that hour...

Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

My slight confusion about parts is why ALL the manufacturers make monopoly houses.

Waddingtons make monopoly (in the UK at least) and make the houses. Why do all the parts manufacturers ALSO make monopoly houses?? They've spent a ton of money on a mould to make a parts for a game that a) has a limited supply written into the rules {so no-one needs extras} and b) already has a supplier {the one people bought the game off}

Is the market for people replacing lost houses really that big?

Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

In this case, at least, it was just an example, to give us an idea of the quantity/bulk of bits we're talking about.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Prototype Plastic Parts Service Coming Soon

Its because of the very fact that almost everyone knows about monopoly, knows how big the hosues and tokens are, and aprox how much "matter" would be used to create them, its a priceing comparison point... at least in my case...

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