i remember reading somewhere, I think here, that a game company was selling prototype components (cubes, dice, cards, board, etc.). Can anyone point me to it?
prototyping product
Right at the top of the home page here, the Protoparts store.
I do recall that thread, but can't find it. I think it started with someone looking for wooden pawns, if that helps.
Perhaps you are thinking of the toolkit that Eagle Games are about to release? Or perhaps the thread about purchasing from the german Ebay? You can find something by searching for "holtzteile" (wooden parts).
I've recently purchased in this manner, but is yet to receive the goods, so I can't tell anything about the components sold there.
Ebay search link: http://search.ebay.de/holzteile_W0QQfromZR8QQpqryZholtzteile
Colored wooden cubes in 7mm size and 8 different colors:
Colored wooden cubes in 8 mm size and 6 different colors:

I did get some stuff from there earlier today, but I recall some actual game publisher selling stuff which included colored wooden cubes, which is what I really need. (Yes I could color them myself, but I need them in large quantities and don't want to have to paint 100+ cubes in different colors.)