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Financial training game

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I have invented a game that I use during training sessions for people in the financial sector. I'd like to market it commercially, but obviously it's not for high street toy shops - more for professional training organisations and in-house training departments. Does anyone know anything about publishers in this field? Many thanks for any suggestions at all.

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Joined: 07/26/2008
Re: Financial training game

sgrossey wrote:
I have invented a game that I use during training sessions for people in the financial sector. I'd like to market it commercially, but obviously it's not for high street toy shops - more for professional training organisations and in-house training departments. Does anyone know anything about publishers in this field? Many thanks for any suggestions at all.

I know the Robert Kiosaki camp published the board game "Cashflow," which was designed to teach people the principles of building wealth through the "Rich Dad" formula. Take a look at the avenues they're using to produce and release their game (whether they're self-publsihing, how they're marketing it). Perhaps you can get some ideas that way.

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