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Another proposed TiGD series: "Deconstructing [GAME X]&

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Joined: 12/31/1969


Just brainstorming a bit...

Six months ago or so we had the Thursday night chats where the subject of the chat was always a single game. I always thought it was fun to talk and think about how the mechanics a particular game worked (or not) and why and discuss this with others.

Unfortunately, these chats died out, but perhaps we could start a series of dissecting a single game here in the "TiGD" forum. I think this might actually be a better medium to do such a thing than the chatroom.

The format could be the same as the previous "TiGD" series: one person kicks off the thread with an opening post describing the mechanics of the game and everyone can chime in with their thoughts.

Good idea, or no?

- René Wiersma

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Another proposed TiGD series: "Deconstructing [GAME X]&

I think it would be a good idea to dissect some games, maybe we can figure out a list of games based on mechanics (as listed at BGG).

This would help to keep focus and cover multiple mechanics over a period of time.

For example,

Week 1 : Variable Phase Order (game Puerto Rico)
Week 2 : Tile Placement (game Euphray & Tigris)
Week 3 : Auction/Bidding (game El Grande)
Week 4 : Trading (The Settlers of Catan)
Week 5 :
Wekk 6 :
so on....

Only down side I can see, not all people may have played the chosen games. We have discussed some of this before, but I think revisiting the "Top Games" to go over the popular mechanics is a worth while effort.

I would also like to see if people feel the TiGD topics should focus on a specific game or a mechanic in general.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Another proposed TiGD series: "Deconstructing [GAME X]&

Zzzzz wrote:
I would also like to see if people feel the TiGD topics should focus on a specific game or a mechanic in general.

Personally, I would rather talk about a specific game than a mechanic in general. We already discussed mechanics before in TiGD. I always felt it wasn't really useful to talk about an isolated mechanic without having the greater context of the rest of the game.

For example, there's not a whole lot you can say about tile-laying in general, save for some obvious things. However, when you take a specific game, say Carcassonne, you can talk about the tile laying mechanic in that game and how it interacts with the other resources and the scoring mechanism, which is much more useful, in my opinion.

I do think it is useful to take a specific game and talk about if and how the mechanics and problems we discussed before in this forum show up in that particular game.

Any other opinions?

- René Wiersma

Joined: 08/03/2008
Another proposed TiGD series: "Deconstructing [GAME X]&

Yeah, we sort of already had the "mechanics" discussions a while back. There are still some mechanics we haven't yet discussed, but I don't think another series on mechanics is really called for at this point.

I wouldn't mind a series of discussions about great games, but I have to confess, I think that we've talked about Settlers, Puerto Rico, etc, as much as anyone could want to. I wonder if there aren't other games that are both solid games as well as well-known enough that we all are familiar with them. Maybe games like Risk, Stratego, Monopoly, etc. (There are some on this group who think Monopoly is a very good game, and have some pretty compelling reasons; it would be an interesting discussion...)

Just my take,


Joined: 12/31/1969
Another proposed TiGD series: "Deconstructing [GAME X]&

jwarrend wrote:

I wouldn't mind a series of discussions about great games, but I have to confess, I think that we've talked about Settlers, Puerto Rico, etc, as much as anyone could want to. I wonder if there aren't other games that are both solid games as well as well-known enough that we all are familiar with them. Maybe games like Risk, Stratego, Monopoly, etc. (There are some on this group who think Monopoly is a very good game, and have some pretty compelling reasons; it would be an interesting discussion...)

Maybe taking the route of looking at each year's Spiel des Jahres and DSP (Deutch Spiel Preis, I think) winners would be a good idea? So people that know of those games can comment on them; people that haven't played them could find out more about them??

Just a thought --

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Another proposed TiGD series: "Deconstructing [GAME X]&

Well I think Zambo's idea might work well. Maybe we can figure out a list of games based on different contest/awards (when possible) and discuss.

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