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New games...

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Joined: 08/03/2008

Hi guys,

Haven't really been following this discussion, but hope your game is coming along well! A couple of new games came out that you should be aware of:
one is "Secret of the Tomb", a game about a treasure hunt in a pharaoh's tomb. The other is "Yellowstone", a game about trying to see sights of great beauty. Both are no doubt very different than the game you're creating (and I doubt if you're really thinking about publication anyway), but you might check them out if interested in similarly themed games and how those designers solved the problems you're no doubt working on.


Joined: 04/23/2013


Thanks for the heads up. Do you have any links with information about the games? BGG turned up little to nothing.


Joined: 12/31/1969
Re: New games...

jwarrend wrote:
The other is "Yellowstone", a game about trying to see sights of great beauty.

Hey isn't that Doho's game? If so, great! and did I miss a discussion or what... 8)

Joined: 12/31/1969
New games...

Secret of the Tomb does sound somewhat similar. From a brief description on Spielfrieks:

It is great fun - laying tiles of passages between treasure-rooms, and trying to collect the treasures you need and get out alive before everyone/anyone else. I have played with a group of children (aged eight to twelve or so).

There is a significant level of randomness (event card draws, and rolling to move) but lots of opportunities for tactics, and a bit of strategy (you can spend life tokens to take extra actions, or miss a turn to gain more such tokens, so there is a tension between getting to the convenient rooms first to get he treasure, or saving your life-tokens for a quick run for the exit, pursued by demon, at the end.

In our games so far, most players have not made it out alive, but they usually die in the end-game, and can continue to roll to move Ammut to chase the remaining players.

A great game for use with families, or for occasional games, and a very good light game for me!

doho123's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
New games...

To my knowledge, the new Yellowstone game is not mine, so you haven't missed a thing. Here's my version:

Joined: 08/03/2008
New games...

Here's info on Secret of the Tombs, which is probably much closer to your game than Yellowstone. No description of mechanics, but the photos say a lot about the game...

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