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By Popular Demand

6 replies [Last post]
Joined: 04/23/2013

Ok, finally, after much prodding and kicking, I have was motivated enough to create the Collaborative (or democratic) Game Design forum. The first order of business we need to attend to is to choose a moderator of this forum and of the users within the group (I.E. I will not be taking on this role).

To see who has access to the forum, click on the usergroups link above and then from the pulldown, choose the Collaborative Game Design Group. I have added all the users who have I thought have made consistent contributions since they have become members. If you notice someone who should be here that isn't, notify me or the (soon to be) forum moderator.

One thing you should note is that this forum (and the usergroup for that matter) is hidden from the general public. This is not meant to be a secretive, hush-hush, powertrip kind of thing. I think it will be easier if we limit traffic to those members involved. However, you guys can decide later if you want to make this public or not. Also note that any new posts in this forum WILL NOT show up in the forum summary of new postings on the main page. This means that you will have to manually check here for new posts.

Ok, first order of business, nominate a moderator. After several nominations have been made (don't hesitate to nominate yourself), we will hold a vote. After the vote has been completed, the moderator will take over and then it's up to you guys!

Good luck!

Joined: 12/31/1969
By Popular Demand

Ok, based on the thoughts in the other thread I nominate myself as facilitator/coordinator. That means that I am nominating myself to make an absolute bare minnimum of any kind of decisions about the game itself (which should be very, very close to no decisions at all), though I will still contribute. I am nominating myself to facilitate/coordinate by:

  • Creating appropriate threads,

  • Creating appropriate polls,
  • Setting deadlines for responses, and
  • Generally nagging/prodding/pushing to keep the thing moving.
  • That's one nomination out of the way. Other nominations for this position now, please. :)

    Brykovian's picture
    Joined: 07/21/2008
    By Popular Demand

    I nominate FastLearner!!! :D

    Oh wait ... I guess I'll be "seconding" that nomination ... :roll:

    -Bryk ;)

    By Popular Demand

    Sounds good to me. Especially based on his competition score :D

    Scurra's picture
    Joined: 09/11/2008
    By Popular Demand

    Can I n'th that nomination? :)

    Joined: 12/31/1969
    By Popular Demand

    I'm nudging already. :)

    Scurra's picture
    Joined: 09/11/2008
    By Popular Demand

    Do you know how annoying it was to discover that this forum not only existed but was full of action? I have tended to rely on the "last 10 forum postings" listing on the front page to follow where the discussions are going, and I missed this one entirely because, for obvious reasons!, it wasn't listed there.
    Oh well, I guess I'll just have to get used to clicking the "Discussion Forums" button instead...

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