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Deck Construction or Deck Building?

2 replies [Last post]
Joined: 12/29/2013

Hi there,

Just need a little terminology help with "deck construction" games and "deck building" games.

Do they mean the same thing, or does one refer to games where you build your deck before the game (like MtG) and one refer to games where you build your deck during the game (like Dominion)?

Squinshee's picture
Joined: 10/17/2012
They do not mean the same

They do not mean the same thing and your second definition is correct.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I've been trying to "merge" both

The Tactics deck is comprised of five (5) cards, three (3) of each kind for a total of 15 cards. Each card has a Trade Value (1-5 points).

With Future Races, it would be possible to mix and match Tactic cards from another Race... This to me sounds like "Deck Construction".

Meanwhile the game still has its usual "Deck Building" as its primary mechanic using the Tactic cards that can be constructed prior to a game...

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