The current goal is to think of special abilities for every unit. As a unique thing you want. This will trigger players to get a body from a set that has lost functionality in the chaos.
What I mean is that a player wants either quantity or quality. In between is often not picked.
The special abilities that should be unique to units are:
- Engineering/Taking over
- Squishing/Crushing
- Impact Hammer (Also pushes units away)
- Cargo (It is possible to use attributes here)
- Combat Cargo (when the cargo can help shooting)
- A sniping action (The ability holds until released, can be any weapon)
- Projectiles cost credits (and deal extra damage)
- Mines
- Mine sweeping
- Extra Piercing (The ability holds until released, can be any weapon)
- Trasformation; Artillery, Flying, Submerge, or any other statistic changes.
- Cheaper weaponry (but the unit chooses the most optimal one)
- Extra Vision
- Camouflage/Stealth/Cloaked
- Detectors for detecting the above
- Warping (The ability holds until released, distance is not linked to the normal movement speed)
- Jumping (The movement is a higher tier than standing still)
- Construction (Build a base and defences)
- Training (Train units)
- Magnet (Pulls in units)
I still need more. And some will be used multiple times.
But any idea is welcome. Just keep it short so that I don't miss them.
There is need for them...
So, I guess I use the safe and simplest way:
Unit / Structure
Biological / Mechanical
These attributes are going to be factorial.
Meaning that for example a weapon that only hurts biological units. It would be 0% on mechanical units.
The abilities that are going to make use of this for certain are:
- Taking over the alien buildings is possible, but not the defences. I plan to have engineering to be Structure and Mechanical. This means, the defences of that alien race can either be none moving units or biological structures. I think, the latter.
- A special sniping ability that will deal damage solely to biological units. This attack would be 2x2 more powerfull.
- Squishing... well, we got something different. It would be used on units only.