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Taavet's picture
Joined: 08/15/2008

Read an intersting thread over at BGG:

It talks about a feeling created by partnership games where you would 'throw yourself on the grenade for your partner' (Tichu specifically). I added my thoughts on the second page but wanted to bring it up here for discussion as well.

I haven't ever felt that desire in any of the partnership or team games I have played but I think developing a game with that feeling in it would be a good feeling to bring out in players.

Any ideas of how a design might be able to create this feeling? Any examples of how games you have played created this type of feeling in you?

InvisibleJon's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008
Reward the behavior; create powers that shine; force necessity.

Taavet wrote:
Any ideas of how a design might be able to create this feeling? Any examples of how games you have played created this type of feeling in you?
One of my soon-to-be-published games has this a a core (and recurring) theme, so I have a lot of thoughts on this.

* Reward the behavior, either with victory points (for the individual or the team) or with interesting additional effects (After you take the damage, all members of your team roll an additional die until the end of the turn.).

* Give the players powers/tools/etc. that do neat stuff, but get an extra boost when martyring, or after you martyr. (Side A: Roll one die to move. If you take 3 or more damage in a turn, flip this card over. Side B: Roll 3 dice to move.)

* Force it: Create events that do lots of damage to the team, but one member can "overload" and take it all - even if it's more than they can lose. Alternately, make the "martyr's choice" obviously better to pick than the group choice (All members in the partnership must destroy two properties, or one member must destroy three properties.).

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