I have an idea for a combat card game which i think it quite different from my other ideas
So here is my idea. Each Deck comes with a leader card, the leader card determines which creatures (spawns) you can play. Now you can add any spawn creatures in your deck but some leaders will work well with spawn creatures. such as if my leader is an insect then i can play a level 1 insect spawn for free once per turn
Leader card
Each leader has a knowledge number, the higher the number the more cards you can draw from your deck each turn
So if my leader knowledge is a 3 then at the start of my turn i can draw until i have 3 cards in my hand, so no draw 1 card at the start of my turn, this is straight up draw until you have 3 cards in your hand. There is no deck out so once you have emptied your deck, shuffle the discard gy back into your deck
Battle cards
Battle cards will be a bit different compared to other battle cards from different card games, instead of effects typed as text, the abilities are all icons. Most battle cards will have the same ability icons with added effects, which ill give an example. The battle card has a sword icon which represents attack, the sword is linked to another icon which is lets say a poison damage. Once you attack, if you are succesful with the attack then the next icon abilty activates which in this case is poison which when used, your opponent loses 1 hp at the start of their turn.
When it comes to attacking, there is a hit/miss randomness to it so when you declare an attack you roll a die, if it is 4-6 you hit for 1 damage. if it is a 1-3 then you miss, but that is not all the roll 1 and 6 is a factor, so lets say you roll a 6 which is a critical hit, that means your opponents creature loses all their shield plus 1 heart (ill get to that later) If you roll a 1 it is a critical miss which means your creature hits itself and loses 1 heart
Most creatures comes with a shield. Level 1 creatures do not have shield, however if your opponent has shield on their creature then you must attack through it before attacking the creatures hp, so lets say a creature has 2 shields and 2 hearts. if you failed to remove the shield this turn then next turn the shield regenerates back to full, however if you were able to remove the shield and attack 1 hp, then next turn the shield still regenerates but not the hp.
Creature levels
Each creature has a level max level is 4. level 1 creatures are usually the easiest to summon while the higher level creatures are harder however there is alternative ways to summon higher levels which ill get to later.
All creatures have a summon cost which in this game means an action cost which ill get into next
Once per turn you have 4 actions to spend, depending how you use it is up to you
the action has 4 ways to be spent
Level 1 creatures requires 1 action to play. you can spend all your actions this turn to play 4 level 1 creatures if you choose to. higher level creatures require more action points to play. so if you want to play a level 2 creature you must spend 2 action points, the same as a level 3 and 4 which would require 3 or 4 action points
Combat is as stated, you use an action to attack the enemy. Attacking with 1 creature only requires 1 action point, you can attack with other creatures if you have the action point to spend
Defend is if you choose to defend you leader or shield/guardian stack, you can move 1 creature from your combat zone into your defend zone and on your opponent,s turn, your opponent must attack your defending creature if he chooses to attack your shield stack. if your opponent does not attack your defending creature then on your next turn, you must place the defending creature back into your combat zone
incubate/retreat. On your turn you place a creature in your combat zone into the incubate zone, if a creature is in this zone then your opponent cant attack that creature, the creature can remain in this zone for as long as it wants, this zone is also good for evolving creatures which ill get into next
evolving creatures
If you have a creature in your incubate zone then that creature is getting ready to evolve, each passing turn on your turn add a token onto that creature. once you have enough tokens on that creature which is indicated on the card, you can then play a higher level creature from your hand or deck onto that incubated creature. Playing creatures from your incubator is free and if you have evolved a creature then you can play the higher level creature for free. some higher level creatures come with added abilties if you evolved into that creature from the incubator
shield/guardian stack
at the start of the game, both players send ther top 5 cards from their deck into their shield/guardian zone (i have not come up with a good name for that zone so ill call it shield for now)
During your turn, you are free to attack your opponents stack, doesnt matter if they have combat cards in play or not, when you attack a card in the stack, if your opponent doesnt have a defending card then they must take the attacked card and add it to their hand. adding cards to your hand from the shield stack doesnt count towards your leaders knowledge. so you can potentially have 3 or more cards in your hand if your hand exeeds the leaders knoweldge. however you cannot draw any more cards if your hand is at the maximum or more than your leaders knowedge. Once your opponent has no more cards in their shield stack then all you need to do is attack once more time at the leader to win the game
that is all i can think of right now. what do you think?
thanks for the tips, as for the icons i will have a very limited pool of icons, the only difference on the cards would probably be an element type icon such as an insect is part toxic and will have a toxic ability if a bug is part fire will have a fire ability which is different from the toxic ability etc. example of icons on the first page
I am still on the fence with the dice mechanic, like if i remove it, then it is just a generic this monster kills this monster then this monster and its always successful, since there are no power levels of cards, it is based on hp and shield system, 1 attack would always equal 1 damage to shield or heart.
Dont know any alternatives i can think of atm
I could add an extra ap, its just 4 i can only think of, i dont know what else to add? like if i want to play a level 4 creature i would have 1 point left? would that be fair to the opponent? i used 4 points then use the last point to attack with my level 4?