(Poss theme change?) Sea Skirmish - A deduction card game
Nice card-adaption of the classics.
Is it safe to assume that each ship of the same type has the same value?
Also, I know it's a nano/micro game, but it feels like it could some more long-game depth. At the moment, the guessing game is disrupted after a ship is sunk, or else a player might be able to sink one after the other. The downside of this is that the long-game is also disrupted and the only choice remains to start over with a Search. In other words, I think a player could use an important choice.
I admit this does look like the perfect place to have "ship abilities" that you can activate in exchange for voluntarily damaging one of your ships. Ship abilities that do what?
- Ask the exact sum of two cards.
- shuffle your hand
- undamage another ship
- search AND Destroy on one turn.
- Next search response is how far away the guess was, not higher or lower.
Stuff like that?
Usually I don't like mini-games, but this one sounds fun.
Perhaps playing world of warships is to blame :)
P.S.: have you considered not changing the value of the damaged ship? That way an opponent would gain additional information after a successful attack. I.e. "i know that one of your cards is a damaged "6". So I might want to seek it and finish it off instead of a more blind guessing.
It will also speed things up (not sure if it's needed though).
AC: 0/0,7/7
BS: 1/1,2/2,3/3,4/4,5/5,6/6
CR: 3/3,4/4,5/5,6/6
DR: 1/1,2/2
I don't think you need multiple values for each ship. The deduction is reset each time you lose a ship, and the shuffle with the 6421 DOES allow all the number combinations up to 10 when summed. Perhaps if the card distribution was weighted to allow more 1s so if a single 1 is eliminated from your hand, you don't end up with just even number sums?
If I wanted to add abilities what I could do is when a warship is sunk, you flip the card and it remains in your hand until you play the ability then it's finally discarded.
That might not be the best solution, since you want players to be in control of when they use their abilities. Triggering them on destruction would depend on the opponent instead, so not much strategy there.
I believe the idea was to voulantary 'damage' your own ship. So what happens is you risk by making your ships easier to destroy, but gain some special action in return.
What's interesting here is that if the specials are tied to the number, activation of specific action would give your opponent additional information. Like, "hey, he has this '5' in his hand since he just used an ability associated with that number, so maybe I need to try and finish it off now".
So it brings more deduction in the game. Which I believe is a good thing.
I think abilities tied to the ship's class would be more fun and thematic.
That will probably also make more sense thematically.
But I think it would do even without pointing.
But damaged warships CAN'T be activated.
So if i`m saying i`m doing Battleship action, you know that i have at least one "5" in my hand.
If you manage to damage it and I`m still using it - that means I had at least two of them.
I would go with something very simple.
Battleship: Broadside: If you hit an undamaged ship it is discarded.
Carrier: Recon: May guess twice when attempting to search.
Cruiser: Firepower: May guess twice when attempting to destroy.
Destroyer: Smoke screen: Discard any ship card and draw a replacement.
Sounds like a lot of fun, and you've already gotten a ton of great ideas. I'm worried about end/late game play. If one player only has two cards left and one or more of them is damaged (meaning their opponent already knows their type), it devolves into a 50/50 guess of which card in hand is which. With one card it's either a guaranteed win if you have more cards, or a race to guess the right card.
I'm trying to figure out if it would be possible to put two values on each card, remaining the same for full health and damaged sides. Maybe one on each edge of the card and you sum the neighboring values.
For example: Card A has a value of 1/6, card B has a value of 2/7 and Card C has a value of 3/4. The value of an A+B search would use the 6 from A and the 2 from B, totaling 10, but a sum of B+C would use the 7 from B and the 3 from C.
Another idea related to the above: perhaps each class of ships could have values that sum to the same number, and each class sums to a different number. (e.g., destroyers' values all sum to 9, but each card uses different addends).
Maybe that adds too much complexity to an otherwise simple game. Plus it adds the problem of how to Destroy an enemy ship. Do you call out both numbers? High/Low? Pick a side? Just spit-balling.
I'm assuming you're referring to mathematical distribution and not the physical placement of the values. I don't think (though I could be entirely wrong) that there's a requirement for this mechanic that values be evenly distributed or on a curve of some kind. All they are for is obfuscating the identity of the card being played.
The problem with NOT shuffling your hand after a hit is that your opponent now knows exactly which card is in which position in your hand. Depending on how/if you resolve the "Destroy" action in relation to a different layout, this could present the same problem my original idea was trying to combat.
Another option is completing drop the undamaged/damaged mechanic and instead its one hit and done.
Not that! It's the coolest part!
So I can keep the damaged/undamaged but then shuffling must stay and deductions somewhat reset.
Well, you can have "Shuffle your hand". An ability of a Destroyer. And make it most common ship type.
Then you will have to choose between having better chances at searching/destroying, or shuffling your deck, to mess-up with the opponent's calculations.
Just a thought would be to make the cards Octagons or perhaps Pentagons so each card could have up to 8 numbers. You could also make the back of the cards broken down into up to 8 colors or symbols which would give the opponent an idea of what position each card is in: Search or Attack. Using an Octagon the Search numbers would be 8,4,2,6 and the Attack numbers would be 3,7,1,5. If the opponent see's that a card in the search position he know's its one of 4 even numbers, and if its in the attack position he know's it one of 4 odd numbers.
I'm liking the look of this Gregg :)
One option:
- Get rid of the "damaged" rule; one hit kills.
- Each ship has a single use ability.
- When you use it, rotate the card in your hand.
Another option:
- The spare cards are dealt face up in the middle.
- To activate an ability from your hand, you must flip a matching card in the middle face down.
- If there are no matching cards in the middle then you can't use that ability.
Perhaps some instant abilities could be defensive? E.g. If you have a carrier you can play early detection to avoid an attack because the spotter plane saw the submarine. Things like this may need single use only though
Considering you've removed the special abilities from the cards, are you open to other themes? The game and artwork look fantastic, but the ruleset doesn't seem too locked-in to the naval battle theme at the moment.
If you were going to consider different themes for this little gem - particularly for younger audiences - what could you imagine as a good fit?

Thanks guys!
I do like the idea of more choice and abilities if I can find an elegant way to balance them and fit them in. Would you just have them as additional actions or abilities on the unused cards etc?
Currently, the values are inversed, Battleships have 1/6,2/5,3/4,4/3,5/2,6/1 where the first number is the undamaged value and the second is the damaged value. I kind of snuck the rules link up at the top of the OP if you want to see the cards.
Yes, having the same value may work even better than inversing them. The relational values almost seem arbitrary if there are a few cards that overlap values anyway right?
Should I just change it to these values? Any better idea or distributions?
AC: 0/0,7/7
BS: 1/1,2/2,3/3,4/4,5/5,6/6
CR: 3/3,4/4,5/5,6/6
DR: 1/1,2/2