I am a SAHM to 5 kids... we play lots of games. We will play test your kids games as a family. Tell me what to do and how to record our thoughts and we will test them!
Also, about 6 of us adults get together often and would love to hel you test other board, card, dice games. I know that at some point I will turn to you all to help test my game... I have a few ides floating around in my head... just trying to get them down on paper.... but in the mean time, we'd love to help any of you out!
We will play test your game...
I'd love you to playtest a game based on cybermen invading my wedding next year if you're interested.
It does have lots of colour pieces though, so you will need to do a lot of craft to get it working.
It's a free print and play game I host on my website - it is as yet unplayed.
I haven't yet finished all the parts for the game - it still needs a counter for the car, and a base for putting characters into.
As mentioned on another post, my latest game, City of Guilds is ready for play testing. I've not thought much about suitability for younger gamers. Certainly there's nothing in the theme to prevent younger players playing, nor are the mechanics difficult to grasp, so it would be interesting if you could test it and see how it goes with younger players.
Links to all the game components can be found at http://www.bgdf.com/node/756, basically there is a rule booklet, a total of 39 cards, and a game board (which works fine on A4/letter paper). In additional you'll need upto 30 influence markers per player in distinctive colours (I use wooden cubes, but glass beads or any sort of small coloured token will do), plus up to 50 tokens to represent gold pieces (again glass beads or poker chips would be ideal).
Any feedback can be sent to andy@awakener76.net, really I just want feedback on how the rules work and how the game flows. Having tried 2 player games I think it works well, but obviously the more plays and different points of view the better.
Howdy, and welcome to the BGDF.
How old are your kids? I have several edu-tainment games that I'm wondering about the age-appropriateness of, but I wouldn't want to send you games targeted at 8-year olds if your kids are 4 or 14.
Thanks for posting and offering to playtest.
That one's been done before, hasn't it? :-)
Favorite quote from the episode, if memory serves...
"Cybermen are better than Daleks in one respect. They are better at dying."
I am a SAHM to 5 kids... we play lots of games. We will play test your kids games as a family. Tell me what to do and how to record our thoughts and we will test them!
Also, about 6 of us adults get together often and would love to hel you test other board, card, dice games. I know that at some point I will turn to you all to help test my game... I have a few ides floating around in my head... just trying to get them down on paper.... but in the mean time, we'd love to help any of you out!
Hiya. I have a design that I'm hoping to submit to Queen games, as it uses the "Battle Tower" from Wallenstein and Shogun. It's in heavy need of playtesting. Currently I'm trying to get people who are willing to print-and-play the cards and map and who already have a tower and cubes. You can check out my Game Journal here. The game seats 2-6, incidentally. Please message me if you would be willing to help out and I'll send an invitation to the Google Group with the components.