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board game software builder

13 replies [Last post]
Joined: 10/03/2008

could someone recommend some software apps that design and build board games? i have a board game designed in adobe and we want to build it into a computer game, maybe internet capable. it is like a monopoly board. i've looked at Atlantik that runs on linux but wondering what else is out there.


Joined: 08/01/2008
there's Zillions of Games,

but I've never used it. Specifically, I don't know how much computer knowledge you need to use it, or whether it can make standalone exe files.

Joined: 08/01/2008
I made a game which is playable over the net,

It's at . That was done using php. Was that the kind of thing you meant?

Dralius's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
a couple options

That is much to complex to handle in Zillions of Games alone. With Axiom you could do it

Another solution might be game maker. It is designed primarily for simple video games yet there is no reason you couldn’t program a board game.

gschmidt's picture
Joined: 10/06/2008
board game software builder

Would you be able to provide any further details about your game?

Joined: 10/03/2008
currently it is a boardgame

currently it is a boardgame resembling monopoly in that users have a piece they move about the perimeter of the board via a role of the dice. on some blocks a user lands on, they draw a card that asks them to do something, maybe collect money and maybe move to a new block. the object to win is to have the most money at the end of the game. typically 4-6 players.

i found the atlantik boardgame designer but want to check out other options and make a comparison before i choose which one.


gschmidt's picture
Joined: 10/06/2008
board game software builder

I see. Although no one has done a Monopoly style game in Axiom, I don't see any reason why it couldn't be done. I'd also like to mention that there now exists a stand-alone game client for Axiom so Zillions is no longer required.

Joined: 10/03/2008
the online part, yes. you can

the online part, yes. you can read above, the reply to gschmidt that describes the game. the php option may be viable. will need to look at it more.

thanks for the feedback, it is helpful

Joined: 10/03/2008
Thanks, Draliu, apeloverage &

Thanks, Draliu, apeloverage & gschmidt. Your input is helping us narrow the direction we need to take and hopefully an app dev environment to do it in.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
how fast to create are these software

I might be interested using a software to create a board game where there is too much hidden information to manage it on an actual board.

So I was wondering, is it easy and fast to make a game with these software?

Is there any programming language to learn? (I know how to program)

What's the average development time fro a turn based strategy game.

Yoyogames seem to be more toward any kind of video game (ex: side scroller) while axiom seem to be more toward board games on computer.

gschmidt's picture
Joined: 10/06/2008
Re: how fast to create are these software

I can only speak for Axiom which is geared mainly towards board games as you pointed out.

Yes, there would be a programming language to learn. There are general game construction keywords which allow one to define players, piece types, positions, turn order, etc. It's difficult to say what the average development time would be. I've developed games in as short a time as a few hours or as long as several months of spare time, it depends on the nature and complexity of the game.

I suggest downloading the Axiom developer's guide which walks you through a very simple Tic-Tac-Toe game.

-- Greg

benshelmars's picture
Joined: 10/03/2008
Board Game Software

If you are not worried about AI, Vassal is excellent for Board, Card, Miniature and even Role Playing Games. You do not need to know any programming language because it is an editor and engine in one. The tutorials are a little weak and you may want to reverse engineer several of the existing Modules that have been created by others but Vassal is a very powerful tool for design, prototyping and implementation.

Joined: 07/27/2008


Any apps to make board games in flash?

Thank you.

Joined: 01/21/2009
Hate to do this to you

Clickteam makes a program called Multimedia Fusion that is decent for 2D game design. It's designed for video games, but it could be used for this sort of thing. It's buggy, though. You need to find workarounds for everything. I can help you part of the way, though. To start you off, here's two words: Vector Movement.

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