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Custom Roll - A web tool for your custom dice (no coding, quick setup, many functions)

16 replies [Last post]
Greggatron's picture
Joined: 04/21/2012

Custom Roll - An online tool to instantly see your custom dice in action.

Current features:
Supports d2,d3, d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 templates.
Supports multiple templates at once
Able to render 30 dice at once
Able to lock individual dice (double click)
Able to rotate dice (hover and mouse wheel)
Able to move dice (click & hold, then drag)
Custom module capability (URL link activated)
interactive "dice pool" display
2 roll options from your dice pool;
1) roll all dice in the pool
2) randomly draw dice or select specific dice from your pool and roll them
Hover over a die in the dicepool for 3s to see full image of all its sides
Reroll all unlocked dice currently on the board (and rolls dice in hand)
Reroll individual dice on the board (double right-click)
Choose from several premade boards or load your own board in your module url

Tool is here: Custom Roll

What else would you like to see implemented?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Some features to add...

Greggatron wrote:
What else would you like to see implemented?

How about a GRID when you move a dice so that you can align them properly??? Or some kind of *snapping* mechanism... Like in windows, you can *arrange dice* (so that they line up nicely)...

For now that's what I got...

Swiftshadow's picture
Joined: 04/02/2013


Greggatron's picture
Joined: 04/21/2012
Done, updated for d20s


Wow, I got a lot done today. The README is now severely behind but I am tired so will update it tomorrow. However, I wanted to push this version out so you could test my new features with the dice from "It's a Dice Game After All".

Biggest thing you'll immediately notice is the "dice bag" display. All dice not currently on the board are in your dice bag and will be treated as such.

There are now 3 roll options.

Roll All - rolls all dice in your dice bag.

Roll Drawn - rolls only dice you have specifically drawn from your dice bag. To draw a specific die, double-click the mini die icon in your dice bag. It will become highlighted and the actual die will appear translucent on the board. Why is it translucent? Well, a drawn die would actually be in your hand waiting to be tossed on the board so this represents its holding status. Double-clicking a highlighted mini die icon again will withdraw it back into the dice bag.

Roll Random - randomly draws and rolls the specified number of dice (entered in the adjacent textbox) from your dice bag.

Collect - collects any non-locked dice and places them back in your dice bag. This does NOT reset your roll count.

Reset - collects ALL dice and places them back in your dice bag. This does reset your roll count.

Dice on the board:

Double-clicking on a die locks it so it will not be collected or rerolled. Double-clicking it again or a hitting Reset will unlock it.

Hovering over a die and using your mouse scroll wheel will rotate the die.

Holding the left mouse button on a die and dragging the mouse will move that die.

Goto the Modules drop down and check out "It's a Dice Game After All" to test the new features and find any bugs. Thanks!

Edit: I didn't have time tonight but will be cleaning up the interface a bit over the next few days and updating the README and adding some modules (such as Zombie Dice).

Also, two features that will be done by tomorrow are:

1) [Reroll] button that will only reroll the dice currently on the board.

2) Hovering over a mini icon for 5 seconds triggers a popup of the full dice template image so you can see all the sides at once.

Greggatron's picture
Joined: 04/21/2012
Icon hover complete

Now if you hover over a mini die icon for 3 seconds it will display the full image (all sides) next to the dice bag. It disappears when moving off the icon.

Now to clean up the interface and properly update the README.

Part of the UI cleanup will have a few options for "table surfaces" (wood, none, grid, felt, etc) to include a grid as requested above. This can even be specified in the module.

Also, I will be adding a module builder page. Basically, a page where you paste your image urls in, set number of dice and hit enter and it generates the complete module url for you. Now you can bookmark that url to load your module each time.

Also you can reroll an individual die by double right-clicking it

Greggatron's picture
Joined: 04/21/2012
I am looking to make an

I am looking to make an official website that is easy to remember with a small forums, tutorial, module builder, etc. For this I will need a site name. Online custom dice roller sounds so generic.

A site like is concise and easy to remember so I am looking for that. Any suggestions?

Greggatron's picture
Joined: 04/21/2012
All new UI, now I can

All new UI, now I can officially make a tutorial and module builder. Let me know what you think.

Also, with this update comes premade boards (and even custom boards in your module if desired).

Ristora's picture
Joined: 11/05/2013
Minor Suggestion

Hey Greg!

I have a small suggestion: When you change the table top type to either Sepia or Grid, it is hard to see the text labels of the table top types. Maybe make the labels black when either of these two are selected?

Awesome potential tool!

EDIT: Oh, and dude, if you make this into an iOS and or Android app with all the features you've listed, you could easily sell this for $.99 a pop. I'd buy it, and I don't buy apps lol

EDIT 2: It would be great it you added the ability to customize the faces of the dice. This would be great for prototyping!!!!!

Greggatron's picture
Joined: 04/21/2012
You can! LOL that is why I

You can! LOL that is why I started this in the first place. The README will better explain this which I WILL have up tomorrow but lets say you wanted to make your own d6 dice, a d6 is made from 72x432 dimensions of an image (with each face 72x72px).

You then create the module yourself by linking to YOUR uploaded dice templates :)

Example: you have a new dice template prototype uploaded to

So you would type:|d6|5 (if you wanted 5 of your dice to test)

Hit enter and BOOM, you are now instantly testing your created dice with the functionality of customroll.

Then, bookmark that module URL so now you can load it up and immediately test them everytime you tweak your prototype dice.

Greggatron's picture
Joined: 04/21/2012
I think I havent been

I think its my fault, I havent been updating this site enough compared to BGG. Taken from the README (that is now disbaled as I work on it) on the first day I started this:

You can create custom dice images to upload and roll here! First, create your custom dice template, the dimensions (in pixels) will determine how many sides your dice will be. 72x432 for d6, 72x576 for d8, 72x720 for d10, and 72x864 for d12 (d2,d3,d4, & d20 now also supported just multiply 72x dN to get the required dimensions). Next, upload all your templates somewhere online. Then, create a module url that you can bookmark, type this website tool address followed by
?name=nameofyourgame&|d6|3||d8|3||d6|6. Each dice template will need the full web address of the image,the number of sides, and the number of dice desired for that template. Each entry must be separated by a pipe "|" symbol. You can have as many templates as you want but the supported number of dice maxes out at 30.

Edit: I just uploaded a dungeon dice golem die image (72x432). Then typed this in: TEST&module=|d6|24 and boom 24 golems rolling in seconds!!

Greggatron's picture
Joined: 04/21/2012

While I am working on the tutorial I thought I would drop a screenshot midgame and explain some of the UI to anyone who hasn't checked it out yet. The screenshot is in the OP, enlarge to original size and open in another tab if desired.

UI explained Left to Right:

The full die image (d6=72x432px) was triggered from me hovering over a small die in my dice pool for 3 seconds. I wanted to confirm the number of shotguns on the red die.

All grayed out dice in your dice pool mean they are out of the dice pool and either in your hand or on the board. As you see I only have 1 die left in the pool.

"Randomly Draw" is set to [2] because I needed to draw 2 dice from my pool this turn to roll the required 3.

Currently the dice pool status section only indicates the total dice, but in future version a button can be clicked to popup full session reports of roll results and stats.

All the dice on the board that have a red border mean they are locked and will not be rolled when I click "Reroll" or collected if I clicked "Collect". Double-clicking a die will toggle locked/unlocked status. Double RIGHT clicking an unlocked die rerolls ONLY that die and does not trigger your roll count. This is useful for games where a power or ability allows additional rerolls or die manipulation after the initial roll.

The translucent dice simulate that they are out of the dice pool but are in my hand and not quite yet on the board.

Its a little tough to see but the two mini dice in the dice pool with a light white border are the two dice "in hand". If I wanted to put either die back in my pool I could simply double click the corresponding mini die in the dice pool and the die would return from the board to my pool.

There may be situations where you only want to roll newly drawn dice using "Roll Drawn" but in this case we have newly drawn dice in hand AND dice on the board that need to be rolled. So, we click "Reroll" to roll all unlocked dice (1 in this case) on the board and the 2 in hand.

"Collect" scoops up all unlocked dice on the board (and any in hand not yet rolled) and puts them back in your dice pool. This will not reset your roll count.

"Reset" puts ALL dice back in the dice pool and resets your roll count.

The radio buttons on the bottom are preset boards (750x680px) that can be toggled. Modules can also specify one of these preset boards or your own custom boards can be linked as well!

Btw, the red was a brain but the yellow and green dice both rolled shotguns so I died :?

Joined: 10/09/2013
Question! *Raises Hand*

I have a question! Is there anyway to preview the different sides the dice have before rolling them? As it is right now all I can see is one side of the dice and so I can't see what is on the other faces.

Greggatron's picture
Joined: 04/21/2012

Yes, hover over a die thumbnail in the dice bag for 3 seconds and the full image of all faces of that die pops up.

Zodiak Team
Zodiak Team's picture
Joined: 09/09/2012
I know this is an older post

I know this is an older post but I was wondering how to create a module? I'd like to test my game mechanic for Battle cups using the site.

Greggatron's picture
Joined: 04/21/2012
Basically a module is all in

Basically a module is all in the link which points to your dice images.


name=Epic Dice - Name displayed on module

&setdraw=2 - is starting number to draw from dice pool

&module=games/EpicDice/Bard.jpg|d6|3 - the external dice image, the dice size, number of those dice to go into dice pool (divide all these by pipe symbols)

for more dice just again divide it by a pipe and repeat the same format as above:

A d6 would be a 432x72 (h x w) pixel image. Hover over a die in the dicebag to see an example. A d8 would be 72x576, etc.

I still need to create the instructions but check out this thread as well:

Zodiak Team
Zodiak Team's picture
Joined: 09/09/2012
Not going to lie, the first

Not going to lie, the first time I read those instructions I think I had a small stroke and I had to back out lol.

It's seems pretty simple, all I need to do is upload the proper images online to say Tinypic or Imgur and then add their link inbetween the piping and then I should see my custom dice. Stop me if I'm wrong.

Also do I still need to use Epic Dice as the name or do I create a new name?

BTW this site is awesome, you did a great job!

Greggatron's picture
Joined: 04/21/2012
Yeah it sounds harder than it

Yeah it sounds harder than it is once you get it going.

Whatever name you want for your game, I just used epic dice in my example.

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