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Help with Inserting hexgrid in Adobe illustrator CS4

5 replies [Last post]
Joined: 08/05/2008

I need to put a layer on my gameboard.
Originally it consisted of squares where pawns could move around.

But recent playtesting calls for a hexboard pattern instead.

I am NOT a illustrator or Adobe expert, i just want my gameboard to work.

Is there anyone on this forum that have a hexlayer that i could import into illustrator, or is it not possible to do it that way ?

Do i have to draw the hexboard using the hexagon shape (please say NO), or are there shortcuts to do this ?

Any comments or suggestions appreciated !

Joined: 01/02/2011
I have very little experience

I have very little experience with Illustrator so I don't know if it can extract the images from the PDF, but maybe you should give this page a chance. It can print all kinds of grids (hex, octo, square) on a custom sized sheet of PDF. I don't know what you are trying to achieve, and unfortunatelly, I don't have anything of high quality that can be imported into AI...

I used that page for print and play during game testing, so you should check it out. I don't think it's any good for production/publishing, but hey, I am no AI expert.

truekid games
truekid games's picture
Joined: 10/29/2008
GIMP has a mosaic tile filter

GIMP has a mosaic tile filter that you can set to "hexagons" and crank the neatness up to the max, perhaps illustrator has a similar filter?

Joined: 09/15/2009
I am not an Illustrator

I am not an Illustrator expert, but here is how it should work: Go to the link (elsewhere in the tread) and create a hex sheet pdf. Then, you should be able to Import/Place the pdf into your Illustrator document. Try to put it onto a separate layer, so that you can adjust it and scale it easily. I think you can set the layer style to "Multiply" which will make the white areas of the layer transparent, leaving just the lines.

Good luck!

-Ed Wedig
Graphic Design and Web Design Services

Joined: 04/14/2009
You can also use


You can also use and get the hex grid plug-in. It's free and there's good support online for the application.

Good luck!


Joined: 04/14/2009
You can also use


You can also use and get the hex grid plug-in. It's free and there's good support online for the application.

Good luck!


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