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I don't know what to call this

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Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018

Okay, there's probably a name for this, or at least some example images somewhere. Help!

I want to have an 8x10" piece of solid cardboard. Also a second piece of cardboard, thin, the same size. This second piece has 1/2" holes punched in it, and it's printed with graphics. The second piece is glued on top of the first piece, creating a card with graphics and little "wells" that you could put tokens in.

Can anyone help me out? I could send that paragraph to my manufacturer for a quote, but an actual name or example image would go a long way.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Check this out...

I thing what you need to do is LOOK at "Scythe" Player Boards. They do this but a little fancier since the BOTTOM also has some art VISIBLE through the the cut sections of the TOP.

Sec ... Let me see if I can find a PHOTO...

That's the best angle that I found but... you can DRAW a circle to show the TWO (2) Layers...

I think in Jamey's case, both layers are EQUAL in thickness. You may want to do the same if you expect to get a similar look TBH.

My advice: pick-up a COPY of Scythe (Help support Jamey and your own idea) and then take your own pictures at various angles and use a paint program to draw circles or squares around areas similar...

OR you can save yourself some money and just GOOGLE for "scythe player boards" and click on IMAGES to find a better example.

Here's another one (Yellow Player):


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
BTW I'm not sure it's 100% what you are looking for...

But you can explain the difference. You may want a thinner top layer made from some kind of "cardstock" and then the bottom layer to be thicker "chipboard"... But these images "explain" the fact that there are TWO (2) Layers and that the top layer has "cuts" in it.

However it's close enough (I believe...)!

Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018
Perfect, thanks. Yeah, the

Perfect, thanks. Yeah, the top layer would be pretty thin, and the bottom would also be printed.

My other choice is something with dry-erase markers, which is probably cheaper but uglier.

I Will Never Gr...
I Will Never Grow Up Gaming's picture
Joined: 04/23/2015
What you're looking for is to

What you're looking for is to have a "dual layer board".

Keep in mind that they are very prone to warping (due to moisture and humidity differences between the two pieces primarily), but they are insanely handy for keeping tokens in place when they stay flat!

Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018
And now I have the name as

And now I have the name as well! Thank you!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Ask Jamey!

I Will Never Grow Up Gaming wrote:
...Keep in mind that they are very prone to warping (due to moisture and humidity differences between the two pieces primarily)...

I think that's why Jamey opted for 2x Chipboard. Both layers are thicker and less prone to warping (because of the thickness). Like if you picture a thin cardstock layer on top of the chipboard layer, the odds are that the thin cardstock layer could become warped from use or the elements (temperature, humidity, dryness, etc.)

But having both THICKER material ... is probably a reason that Jamey opted for such a solution (2x Chipboard - I believe). However I could be wrong and maybe Scythe uses two Chipboard of different thickness... Not sure. They look to be identical... But maybe that's not the case.

Tell you what: why don't you send Jamey an E-MAIL "asking" him about Scythe and his "dual layered player boards"...! I'm sure he'll be happy to share his experience with you... Because from what I gathered it was quite the "experiment" to do that for the game. They made several prototypes before they got it right (Panda).

tikey's picture
Joined: 03/31/2017
You could also see if

You could also see if embossing/debossing cardboard is a viable option. While I know that's used in other types of products I have no idea is your manufacturer is capable of or if it's more expensive than cutting and gluing.

Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018
Well, I'll maybe wait until I

Well, I'll maybe wait until I have a more finished design before I start bothering Jamey! Debossing sounds interesting, but the only place I've seen it is in like fancy box options at printninja, which is subtle rather than the deep deboss I would need to hold tokens.

Dry-erase is almost certainly more economical (and less heavy!), but I don't think it would have nearly the same feel. But if I need, say, 12 of these boards, I know from experience that you end up with a LOT of weight.

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