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Needed: Sample rules document

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Hi all,

I am hoping someone may have a *simple* rules documents which basically tells players how to play the game.

I am trying to write a game manual for my game but I seem to be overly concerned with all the *stuff* a real game manual should have (game layout, sample of each type of card, etc.)

Basically what I am hoping for is if someone could point me to game rules written on maybe 2 to 3 pages... As I said something *simple*.

I really hope someone can help me with this problem... Because a full blown manual will take me too long to design. Even basing the template for the manual to be like a Gameboy manual still requires too many elements.

Also I know I'm not the best person to design a game manual since I can never figure what to write in each section (Heading) of the manual...

Please... I hope somebody can help lift me out of this *tortuous* task! :)

Again, many thanks.

Corsaire's picture
Joined: 06/27/2013
I don't suppose the few

I don't suppose the few hundred rulebooks in my game closet would be useful. One thought is to record yourself explaining the game to someone new.

Joined: 04/08/2012
Hey, don't fret this..

Stay calm and relax. How about writing a sample book. Title, chapters, walkthrough of cards, tips, hints and advanced rules. End title. Then when you have everything down, condense it. Each chapter should be at least 1 to 2 paragraphs long or at least as a game manual, 1 to 2 full pages front and back. Just an idea. You got this.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

I do have games such as the "Game of Life" and "Monopoly" but those two might not be the best examples since they are roll-and-move games.

Recording myself might not be the best idea since I explain to players the role of each type of card (and show a sample and explain the contents of the card). In one playtest, I did not really take the time to explain the Operations Central pile (Mission cards) and as such the opposing player did not use those cards... (my bad).

I will, of course, be searching the Internet for game rulebooks that are simple. Nothing too fancy... Everything I find is rather *fancy*! :( But I'll keep looking and seeing if anyone has something to share...

Corsaire's picture
Joined: 06/27/2013
Two online ones for games I own

Dilbert Corporate Shuffle
and Ticket to Ride

I think these are both great and simple rulesbooks.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Thanks Corsaire

You are right... Those two samples are excellent game rules. They are rather simple in explaining their respective game. I just took a quick look at both, but I will read through them tomorrow.

Thanks again!

Joined: 07/26/2008
I use a simplified version of the Case System

I follow a simplified version of the Case System for my rules. At least for the first draft.

Short version of my approach, there are a few things that are always included; Introduction, Components, Victory/Lose Conditions (this is near the beginning for simple games or at the end for more complex games), Setup, and Sequence of Play. After the sequence of play each part of the sequence is given its own rule, in the order of the Sequence of Play.

Example of one of my rules books

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

I was wondering if you would be willing to divulge the *source* of your "Case System"?

I would like to know if there would be other examples of this system (in documentation). I would also like to read more about this system...

I did read the online link you provided and can recap that the 1st section should be about a general introduction into the game, the 2nd section should be an expansion of the "Sequence of play" and finally the 3rd section should have added things such a credits, advanced rules, etc.

But I would like to see more examples on how to write the "Sequence of play" into more elaborate set of rules in the 2nd section.

Joined: 07/26/2008
The link I gave you is about

The link I gave you is about as close to a source as I can give you. I learned about it in college. I went to an art school and majored in game art and design. My game design instructor was Alan Emrich ( His company is Victory Point Games. All of the wargame rules on the site ( are done in the case system, and all of the rules are available as PDF's. Just open up a product page and scroll down to the Game Resources section of the page. There is always a rules link in there.

Hope that helps.

Joined: 05/28/2013 has a nice has a nice two-page template that is a great starting place. Like any kind of writing, getting it right will require lots of revision and feedback!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
The Game Crafter huh?

LostCarcosa wrote: has a nice two-page template that is a great starting place. Like any kind of writing, getting it right will require lots of revision and feedback!

Thanks for that link... It will help in trying to sort things out correctly. Right now, I have the rules laid out in a RTF document. I am working on clarifying rules such that they can be understood by a new player.

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